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Everything posted by rodeo

  1. Hey all. Me again. I'm thinking somewhere on the east side where it's warm tomorrow through Friday. L'worth or Vantage maybe. Give me a call till like 11:30 tonight or so. If not, call me in the morning after 5:30 and we'll go do some rock climbing. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo
  2. I'm up for an overnighter trip through tomorrow. Any takers? I'm heading out by noon so call or PM me. 425.922.1719 (--Climb on,,, Rodeo
  3. Alex, I guess Brian should have posted it, but I got to him first on the screws. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo
  4. Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, E-Side/North/Wherever else...... Lucky 7 is capable of holding even a larger than usual PC.
  5. Darts = YesPool = YesVideo Games = Yes Food = YesBeer = YesLiquor = Yes Location = Lucky 7 Saloon 12715 Ne 124th Kirkland, WA 98034-8307 Anything else? [ 04-05-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  6. Lucky 7 http://iqx.ionichost.com/other/instest.html (--Climb on,,,
  7. Thanks Ray. Just toss it out to ol' FB and let us know. Anyway, I'll see you there. My nomination is Smoky Joe's. The Lucky 7 is good too. Lots o' variety when it comes to the brews, plus they gots da hard stuff too. (-- on,,, [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  8. Hey Borbon, You gonna get FB to the Pub gathering next Tuesday? It's supposed to on the east side this time from what I can tell. Maybe folks can decide on a place early (like today or tomorrow) so we can get FB lined up. (--Climb on,,,
  9. XP. Doesn't that stand for "eXtra Painful", or is it "eXtreme Prying"? hmmmmmm (--Clim on,,,
  10. Not enough selection when it comes to rock shoes. No diversity across brand names in protection equipment, such as cams, nuts, etc. The same can be said for men's climbing apparel,(That thread created last week or so.) snow and ice equipment, (crampons, ice axes/tools and screws) and even ice climbing boots as well. (--Climb on,,,
  11. What??? No trip report yet? Don't be slackin' my Taco Ma bretheren. Tell us how it went.(--Climb on,,,
  12. Actually, Spray prowess is an ability gained by transference of the affliction known as Alpine Distress Disorder. This agonizing illness is brought on by the inability for addicted climbers to be out communing with nature, consuming mass quantities of alcoholic beverages, comparing tall tales of alpine granduer and generally grab-assing around campfires when not actually climbing. It is most commonly noticed by large amounts of Spray emanating from persons either in technical type jobs or students. A full report is published at www.ImJonesnForAClimb.com. There are many intervention techniques that are quite effective. My favorite being a liberal use of Sick days, Personal Holidays and just plain not showing up for work to take an afflicted climber out on an epic adventure to get them through the days of depression. (--Climb on,,,
  13. Anyone got any stats that show where "agreeable" climbing weather directly affects the amount of Spray posted to cc.com? I'd be interested in seeing some of that data if it is available. (--Climb on,,,
  14. Dru, enough of Finigan's Wake already. (--Climb on,,,
  15. This post dedicated to a moment of silence. (--Climb on for peace,,,
  16. Hey all, I am now officially looking to you, my climbing community friends, acquaintences and avatars, for a bit o' assistance. If anyone knows of a decent room for rent, preferably on the east side and north of I-90, I'd be interested in checking it out. Should you know of anything, I can be reached at 425.922.1719. Thanks (--Climb on,,,
  17. Hey Trask. The Spar Tree is no more. Man, has it been a while since you've been through there. You know there's a stop sign at the left turn now right? It's down to the Red Top now. More teeth in a rake unless that place is full you know. (--Climb on,,,
  18. Hey Alpine. Do I have like a kryptonite post when it comes to threads about pub clubs or something? You're right Jerry, some directions would be nice. I'm assuming that the following location is the place. Am I correct there Alpine? Park Pub: 6114 Phinney N SEATTLE WA 98103-5514 See map: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap&addr=6114+Phinney+N&city=Seattle&state=WA&slt=47.673397&sln=-122.354195&name=&zip=98103-5514&country=us&&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&mag=9&des c=&cs=9&newmag=8&poititle=&poi=&ds=n And for those that get lost on the way. (206) 789-8187 (--Climb on,,, [ 03-25-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  19. Tell you what Ray. You let FB pick the place and time, and I'll be there. quote: Originally posted by rayborbon: Is it Tacoma? Want to invite FB again. Want lots to show but need advance notice. Please let me know when we decide.Thanks. (Wasn't that the whole point to this thread anyway?) (--Climb on,,, [ 03-22-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  20. Point of order Jon. I think you mean Distributed Deluge of Spray. (--Climb on,,,
  21. OK everybody, I'm out of here for the day. I'll see you all at Johnny Rotten's for the Pub Club. (--Climb on,,,
  22. Hey Nitro, Try here. http://www.coollist.com/group.cgi?l=washingtonclimbers (--Climb on,,,
  23. Dude... I absolutey cannot figure out how, and why you got away with saying "poopy" in here and haven't been beaten deep into submission over it. You MUST be "da man". (--Climb on,,,
  24. rodeo


    As long as they don't shut down the ingress routes to the Owl and Thistle, I'm good. (-- on,,,
  25. Thanks Ray. I'll keep that in mind for next week. It will be in Seattle somewhere the way the schedule works. MattP, could you check to see what the rule book says regarding the scheduling of a Pub Club gathering more than 48 hours in advance in order to attract a legend such as FB? (--Climb on,,,
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