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Everything posted by rodeo

  1. Nothing really TLG. Unless you want to pay way more than you need to. It's mostly just a matter of being self-sufficient on my part, along with seeing if I can build a better mousetrap of my own. I figure I can come up with nearly the same recipe and get more shots per dollar this way. I like the Clif recipe best due to the makeup and the time it takes to enter the bloodstream. (Shown here http://home3.inet.tele.dk/starch/isi/starch/ricesyrup.htm ) Bring on the gu Thanks for the link freeclimb. I'll try that recipe as well. (--Climb on,,, [ 10-30-2002, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  2. Hey all, I'm looking at making an attempt at providing my own supply of a "Clif Shot" type substance. So far I've located the brown rice syrup, potassium citrate, kola nut extract, sea salt and natural flavors. All I need to find now is a retail outlet for the citric acid and magnesium oxide. Anyone have any leads on this stuff? Any assistance is appreciated and I will be posting the results, recipes and ingredient acquisition info upon completion. (--Climb on,,, "Action suit? You don't need one of those. Here. Drink this gu-like substance I made up at home in the bathtub."
  3. rodeo

    a donut and coffee

    30 minutes o' stretching. ( I think it's kind of yoga-like. not sure?) 3-9 mile run. more stretching. h20, multi-vitamins and more h20. Werks great for me. (--Climb on,,, "Dude!! You mean you actually bought an "action suit? That's gotta be the 'Brooklyn Bridge Sale' of the decade man. Sucker."
  4. rodeo

    What time is it???

    Drats!! Just missed it. Or did I??? (--Climb on,,, [ 10-25-2002, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  5. Uhhh Crackbolter, I was up on R&D keeping things slow on Saturday. Nowhere near CastleRock. Must have been my other brother Daryll. Thanks for sending your lil "alpine buddy" TG. (--Climb on,,,
  6. Yeah. artist: --> Human League That is correct. The title is TOOO easy. You almost had that one. Title: "Don't you want me?" (--Climb on,,, Got HC?
  7. Artist: --> David Bowie Title: --> Modern Love (--Climb on,,, "and that compartment there. That's for your HC."
  8. Just an idea, but if you've got new gear, or old gear and it isn't marked in some way..... You get the picture. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo Lo Ri Der
  9. Here I is Cap'n. I got plenty o' potable water too. I got Paco's email addy and fired one off to him. No reply yet. horsecock? check cheese? check beer? check whiskey? check top ramen? check water? check, no. wait, it weighs too much. toss it. toothbrush? check other food? check Did I forget anything? Oh wait, yeah, climbing gear, check. See y'all there. I'll be heading over after work tomorrow. I'l be having the civic with a nasty lookin' front bumper if I'm looking too lost in the campground. Beck. Bring TR's latest epic info. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo "Dude. Where we're going, that shiny action suit will definitely get you some action my man."
  10. On your marks,,,, Get set,,,, GO!!,,,,, (--Climb on,,, Ya see. I told you the jet pack option on this here action suit would come in handy.
  11. On your marks,,,, Get set,,,, GO!!,,,,, (--Climb on,,, Ya see. I told you the jet pack option on this here action suit would come in handy.
  12. FYI I just spoke to Megan over at the Celtic Bayou. Indoors there is completely smoke-free. Smoking is however allowed outside on the patio. Directions = http://www.farwestirelandbrewing.com/direction.asp (--Climb on,,, Rodeo Action suit? Me? Never. Heck, I can't even afford real climbing gear.
  13. Just remember Necro... There is no bad weather, only bad gear. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo
  14. Those walls probably CAN talk. They're just being paid to keep quiet. (--Climb on,,, Shiny, new action suits, the wave of the future.
  15. rodeo


    Thanks for the info Iain. Should have better results here. http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/rodeokevin/lst?.dir=/Mt+Shuksan&.view=t (--Climb on,,, No. No action suits were used in the filming of this "near epic", nor were any needlessly harassed or endangered. (The little suckers musta known we were coming.)
  16. rodeo


    Recent enjoyment. http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/rodeokevin/lst?.dir=/Mt+Shuksan&.view=t (--Climb on,,, Horsecock , it's not just for breakfast... [ 09-26-2002, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  17. What? Are those guys still playing? I thought the season ended a month ago for them. (--Climb on,,, Ya know, I think I know where you could unload about 50 o' them action suit thingies
  18. WonderTwin Powers... ACTIVATE!! Form of.. 400 feet of WI4 You get the picture....
  19. Thanks all. Looks like I'm headed a bit north for a go with a couple of friends. Thanks for the info and offers though. I'll post again if I'm ever in need of partners. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo Hey uh, is this thing supposed to smell like this?
  20. Methinks you be right Thinker. Too much 'o da kine I believe. Just so everyone knows, tomorrow would be the 17th. Let's get to deciding on a location already. Does Matt need to bust out the rule book again or something? (--Climb on,,, So what you're sayin', is this action suit will get me 7 more ascents per summer?
  21. Looking to do something, anything this weekend. I was thinking Kyes Pk or something like that. Maybe even Baker. Any takers? (--Climb on,,, "Sure it's legal..."
  22. Sorry fellas. I must catch a flight tomorrow to attend a funeral. Maybe next time. If anyone doesn't get rid of any old style (rigid) friends or strap on style crampons, hit me up later. I might just buy them from you. (--Climb on,,, Rodeo
  23. I'm in. Tuesday the 10th, 6:00 PM, Marymoor climbing wall parking lot vicinity type area right? (--Climb on,,, Rodeo Hey uhh, that action suit, it comes with A/C right?
  24. rodeo

    Killing me!

    DUDE!!! Breathe already... In with the good air, out with the bad. Close your eyes and find your happy place. AWW MANN!! What am I doin' here? I'm outta here. Sorry fella, you're on your own. (--Climb on,,, Hey uh, how much does one o' them action suits cost anyway?
  25. I'll second the note on the Sitkum route. The approach is approx 7 mi, then it's pretty much a steep hike to "High Camp" and after that there's not a whole lot to it. Considering how late the snow kept falling up there this year, it shouldn't be too cut up on that route yet. I haven't been up there yet this year so you'd definitely want to find a better source of info in that regard. (--Climb on,,
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