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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Looks like you'll have the look in a few more years.
  2. Most of you have been pretty rude to Amber. Give her a break. It's obvious you pervies spend far too much time playin' the one stringed banjo. Best get back to class, or your cube, and quit worrying about poppin' the pink cadillac. She's too young and skinny anyway.
  3. That hoochie is a waif. Doesn't do shit for me. Maybe later when she grows up.
  4. Niiiiiiiiiice. Where do these gumby's come from anyway?
  5. What is a necronomican anyway?
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Im gonna set up the hotdog stand and ask the chics if they want some hot horse cock in their buns. Well dru, since you'll be needing my services to fill those buns, what time do you want me up there? [ 05-22-2002, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  7. This is true. Heh pope, I have a picture of dru's woman. Here tis' -
  8. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Here is a *real* picture of me damn, dru...last time i saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it. you old chum, you.
  9. quote: Originally posted by chucK: I'll get you something Trask: Trask mailorder What's yer mailing address? Cool- My address is: Chuck(trask)K 14U Circle Jerk DR. Seattle, WA.
  10. Shut up Allison. Are you just frustrated in life, or are you naturally the type of person that prods and picks at people. Why don't you and I just not communicate, because I really don't like you at all.
  11. Damn, Colin. It looks like you're rapidly heading to fame and a big name. One of the next super-stars of climbing?? Sweet!
  12. For the life of me, I don't understand why people have to bring their goddamned dogs into the mountains in the first place. The dogs frequently have an unsettling effect on other people and the wild animals indigenous to the area. I go into the mountains to get away from people, job, dogs, etc... The only animals I want to see out there are the natives. If people insist on bringing Fido into the mountains, than they must accept any and all consequences for their decision. Keep your damn dogs out of the mountains. [ 05-20-2002, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  13. I agree to a point, SK, but if attacked by a dog, that dog needs to be neutralized first. You can't go around stomping people anymore unless you have deep pockets and plenty of free time for court.
  14. I'm a dog guy. I've owned Labs since I was a little kid. But...on the trail, if threatened by a large dog, I take it as serious as being threatened by a bear or cat. If the situation escalates, I will take whatever measures are necessary to protect myself.
  15. quote: Originally posted by allison: Cats RULE! I hear they taste like chicken. I'll have to try some soon.
  16. quote: Originally posted by chris_w: She stopped him before hitting the ground. He didn't look too happy. Women drivers.
  17. What's your point? I generally don't get involved in the fray. When you decide to drink at Smokey Point, I'll be there.
  18. Wouldn't work timmy...there's too many chiefs around here
  19. Matt, that makes perfect sense to me. I think most of these wankers just like to stir the pot and have the "traditional Monday Pube Club argument". Goofballs.
  20. I appreciate all the kind offers and words. But, it's not my birthday...I just said it was buy Trask a present day. Dwayner, I hope I haven't hurt your feelings, considering how sensitive you are. I just like to keep within the spirit of things and Caveman is always egging me on. Peace
  21. Ouch! Now that's cold, my brother.
  22. http://shadowpromotions.com/schedule.html
  23. Heh Lammy, ready to step up to a 7 series yet? Varoom, varoom, vroom!
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