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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. does the skid mark go in front or back?
  2. allthumbs


    whirrr buzz buzzz crunch crunch = 32! how can you be depressed??? Its fricken summer out there! well umm if I had a 29th b-day when I turned 29, one when I turned 30, and now I am having one... that makes me 31 31, and ready for __________________ (fill in blank w/favorite poison)
  3. erik, you cumgobbler, i don't wear skivies i wear your sister's panties
  4. fuck the neighbor girl
  5. no shit? you're spotting? take a pregnancy test and report back!
  6. RumR knows!! COOL!!!!! eyes water, nose runs, something the two of us can enjoy.
  7. what's a "dutch oven"?
  8. he's taken a sour turn lately- hmmm, let's see...marriage and unenjoyment in the same month. ya think?
  9. Flash, go change your Kotex, yur smellin' up the place.
  10. ...so the other dilemma I'm always faced with when dating a new chica, is the farting issue. when is it cool to let 'er rip? a week, a month, a year? gawd, i'm so confused .... and bound up tighter'n a bull's ass in fly time.
  11. allthumbs


    happy birthday shelly yur pal, trask
  12. Give her a protein shake, trask-style!! she's got this cool bottle thingy that you charge with CO2 and cream and powdered sugar. makes killer whip cream that'll shoot way far. I tried the old cream in the bush and titties deal, but she ended up smelling like a dairy farm.
  13. my kid's a lazy no good fucker like his pap
  14. well, I just invited her over to cook me dinner instead. problem solved for the moment. thanks for the advice!
  15. ...so last night I tell this bimbo I'll help her pull molding so she can paint - this so I can get in her pants. She gets up at fucking 4:30 AM to leave for work and consequently I couldn't get back to sleep. Fuck, been up way too long already. So she calls me a minute ago and reminds me that I have to pull her molding. I'm too tired....what to do? isn't it amazing that guys will tell chicks anything to take a dip in the honey hole. hehehe
  16. What the hell are you talking about? You been sucking on the crack pipe again? Cool avatar btw...that was a good show. (I figured you might scoop up on that one)
  17. allthumbs


    must be a canadian phenomena; never seen one down here
  18. here's Dru taking his manlove - DFA on the other end (don't open this at work) click
  19. look at that nice round mouth dfa, step right up
  20. Thanks, buddy. I bet you could sell a ton o' em at the corner laudromat as well as hawking trask's sis there too!! my sista has her own pimp - my cut is minimal
  21. Works for me, Greg. You can screw my sister now with my blessing.
  22. What's my cut per unit?
  23. I always lie about the numbers if asked. Usually I tell them they're number 5 and I've been without a woman for two years, as I've lived such a sheltered life and all.
  24. I'll never tell
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