whirrr buzz buzzz crunch crunch = 32!
how can you be depressed??? Its fricken summer out there!
well umm if I had a 29th b-day when I turned 29, one when I turned 30, and now I am having one... that makes me 31
31, and ready for __________________ (fill in blank w/favorite poison)
...so the other dilemma I'm always faced with when dating a new chica, is the farting issue. when is it cool to let 'er rip? a week, a month, a year? gawd, i'm so confused .... and bound up tighter'n a bull's ass in fly time.
Give her a protein shake, trask-style!!
she's got this cool bottle thingy that you charge with CO2 and cream and powdered sugar. makes killer whip cream that'll shoot way far. I tried the old cream in the bush and titties deal, but she ended up smelling like a dairy farm.
...so last night I tell this bimbo I'll help her pull molding so she can paint - this so I can get in her pants. She gets up at fucking 4:30 AM to leave for work and consequently I couldn't get back to sleep. Fuck, been up way too long already. So she calls me a minute ago and reminds me that I have to pull her molding. I'm too tired....what to do?
isn't it amazing that guys will tell chicks anything to take a dip in the honey hole. hehehe
What the hell are you talking about? You been sucking on the crack pipe again? Cool avatar btw...that was a good show. (I figured you might scoop up on that one)
Thanks, buddy.
I bet you could sell a ton o' em at the corner laudromat as well as hawking trask's sis there too!!
my sista has her own pimp - my cut is minimal
I always lie about the numbers if asked. Usually I tell them they're number 5 and I've been without a woman for two years, as I've lived such a sheltered life and all.