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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Dru, I don't recall anyone claiming that Index is world class. It's plenty tough for plenty of climbers though....'course not at all difficult for a gunslinger like you. I seem to recall folks around here having nothing but positive things to say about your rock, why doncha get off your high horse and reciprocate, rather than acting like a fucking pompous, canadian asshole.
  2. I'm startin' to wonder if Dru climbs anymore or just spews shit-talk. Soft around the middle, no doubt.
  3. dru, that's a pretty arrogant stance you're taking. do you have a custom jock to handle those massive balls of yours? I call bullshit, you weed wacker.
  4. depends on the species Only species I'm interested in have two legs and a pair of tits. Well I guess I'm out. don't despair beyotch, I hear DFA is into hermaphrodites
  5. depends on the species Only species I'm interested in has two legs and a pair of tits.
  6. allthumbs


    Fine, I'll stop. I see the Marshall is back in town. I'm headin' to the saloon. EeeHaw!!!
  7. right on, Erik Dru just talks shit now that he's second fiddle pay him no heed
  8. Pussy
  9. allthumbs


    You're calling ME names? That's really pathetic. We call it like we see it, crybaby narc. Try growin' a pair.
  10. tru dat, and rub my feet too
  11. allthumbs


  12. Dan, Sounds like no one here knows the penalty. You might solicit some response from Ranger Rick and his cronies, but I'm sure that said response would be egregious. I guess you'll have to make the call and be a trend setter. I'm sure the penalty will be a slight monetary fine and verbal barrage. Fuck 'em; go for it.
  13. allthumbs


    STFU before I ram an electric cattle prod up your ass and set the voltage to "Kill."
  14. I agree...what's stoppin ya?
  15. sorry to hear that man. condolences - trask
  16. No shit Erik? Why don't you jump your nasty ass back into DFA's lap, and shut the fuck up already.
  17. I see you and I are both deep thinkers and planners.
  18. When the Jehovah Witness bimbos come to my door, I always try to answer with an open bathrobe and a stiff smile from Mr. Happy .
  19. I'll bet mama likes the extra size
  20. Where men are concerned, whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during the Commercials. Thank you.
  21. oochkapesta
  22. RobBob (aka Popeye) is married. Tell that cheatin bastard I'm watchin him. .....bummin baby, I thought you were all about ME.
  23. allthumbs


    Blow it out your ass, dickboy. Go post on NWHIkers or something. Ya asswipe, what Greg said. Fawk U
  24. In celebration of Barbie's 40th birthday - Mattel has created a Mormon Barbie for those folks in Utah. The most popular, Celestial Barbie, comes with 8.4 children. She wears a mid-calf flower print Laura Ashley dress with conservative flats (no heels), a bow in her flowing, shoulder-length hair with puffy bangs. Barbie wears a permanent smile, knows how to bake bread, store wheat, feed a family of 12 on less than $200 a week, make casseroles and Jell-O salads, and still find time to read her scriptures. She comes with an MAV (Dodge/Ford/Nissan/whatever mini-van, otherwise known as a Mormon Assault Vehicle). When you pull the cord in her back, she becomes emotional, teary and says things like, "You have such a special spirit Sister Jones" or "Love ya." Occasionally you can find one that says "Oh my heck!" but be warned: this is a manufacturer's defect. Celestial Barbie would never say "heck" because it's a swear word! You can buy a Celestial Ken to go with celestial Barbie, but he's hard to find. (Probably because he's off fulfilling some priesthood leadership calling, so he's rarely home.)
  25. allthumbs


    no, they change alright. some are gettin it, some aren't. hehehe note to E-Cock and Fence Shitter - fold a nice Rib Eye steak around yur bean and give 'er a spin sometime...then grill it along with yur special sauce and serve it up to your climbin buddies with a cold one.
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