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Everything posted by klenke

  1. klenke

    Stupid is...

    Trask, why don't you go drop your soap in front of your cellmate.
  2. klenke

    Stupid is...

    Hey menstrual fuck wipes, this is a thread about a white trash idiot (ex)-con, not politics. Quit trying to hijack every damn spray thread for political discussion.
  3. The most important thing I learned today is that constipation is rare among savage tribes.
  4. If a Druchuck could chuck Dru, how much Dru could a Druchuck chuck? {boy that's a hard one to say}
  5. klenke

    Hydrophobic chalk

    Conjunction junction, what's pof's function?
  6. klenke

    I ruined it

    If that doesn't work, I hear urine works really well. If you don't feel like pissing right on the grease streak, you can use one of these.
  7. klenke

    Yukity yuk

    CHINESE SICK LEAVE - I NOT COME WORK TODAY!!! Hung Chow calls in to work and says, "Hey, boss I not come work today, I really sick. I got headache, stomach ache and my legs hurt. I not come work." The boss says, "You know Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel like this I go to my wife and tell her give me sex. That makes everything better and I go work. You try that." Two hours later Hung Chow calls again: "Boss, I do what you say and I feel great. I be at work soon. You got nice house. "
  8. That's outrageous! One of them would make a great gag gift except I don't have $6000 to squander. I thought I had seen it all when I saw the Rice Boy page. These dolls trump those Rice Boys.
  9. klenke

    Killer Nurse

    Scrambler: Your commentary poses some interesting questions from a philosophical point of view. My thought is that one must be wary of setting bad precedence if you allow such atrocities. As William Blake said, "You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough." I invite you to review the movie Logan's Run.
  10. I second that. Where has it gone? It comes in handy for the addicted among us. You know, 90% of us.
  11. You're missing something. I saw no footage showing us mistreating Saddam. On the other hand, the footage of our American POWs clearly showed something physical had happened to them. This would be especially true for that aviator of ours shot down in the first Gulf War. I can't remember his name, but he was the one who was made to go on TV and denounce the GHB Administration but the words were clearly not his own. Then you will remember the footage the terrorists took of reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan--the one where they killed him on film (supposedly). I can't recall ever seeing footage of us mistreating people in an abusive physical sort of way save for some old Vietnam films. There may be more contemporary examples, but I can't think of any at this moment. The way the footage of Saddam's capture was carried reminds me of the footage the Chinese filmed of the surveillance plane crew that had to emergency land in China after the Chinese Mig clipped the plane. Our crew was not shown to be harmed at all. Politics are like horoscopes. You can read the information given and make it fit whatever you want it to fit. If you're a staunch Bush hater, you'll only see the bad things concerned with Saddam's capture. You'll only see the things that bolster you're own point of view and disregard the rest. The same is true for the Bush lovers. It's just data (facts, if you will). It is the interpretation of the data (what you want the data to do for you) that is important in most people's lives. It is a rare individual indeed that can remain objective and not give in to the subjective persuasions foisted upon them (particularly on this website). Tempered thought leads to wisdom.
  12. Test post... fuck shit god damn asshole bastard whore bitch jerk off smegma choad dickwad cocksucker asswipe Trask Catbirdseat bunghole buttmuncher boobs tits ....Good. Looks like all the standard bad words are still acceptable.
  13. New caption: "Mr. Chirac, would you like Freedom Fries with your turkey?"
  14. There's a hypocrite in our midst!!! Let's see: Klenke = 1339 posts in 2.5 years Catbirdseat = 3526 posts in 1.2 years You make roughly five posts for every one of mine. Who's wasting whose time?
  15. I'm sorry, I'll have to pass on that one. Mountaineers MisManagement don't like me.
  16. Don't forget the recent Michael Jackson mugshot.
  17. I'd like to point out that: we're being watched. The Mountaineers are aware of us being aware of them. Their spies are in our midst just as ours are in theirs. We might have to do a blood test like in that movie "The Thing" (the 1982 Kurt Russell version).
  18. Well that may be true MaryLou, but it is also our right to bitch about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching...ad nauseum ad infinitum ad extremum. The truth, the future; who's right, who's wrong: nous verrons ce que nous verrons.
  19. The difference between Kerouac and you is that Kerouac was an excellent writer.
  20. One can only hope "at this juncture". "Wouldn't be prudent" otherwise.
  21. klenke

    Cool Radar Pic

    Reminds me of Missile Command.
  22. It sure is gonna be a bitch. You ever had to move 100-ton boulders out of the entrance of a (former) cave?
  23. Here's what was said on the Evening News (NBC) just now: Acting on a tip from one of Saddam's co-thugs, the Army stormed two residences. In one of them in the (back)yard, they found a hole covered over by camoflauging (bricks and dirt). About eight feet down in the hole, which was sort of L-shaped and about 6 ft x 8 ft, they found SH lying face down. The hole had ventilation with a fan, so it was obviously a bunker for hiding in. No cell phone or other communications devices were found with him. They said he had a pistol on him but how are you really going to fight when you're in a hole against unknown numbers of enemy above you?
  24. As to proving this is Saddam: I suppose now that you have him and his (dead) sons, you could do DNA testing and/or blood testing to ascertain whether the three people are related. If the three are found to be related, then it can reasonably be argued that the three people are who we (the U.S. Coilition Forces) say they are. Still, there will always be the naysayers like Marylou. These are the same people that poo-pooed the war effort in saying "but we haven't even caught Saddam yet. This war is illegitimate." Now that Saddam is caught they want to try and save face. They will now re-pick up the WMD initiative for their camp's soapbox.
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