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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Answers appear in comments for your images. Nice pics.
  2. This is classic... So I'm boob tubin' it just now watching Walker Texas Ranger. There's a bust going on with some semis trying to leave a wharehouse. Walker steps up to the cab of one of the trucks and asks the dude sitting in there to get out. When he gets out, Walker asks him, "Are you Trask?" The guy says yes...so Walker beats him up!
  3. As my English-born mother often says (to be spoken with that sneer that is so totally English): "Because it's just not done."
  4. Tony: Check it out! You tree killer! Gore's coming after you. Or maybe Kurt will hire you.
  5. Gary's not 12, he's 15. Get a clue, Catbird.
  6. klenke

    Good joke

    >Subject: FW: Wal-Mart > > >Good 'ole Walmart....can't go wrong w/ 'em!! > > > >One day, in line at the company cafeteria, Bob says to Stanley behind him, "My elbow hurts like hell. I guess I better see a doctor." > >"Listen, you don't have to spend that kind of money," Stan replies. "There's a diagnostic computer down at Wal-Mart. Just give it a urine sample and the computer'll tell you what's wrong and what to do about it. It takes ten seconds and costs ten dollars...a lot cheaper than a doctor." >So Bob deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to Wal-Mart. He deposits ten dollars, and the computer lights up and asks for the urine sample. He pours the sample into the slot and waits. Ten seconds later, the computer ejects a printout: "You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water and avoid heavy activity. It will improve in two weeks." > >That evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was, Jack began wondering if the computer could be fooled. He mixed some tap water, a stool sample from his dog,! urine samples from his wife and daughter, and masturbated into the mixture for good measure. Bob hurries >back to Wal-Mart, eager to check the results. He deposits ten dollars, >pours in his concoction, and awaits the results. > >The computer prints the following: >1. Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener. >2. Your dog has ringworm. Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo. >3. Your daughter has a cocaine habit. Get her into rehab. >4. Your wife is pregnant. Twins. They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. >5. If you don't stop playing with yourself, your elbow will never get >better. > >Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart
  7. There are the separate forums for areas of the Cascades where the trip reports get deposited. Unfortunately, they get sprayed upon in there by those who don't know how to offer anything constructive. The problem with Internet message boards is they (specifically, the threads within them) inherently come with a high entropy. They always trend toward chaos. The more minds weighing in on the matter the more different directions the thread will go. That's why you often see people say things like "thread drift" and "back on topic." I agree with you, Katherine, the spray camaraderie (if that's what you want to call it) is often what keeps this site entertaining. Getting rid of that would do this site a disservice. That said, I wish people would tone it down with their trip report "lowest-common denominator" critiquing--like when someone like lummox or trask makes some assinine comment just to make a post where no post says so much more. This must give compunction to those who would otherwise post their knowledge more often.
  8. Doxie, Here are some places to try: 1. King County Library, Bellevue Branch (see here for info on reserving rooms). They've got a big meeting place out by the main hall. If that branch's room is not available, they may be able to point you in the right direction. The Bellevue branch is open till 9PM, so you're good-to-go in that regard. 2. When studying for the P.E. exam, I met an idiot at North Seattle Community College. We went to a small study room (capacity for six or so) with whiteboard. They may have bigger rooms. See here. 3. Seattle Public Library's Queen Anne Branch has a room downstairs but they'll be closed at your time of use. Call the SPL for more info on other possible venues. Don't know where else off-hand...but UW certainly has lots and lots of rooms big enough to handle your capacity concerns. You could practically walk into any hall and 'set up shop', as it were (janitor bitching notwithstanding but they won't know what your agenda is anyway). Good luck.
  9. So let's discuss this potentially earth-shattering subject: Which is worse, the Eagles going to the NFC Championship game 3 times in a row and losing all three or the Bills going to the Super Bowl 4 times in a row and losing all four? Hmmm, a tough one.
  10. There's something about that pillar. It looks too straight on the left side and if you look close there are parallel razor-thin lines to the left. I'm not saying it is fake, just that it looks fake.
  11. I'll buy that. I'm a Zep fan, so I understand.
  12. This reminds me of that part of the SATs where they give you a phrase and then a multiple choice list of phrases beneath it and ask you which of them is not related to the first. Led Zeppelin and a four season tent? Riiiiight! (Must be some inside joke, Cavey.)
  13. So, I was kind of right after all (by sheepish mistake ). Say, is that Fee Demo Wall across the river in the southwest corner of the map? That point is unofficially known as "The Choirboy" (2,120+ ft, but with 400 ft of prominence).
  14. Source: No pockets for your keys! Chilling crime: Streakers in restaurant watch as their car stolen The Associated Press SPOKANE — Three men streaking through the warmth of a Denny's restaurant were chilled and chagrined when they spotted a thief driving away in their getaway car, their clothing inside. Naked in the 20-degree weather, the three young men huddled behind cars in an adjacent parking lot until police arrived. "I don't think they were hiding. I think they were just concealing themselves," police spokesman Dick Cottam said. The trio, wearing only shoes and hats, entered the restaurant in north Spokane at about 5 a.m. Wednesday. They left their car running outside so they could make a quick exit. But a man eating inside the restaurant saw the running vehicle and stole it, along with the streakers' clothes, Cottam said. The streakers watched through the windows as their car drove away, Cottam said. They ran outside but could not catch it. Cottam did not name the victim of the car theft, but said he was 21. He did not have the names or ages of the other two streakers, who were not arrested. "I think it was just three kids who decided to fool around," Cottam said. "We always tell people to not leave their car running," he added. Restaurant manager Ryan Swennumson called the incident "funny," but declined further comment.
  15. Can we belay off your foot, scatturd?
  16. Dammit, I hate it when people quote me from Pub Club. Thinking I might have been on something as opposing to on to something, I checked my topo. It's two miles from the Taylor River junction to the standard start point for a climb of Garfield. You're right, Al_Pine ChucK:
  17. klenke

    Best News Ever!!!

    I hope you don't really believe that.
  18. Titanium is actually about 60% more dense than aluminum (depending on the alloy comparisons one makes). By weight alone, titanium is not better than aluminum. However, titanium is about 70% stronger (again, depending on the alloys compared). That is, most imporantly, its yield strength is 70% greater. So, while a titanium picket would be heavier to carry around (1.3 lbs vs. 0.8 lbs for a long picket), you could beat on it to get it into firm snow with less deformation as a result (unless you pounded 70% harder). Gary, your comment about the utility of a picket being tied to its surface area makes sense (frictional considerations), but this has nothing to do with the material used (well, not really anyway; there may be surface-ice cohesion considerations that come into play). If you wanted to use a titanium picket for the strength increase but also wanted to reduce the volume of the picket to get it back down to the weight of a similiar aluminum version, then yes, you would have a problem. A hollow picket, perhaps? I'm certainly no expert on the engineering that goes on in producing a picket, but the foregoing is a general view of the matter. There's always more to it than one imagines or knows.
  19. You could maybe try Friendster.com but you have to sign up to use it. I've heard that you can do that friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend kind of thing. Or maybe the gal was shitting me.
  20. klenke


    Well why don't you ban that chatter?!!
  21. Gag me with a bent brown spoon! Bleeach!
  22. I think I'm going to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe of purely rainbow-colored outfits. I'm sure to get laid that way! I can't be denied if I'm wearing a sexy color for everyone to crave.
  23. Well, for starters, I sure would like to see the peak elevations put back in the index. When he removed those, this was a big reduction in information. It was probably done for ease of publication purposes. Granted, many of the elevations he originally listed are incorrect or out-of-date (I can remedy this with updated values but only if he agrees to put them back in the index). I have other emendations to offer, but will present those separately.
  24. Could you do a carryover up Hooknose, over to Abercrombie, and back around to the starting point or to a different endpoint (a second car)? That would be cool. It looks like it's about 2 miles between peaks, which could be a long way in winter conditions. Maybe a carryover WITH overnight gear. Oooo! I'm game if you are.
  25. I can answer for Lummox because this used to happen to me at my last job. They installed those autoflushers there (and, in my opinion, due to their premature flushing, they actually make you use more water because you often have to flush twice where ordinarily once would suffice). One of the commodes was one of those large handicapped ones, the ones that sit farther away from the wall. Well, the IR sensor was too far away from my back--especially if I leaned forward to squeeze...well, you know. Anyway, the sensor could no longer see you after having registered your presence previously, so it flushed away. Sometimes this would even happen if I wasn't leaning forward. Then, of course, it would always flush before you had a chance to wipe your ass and toss in the TP, meaning you'd have to flush again to get the TP gone. So stupid.
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