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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Granite, L: I'm sorry but $100 is not enough for the risks involved, A) to life or injury, and B) to getting caught. The consequences of either of these is much greater than a simple $100 prize. And so, without further adieu, screw you LG!
  2. Question: Is the total number of moderators on this site a constant or is it gradually incrementing?
  3. I believe there is such a thing. I went to Crystal Mountain (in I think it was 1993) the day after they received six feet of freshiez (the second-highest 24-hour total ever in Washington). Where the snow had not been groomed it was impossible to ski in. Picture powder up to your head. Even Deerfly and Exterminator weren't steep enough really. And then trying to ski the manmade snow canyons at their bases back to the groomed area was death defying. I'd fall into the snow and then not be able to extricate myself. Poles for leverage just kept sinking and sinking. I essentially had to maneuver my body over my skis (no easy feat when you're swimming in pow) then stand up then hope I didn't fall down again. It sucked! But nonetheless it was cool to see that spectacle that day. I'll never forget it.
  4. klenke

    Got Money?

    Anybody that would buy that should have his/her bank account seized by the Russian mafia. Anybody that buys that and then puts lemonade in it like the ad hints, should first have his/her bank account seized and then be summarily shot.
  5. When I was speaking of DEEP SNOW, I was talking about right now, not what conditions might be like in the middle of winter or late winter. I agree that it would be a good winter scramble if you could get to it in a reasonable amount of time. If the snow consolidates and trekking in on AT skis, etc. is amenable to travel, then go for it. I would like to point out that on the lower NE Ridge of Kyes (points east of Quartz Lake's longitude) there are a few crags and notches that would require one to do steep downhilling and sidehilling to get around. One could attempt to approach the Upper NE Ridge by way of the Quartz Lake drainage. There are some steep cliffs immediately below the lake's outlet, but there is a timbered slope to climber's right. Additionally, the South Ridge of Kyes also has some crags at about halfway. These would also require steep sidehilling to get around on the east side (the west side is cliff). I'm not saying it would be impossible, just that it would not be a walk in the ridge park. I don't know anything about the Blanca Lake approach.
  6. Interesting, I've used the "empty" parking lot there around the stack many times to carpool. Of course, it's always empty at 5:30 in the morning. There is street parking for about eight cars across the street on the east side of the stack. This street parking does not seem to have any special requirements. And $245 for a towing fee? Sheesh! I've been towed in Seattle for $100+/- a few times. $245 sounds like a racket. Thanks for the heads-up, Dave.
  7. The asteroid/comet cause for the extinction is still a theory. Your first sentence intimates to the contrary. I will agree with you that the asteroid/comet theory holds the most water (at least in our current understanding). It's like global warming: that the causes are anthropomorphic is stil just a theory, despite what the media (and non-scientists on this site who learn only through what they hear in the media) want you to believe. "It's real it's real it's real!" they blast. It's possible, maybe even probable, but definitely not certain.
  8. I've often conjectured that the extinction of the dinosaurs might have been due to an abnormally prolonged duration in one of these non-field states. Or maybe I just thought it made for a good story. Nonetheless I remember learning about the Earth's pole reversals as a kid and thinking it was one of the coolest things I ever came to know. It still is that way, more or less.
  9. It's "Klenke-doesn't-give-a-shit-about-this-stupid-looking-thing-appearing-on-a-cruddy-image-that-doesn't-have-any-really-suitable-landmark-clues-so-it's-really-probably-a-close-up-of-one-of-Dru's-steamers-speaking-of-which-whatever-happened-to-that-poster-Steamer-he-was-a-fun-one-to-ridicule-but-I-digress-but-who-gives-a-shit-about-that-because-the-digression-was-still-more-interesting-than-trying-to-name-that-sorry-ass-probably-Canuckian-eyesore Mountain"
  10. I still kind of remember |I1|1!'s first post after Dru (I think it was Dru) commented on the avatar name. |I1|1!'s disparaging response was perfect. I wish I could find that thread but Sept. 2001 is a long way back.
  11. Goblin's summit is an interesting bouldering scramble. Might be even more fun in winter conditions! Here's a picture of it. From a distance, Goblin Mountain is visible in foreground-right in this photo. Special note: Kyes Peak used to be known as Goblin Peak prior to 1946. In 1946 the mountain was renamed for Monte Cristo resident James Ellsworth Kyes, a naval officer who heroically gave up his own life by giving a cabinboy his life vest when their destroyer Leary was sinking in the North Atlantic.
  12. Hey, two (now make that three) avatar images in a row featuring a trident.
  13. He told me the other day what he does for a living. And here he is at work. I saw a big resemblance. Maybe it's just me.
  14. I'm sure no one would agree with you more about this than Fripp himself. Okay, no more thread drift...
  15. klenke

    Bear Spray?

    Where's that puking graemlin? I need it NOW!
  16. Oh, then probably his first Frippertronics album, released in 1981. On the liner notes, there are tour dates listed from April 1979 to August 1979, though he was probably also doing that tape loop stuff in 1980. In the list, it says he was at Seattle's Pike Place Theatre on Aug. 2, 1979 and Tower Records the next day. He improved the technique in the early 1990s renaming it from Frippertronics (a term coined by Eno, I believe) to Soundscapes. You can listen to it and have no idea it's originating from a guitar, much less one guitar.
  17. As The League of Gentlemen, no doubt, as heard on "God Save the King," though the live album "Thrang Thrang Gozinblux" is much better. Hard strummin' punk. Not for everyone's taste.
  18. "All of this is meaningless unless we experience the terror of being separated from the source of power which fuels the creation, and hold the conviction that redemption is entirely real." ---Robert Fripp (as heard on Sylvian/Fripp collaboration "Approaching Silence", Autumn 1994). Typical gobbledygook intellection from my man Fripp. Interesting to read that quote in your bio, PP, seeing as that's some pretty obscure music that I thought only I listened to.
  19. I think he is going to be 81 on Jan. 14 (a Wednesday). I could be wrong on both his age and the day, but that seems like a good idea, IG--Jan. 13 PC in his honor. He was at the Timmy O'Neill slide show last night at the Tractor. During the show he was sitting in the back by the door. I don't know how into the show he was. Also, it seemed like hardly anyone wanted to talk to him (as if they were afraid to go up to him).
  20. Glad you were able to resolve the issue. I guess just as some people can be tone deaf, others can be mountain blind. They couldn't tell the difference between a mountain and a highway embankment. Teacher may not be stupid in general just not savvy with respect to landscape identification. Well, for sure, a is not a
  21. I'm sorry, I thought you'd put a fake name in there. Oh you DID put a fake name in there.
  22. A couple go on vacation to a fishing resort in northern Minnesota. The husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn. The wife likes to read. One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and continues to read her book. Along comes a game warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning Ma'am. What are you doing?" "Reading a book," she replies, (thinking "isn't that obvious?") "You're in a restricted fishing area," he informs her. "I'm sorry officer, but I'm not fishing, I'm reading." "Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up." "If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the woman. "But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden. "That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment." "Have a nice day maam", and he left............ MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.
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