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Everything posted by klenke

  1. klenke

    Story Teller

    Been talkin' to your cell mate again? I thought you guys weren't on speaking terms since you dropped the soap last month.
  2. An idiot teacher? Noooo. One way to prove this out is to show pictures of Shuksan taken from Baker and visa versa. Here are some examples: Shuksan from Baker I Shuksan from Baker II Shuksan from Baker III Baker from Shuksan I Baker from Shuksan II Baker from Shuksan III Baker from Shuksan IV Baker from Shuksan V Baker from Shuksan VI Baker from Shuksan VII Baker from Shuksan VIII Baker from Shuksan IX Could all these people be wrong? Still not convinced? Well, then Baker and Shuksan from Triumph. Nuf said.
  3. klenke


    I like the way it loaded up slow (at least for me). Kept me in suspense.
  4. klenke

    name em

    No, it's 'Dru's Girly Boobs When He Lies On His Back Mountain'.
  5. They don't call him the Termeliminator for nothin'. Republican or democrat or something in between, I still don't care for it.
  6. It's 8:00PM. It's Dump on Dave Hour. Schuldt I or Schuldn't I?
  7. Because they come across or like to think they come across or like to think we think they come across as being knowledgable on the very non-acting subject they're bitching about. Oh, just because they're actors that means they're smarter than us so we should listen to them. They're right. They're wrong. Who cares? Most people in this country (me included) are stupid with regards to knowledge of the issues (and it's as if the actors know this) and they don't think about the wider issues for themselves. They'll go with what their favorite actor says because he is supposedly some sort of role model. Or maybe I just don't like it because I'm a moderate and most of these soapboxing actors are leftists. Moderates typically see leftist comments as half-thought out and totally ignoring of other perspectives. Or maybe I'm just a jerk. Or maybe you're a jerk. Or maybe just lummox is a jerk.
  8. Yeah, I find I must constantly separate actor from civilian in regards to these Hollywood characters. I agree Tim Robbins was excellent in Mystic River, but he's a real schmuck (aren't they all) for using his position as a soapbox against the government. It's easy for someone in the public eye to make comments knowing they'll be "listened to" by reporters because of who they are. I like Johnny Depp and Sean Penn as actors. I don't care for them as soapboxers. Even so, I'm not going to boycott their movies because of their (in)discretions. I go to see good movies, not to see good actors only (unless it's Jennifer Connelly ).
  9. The damn Spanish were looking for El Dorado for years and years and never found it. What makes you think we'd know where it is? Or did you say Eldorado?
  10. Jon's second link is a funny read. I feel sorry for that man, er being, called Mike.
  11. Reminds me of the movie "Welcome to Sarajevo" (starring Woody Harrelson & Marisa Tomei among others) where they filmed a scene right after a bomb blew up in the street. Dead and/or mangled bodies everywhere. It was pretty effective.
  12. Yes and no. Chinooks are normally associated with the east slopes of the Rocky Mountain Front, but generalistically speaking they can occur anywhere. I have not been outside near the foothills to make a weather observation. There may be some descent of cool winds down the west slopes of the Cascade Front (the cool air warms as it rapidly descends into the Sound thus making the air feel warm), but more than likely the winds are due to a spillage of winds through the passes. For the first time since I've lived here, the trees were blowing westward outside my window here. There is/was a strong high pressure east of the Cascades. The approaching low pressure system off the coast meant the wind would go east to west through the passes. Equilibrium will occur sooner than later, probably sooner as it looks like the front has about reached us (the "front" of a weather system is usually the backside of the cloud mass; i.e., where the clouds give way to clearing weather behind). Historically speaking, some of the most fantastic temperature rises to ever be recorded have been the result of strong Chinooks east of the Rocky Mountain Front. I'm not certain on the exact number but I think the record is about a 100F change in a few hours or a day (from something like -50F to 50F). I'll have to see if I can find that record doing a web search.
  13. Satellite Animation Seattleite Animation
  14. Here's your pic. I had to work undercover in Icicle Creek for six months to get this shot of the elusive Tool...
  15. klenke

    Tiger Woods Hotcha!

    Do you really think she'd have anything to do with him if he was a poor loser dirtbag like we all are (relatively speaking)? Gold digger, of course. But, I guess he's got to marry somebody. Good for him.
  16. My advice is to not talk about it at all on this website. It is an open forum. What you say here could be used against you in court. In fact, I'd delete or highly edit your introductory post.
  17. A "bury the captain in his cave" forum sound like an awesome idea.
  18. Elementary my dear Snoboy: those who wrote the code for this site can manipulate the code to allow them to read PMs. No, Mods can't read PMs. You're right there. But... can read PMs.
  19. How about "catbird's choad" or "Dave's smegma pool"
  20. We should have a forum just for Dave Schuldt. Only Dave Schuldt would be allowed to post. Everyone else could ignore it and not post. Sit back and surf somewhere else! This might stop Dave from posting.
  21. "Howdy diddly do, neighbors. My name is Ned Flanders. This is my neighor Bart. Bart likes the feel of snowflakes landing softly on his tongue."
  22. In the game of Sexual Battleship, trask is the small PT boat.
  23. I think the warlords over there are more accepting of the terrorist point of view than the UN/NATO/Hamid Karzai camp. The UN/NATO/Karzai authority doesn't extend beyond Kabul, apparently.
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