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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Never mind the bollocks. If you want to lead badly enough to actually go out and lead, then go lead. You will find out how things work because you're motivated to do it. But if you're not sure, and having fun without leading, then why bother?
  2. I have a strict rule about the time spent climbing exceeding the time spent driving
  3. I'd dub that the "Mountie attitude" - rope up before you walk the stairs to the second floor, or cross the street
  4. Well? So? When and where do we start?
  5. I don't know if the "REI attitude" reaches much beyond volcano slogs and rock clip-ups. Da Toof perhaps?
  6. There is literature out there that you could refer to, including statistics about the relative frequency of rescues involving the various groups such as hikers, climbers, snowmobilers, kayakers etc. Try a google search. The rescue units also keep logs of all searches that you might find interesting. Here's an entertaining little conundrum: Lost hikers, wandering Alzheimers patients, etc, comprise a much larger fraction of rescue subjects than climbers, and individual rescues also rack up much higher costs than individual climber rescues. Yet climber rescues receive much greater attention in the media. (The reason why hiker rescues can cost more than climber rescues involving helicopters and whatnot is that hiker rescues are much less localized - they can involve large numbers of rescuers covering large areas.)
  7. Plastic boot shells can be shaped to fit your foot better - at least for some foot shapes... I have a pair of Koflachs, they're the right length but too narrow. The boot fitter told me to get a pair of custom insoles and bring the boots in for re-shaping. In my case it's not that complicated, the big toe needs a little more space to the side and the opposite side of the foot also needs a little more space, this is apparently not hard to fix. Why I want to wear those plastics is another story entirely... I just bought them because they were selling for $50 at the garage sale. I've been trying to find an excuse to use them since, without any success.
  8. What the hell happened to limiting groups to 12?
  9. Phew, I would have forgotten to wear my helmet for dinner if I hadn't seen this.
  10. No no NO NO NO you silly people, this thread was about getting sloshed so get back on topic right away. When and where do we start?
  11. Large quantities of alcohol, exactly. I'm in. Let's get sloshed.
  12. What is it? I can't view it without fiddling with my machine, too lazy for that.
  13. You have to be in the super secret in club. I call it the grandest chestbeating of all. I thought it was somewhat amusing I bet it is possible to figure out approximately where it is, from Dave's web pages.
  14. If you take anything I post on here seriously your........ A challenging contradiction every time.
  15. Firmly established a long time ago. I don't know that many pubs, maybe finding a suitably located, grungy smoke-free place is pretty hard. Fern has an idea, except I don't really need the swimming cap because I don't really have much hair Maybe icegirl can wear a swimming cap with the biking shorts? Have we hashed through the idea of settling on one fairly centrally located pub? I can't remember. In some ways that would make things easy, we'd figure out good places to park and not have to worry about driving directions etc. There might also be a slight chance of getting cheaper beer if we show up at the same place regularly?
  16. fleblebleb

    Here we go!

    It's not a gang, it's a militia. Ever hear of the Second Ammendment? You think those Cadillac Escalades are just for going down to the local Starbucks? Actually, that's exactly what I think they're for, and for driving the younger militia to soccer practice.
  17. Well duh, that's actually a pretty benevolent crack. I mean, all they do is deface the front page and tell the admins how to prevent the sploit? Or did they really... did you guys check for any new backdoors on the server? Did these guys get root? Are there backups of the bboard database somewhere safe? If so then the only damage they can really do is use the server for mounting DDOS or as a worm incubator, and eventually costing you a bit of time to set everything up from scratch.
  18. That's Al's. There is something I don't get about the smoke vs. no-smoke thing we've got going on here. Thing is, I've never really seen anybody smoke cigarettes at pub club,except to tease Allison because she is trying to quit and some of the rest of us because we get all uncomfortable Or maybe it was just the smoke blinding me, so I couldn't see people smoking? Anyway, so we have a crowd of people that dislike the smoke, and a few folks that for some reason insist on smoky places, or maybe have fun loudmouthing the no-smoke weenies, but we don't even really have any people that want to go to smoky places to smoke? What's up with that? Are there really no smoke-free pubs that are grungy enough for this crowd? Whatever. I didn't show last night although I wanted to, because last time we went somewhere smoky I was downright uncomfortable and my eyes were still bloodshot next morning. I have a hard enough time with staring at a computer screen a few inches away from my face all day without making it extra sporting like that. So I'm bummed to have missed out last night but I guess I'll just have to watch out for the no-smoke pub clubs and show up then.
  19. This just in... Black Diamond is switching their main focus to web software development Anybody know whether BD buys their pins from Camp?
  20. fleblebleb

    Here we go!

    Let me guess, you know about the 60 tank wedge formation scaryness because your miniature wargames go like that all the time?
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