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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. We need to raise awareness of the board? So we can get more sprayers online? There are some cool spots that need trail work, though. Check here: http://www.wta.org/~wta/cgi-bin/wtaweb.pl?6+tt
  2. Fascinating!
  3. Hey Theodore! Try not to assume you know me and what I'm thinking, ok? For our edification, please post a link to documentation of Kerry's travels to Paris, as well as the section of the US Code that details how whatever it is he did is illegal.
  4. slothrop

    No Class

    Well, my telepather seems to be broken, but my computer works. Does that mean I'll never hear from Jesus? I have many burning spiritual questions.
  5. slothrop

    Why we die

    Eighteen different user reviews!
  6. slothrop

    No Class

    Scott, you're talking with Jesus?! Can you ask him to please reply to my emails?
  7. I don't know what you're talking about either... Didn't Kissinger "negotiate with the commies in Paris"? Or is that OK because he had no intentions of actually coming to a peace agreement?
  8. slothrop

    Ronald Reagan

    Right on, Bug.
  9. slothrop

    D Day

    How disingenuous!
  10. slothrop


    The DaVinci Code is definitely fiction... "historical" fiction. The Idiot by Dostoevskiy has been pretty good so far.
  11. 12.5" if I flex, 12" if I don't. And that's after a full set of 16 oz. curls!
  12. I climbed der Toof for the first time a couple years ago with Gary_Yngve and (inadvertently) a horde of Mounties. I told a partner of mine from Virginia, who had never done an alpine climb, about the majestic Toof and he got all fired up about it. Five days later, we laid siege to the south face and were rewarded with the summit. If I had kept up that furious pace of ascents, my Tooth Count would be up past one hundred by now.
  13. Wow! A D9 is huge! Clearly this is why I need to be able to own an RPG.
  14. The S isn't really that waterproof to begin with. I'll probably seamseal my pair once they break in a bit more.
  15. I see you've gotten the most recent translation.
  16. Do a search for "east ledges descent". People usually do that or downclimb/rap the west ridge.
  17. Spendy way to satisfy that craving, Gary! Did the 360 Kr include Velcro gloves?
  18. Sat: Run in the park. Found out how much it sucks to run with poison ivy on my legs. Went out to a movie with a friend. Sun: Aid climbing in the rain. Had the Lower Town Wall all to myself. Sunny back in Seattle, so I swerved off 520 and did a few laps on the UW rock. Awesome day. Mon: My girlfriend's and my anniversary! Lazed around all morning, went to Folklife. Bought another camhook in anticipation of more aid climbing in the rain. I wanna hear eric8's TR!
  19. There's a pair of 'em on the Seattle REI clearance rack, men's 11, 80 bucks. They pinched my toes so in the end I didn't get them. Too bad.
  20. Looks like fun!
  21. I can't find a description of the Cinder Cone on Nike's impossible-to-navigate by rather Flashy website. Anyone point me to one?
  22. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/france_transport_bridge
  23. Never happen, but it's a fine idea. I might even vote for McCain.
  24. Fish's website has a pair of sz 8 women's Mtn Masters on sale for $60.
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