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Everything posted by specialed

  1. Butter.
  2. Even if you gotta carry da shizzle??? Carry it off the plane onto the glacier. For actual on-routes, its all about pizza in a cup. Instant soup with cheese and horsecock. Eat GU and snickers all day. Then before bivy or rest, east pizza in a cup to recover.
  4. Werd. I'll join the party .
  5. ...and? need another, or you got even numbers already. PMs not operational!!!
  6. Can leave around noon-ish. I can drive, you can buy the beer. Or vise-versa. Anyone? Buehler?
  7. Done it. Killer 8-9 pitch. AI 4+ / 5. Fun day climb from Kahiltna.
  8. specialed


    I like having a fat 10.2 for cragging and aid. Then a skinnier one or doubles for the mountains.
  9. specialed

    6.5 HOURS TO GO

    Is Britney Spears performing in Vancouver tonight? Or maybe its dollar Molson night at the Canucks game?
  10. The original idea of guiding is cool. Locals showing non-locals the rad spots. Unfortunately now its all commercialized bullshit. I have issues with anyone making money off the mountains because the outdoor industry has propogated this idea that being a climber or climbing some shitheap is cool. And people are willing to pay to be cool. MOST guides have inflated egos and assume that they know more about climbing than non-guides. And that shiz is old. Nevertheless, guides and clients tend to do routes that I don't, so I don't give all that much of a shit.
  11. specialed

    Distel's Photos

    Hustler mag's don't count bro.
  12. Fuck Bend. Especially in the summer. Move to fucking Canada.
  13. Blood from Stone on Dickey? If so, that line is the most obvious and is unclimbed. But its also wicked steep and sustained and would require perfect conditions to send.
  14. Hey, usually I reserve these types of conversations for my PM's or 1-800-dial-a-date, but whatever. I'll go wherever's dry.
  15. Let's go climb together I'll climb trad in the morning with ya, then we'll go boulder? you up for it!? I'm down to learn how to jam I'm down. Will I have to teach you how to put your harness on too?
  16. Yeah Kurt and Hansl!! Bitchiiiiiiiiin!!
  17. That dude is completely sane
  18. that is exactly why at my slideshow I put it all to music. Why don't you just take pictures of all of your bowel movements and put those to music at your slideshow. It would be vastly more interesting than homeboy on sickproj1, homeboy on sickproj2, homeboy on sickproj3 ... homeboy on sickproj56 ... homeboy on sickproj 4565 ...
  19. Fuck you non-truck owning bitches. The 2004 VW Taureg diesel pollutes much more than my Ford half-ton and your rice-burning, 3 cylinder tin cans eat ass. I drive man rig, fuck off.
  20. Holy Shit that's funny. Proving mountie-bashing is by far the best spray topic.
  21. I been to Vantage. Its kind of like Europe without the hairy italian dudes wearing speedos.
  22. Except that its like 60 fucking degrees outside.
  23. sketch.
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