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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. Kerry's quote is just so much hot air and Monday morning quarterbacking. Nobody knows how they will react in a high pressure situation. How many times in the past have you heard people, in regards far less pressure situations, say I would have done this or that. We simply do not know until it happens. Maybe he would have reacted as he says, me thinks he too would take a bit to gather himself and then act.
  2. Heeeee's baaaaaaaaack!!!!!
  3. The Somoa Cookhouse across the bay used to be a pretty good place to eat, especially if you are very hungry and want to eat alot. It is the former mess hall for the mill workers of Louisiana Pacific. No menu, just whatever they're serving. A nice little logging museum too.
  4. Dan_Harris

    zip drives?

    My experience at work was that 98 doesm't support USB pin drives,or flash drives or whatever thay are called. When my computer at work got updated to 2000, no problems! Great device now. Worked from the get go on my mac at home!!
  5. Poli: Many tics: Blood sucking Parasites
  6. oops, I forgot, The Lost Conntinent - Travels in Small Town America
  7. Gives new meaning to "Blow it out your ass!!!"
  8. Notes from a Small Island Jack Daws When the Game Stands Tall The Indian History of the Modoc War
  9. Saw yesterday on a jeep at Lassen, I brake for . . . Shit, I have no brakes!! The more patience I have, the more people use it.
  10. Here is another wb site that explains the various segments that supposidally show the moon landings were a hoax. http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/tv/foxapollo.html
  11. Dan_Harris

    F/ 911

    Just curious, what should he have done? How should he have reacted? Jumped up and run out of the classroom? Start barking orders? If he did either of these he would have been vilified for unnecessarily scaring the kids and the school staff. He was in a no win situation as far as his opposition goes at that moment.
  12. Dan_Harris

    F/ 911

    First, I have not seen the movie nor do I have plans to give my money to Mr. Moore. I am also not praising nor condeming George Bush.With all of the talk about F/911 and is it a documentary or not I got to thinking about Steve Martin's movie Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. He took a bunch of clips of old mystery films and spliced them with footage of his own and made a seamless story as if he was acting with Humphrey Bogart, Fred McMurray, et al. If you shot film, edited it correctly you could make anyone you wanted seem evil. As a side note, when I teach my class about statistics, I warn them that one needs to be wary. You can get the results you want in a survey by how, when, and where you ask the question. Supposed documentaries are no different. The movies are a powerful medium and I think one needs to be a bit cynical whenever a film claims to be a documentary.
  13. My guess is the excessive bail is due to this. Thinking he may bolt from the country.
  14. Here's another. A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The man consulted his GPS and replied, "you're in a hot air balloon approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above mean sea level. You are at 31 degrees 14.97 minutes North and 100 degrees 49.09 minutes West." "You must be a Republican," said the balloonist "I am", replied the man. "How did you know?" "Well", answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact remains, I am still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help so far." The man responded, "You must be a Democrat." "I am", replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", replied the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."
  15. Must get back up to the Cascades!!!
  16. I thought this was going to be about some very expensive dairy products from Oregon.
  17. Dan_Harris

    Smoking Bans

    Smoking in businesses has been banned in CA for quite a few years now. The lost business argument was a big one here and I have yet to talk to or read about businesses that went belly up due to the ban. I forget how nice it is until I travel and go into restaurant and smell the smoke. And smoking areas are a joke. The smoke doesn't know it's supposed to stay there. We all still get to get our second hand smoke as we walk past all the smokers and their cloud of smoke just outside the doors of some estabishments.
  18. Dan_Harris

    Church n' State

    Thanks jjd. I read it twice, but I guess not carefully enough. School had just ended for the summer and I had already switched by brain off!
  19. Dan_Harris

    Church n' State

    Yes, what did I miss? Briefly Preacher: There is no God. Bishop: Bad boy, you're suspended. Preacher: Oh, sorry. Bishop: Suspension lifted. Preacher: There is no God. Bishop: There you go again. You're causing confusion. Stop it. Preacher: I'm puzzled!
  20. Dan_Harris

    Church n' State

    ok, let me get this straight. The Lutheran Church was founded by Martin Luther in a schism with the Roman Catholic Church, but still have the same basic beliefs in God and Jesus. That is holy trinity yada, yada, yada. This guy now says there is no God and the bishop just says bad boy, stop it!? Why didn't they just kick his ass out and say go start your own church?
  21. Dan_Harris

    Church n' State

    Just curious about opinions on a related matter. I teach at a public high school. We have a bible club on campus, definitely christian. Announments of meetings are printed in the daily bulletin along with all the other clubs meetings. Public moneys pay for the printing. They have an information table just like all the other clubs at the beginning of the year. Should this be allowed? Is this promoting one religion?
  22. Dan_Harris

    Church n' State

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . . Which religion is the state of Colorado establishing as the state religion with this mailing? Funding / mailing for all clubs or no clubs! What CU should probably have done is ask all clubs on campus if they want info sent to incoming students and then send it out as a packet.
  23. If you weren't encouraged to shit than you would get very big and I'm sure uncomfortable. Seriously, I'm glad my parents took us camping and we (my siblings and I) were allowed to run and jump and fall and get bruised and stitched up.
  24. Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!!
  25. Dan_Harris

    the game!

    Uh, a high sticking in the face that opened up a gash. I think that was a pretty good call.
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