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Everything posted by Dan_Harris
Did you hear about the dude who broke his leg while raking leaves? He fell out of the tree. Why don't men have to worry about mad cow disease? Becuse they're all pigs. (My wife is standing here with a bat and making me write this one. ) Two muffins were in an oven when one says, "It's hot in here!" The other one says, "Holy shit, a talking muffin!!!"
Drove through the old town area once. Looked nice, but didn't impress me enough to go back. There's a prison there that Johnny cash sang about. Also a man made lake nearby. Sorry, it's not much help.
Two cows were in a pasture, one says to the other, "are you worried about this Mad Cow thing?" The other says, "why should I worry, I'm a Helicopter." pa dum!
I was heading up Mount Conness in NE Yosemite. Had crossed Conness Glacier and made it past the huge moat. It was now a scaramble up some decomposed granite. We were unroped and crampons were off as it was about maybe 10 - 15 ft of climbing. I had one more move to be over the crux and then it was basically a walk up. I went to kick into the gravel for a last push and my foot bounced off the water ice hidden under the decomposed granite. I started sliding down toward the schrund. Managed to get my foot on a large rock I had used earlier and stop myself. Scrambled back down. I was pretty scraped up, ripped up pants and shirt, up but no worse for the wear, but my friend was pretty shook. All he could think of was me hurtling into the gap.
Is that a Chinese throwing star?
Hmmm . . .Where to start? In doing science, hypothesis must be testable, usually for wrongness. In the creation stories there is no test for rightness or wrongness, ergo, it is not science. The creation stories were written as an attempt to tell / explain the beginning of the world to uneducated people, and if you think about it, many have a respectable order to how the scientific data shows things happened. To me, what makes this is amazing, is these were written by people who had no scientific training. Creation is not a theory. A theory is, by definition, a synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well tested and verified hypothesis about certain aspects of the natural world. Hence, theory of evolution, big bang theory, atomic theory. Evidence to support it. Again, creationism can't be tested and what is the large body of information concerning it? Evolution on the other hand is not a fact, nor is creation. Fact by definition is agreement by competent observers of the same phenomena. For evolution, no actual observation, but there is supporting evidence. As I said in an earlier post, belief in a supreme being (being created) and and the scientific data of evolution and our origins are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Had a discussion about this yesterday at a workshop. I am a Catholic and I teach science and Biblical fundamentalists drive me nuts. There is nothing to my knowledge that suggests creation and evolution are mutually exclusive. In pretty much every piece of classic literature questions are asked about what the author meant by this or that passage. The Bible is no different. The hypocrisy of the fundamentalists gets me. In their bible studies, I have talked to a few,they talk about symbolism and analogy and then with certain parts, there is none of it, just literal meaning. A classic comment from Albert Einstein needs to be heard by many on both sides of the creation vs. evolution argument, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
From the web site: http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/aclarke.htm Kubrick added his own unique symbolism to Clarke' such as the giant fetus symbolizing the next developemental stage.
Is Dan - the brother of Miss Manners?
567.9 The only one I was able to get to skip. Better sport / athletes through chemistry.
Hmmm . . .Can you prove it? Dave, the Dan - of Penguin Whack?
319.9 Damn, look at the time! Does this game make time speed up?
Ok, not the Cascades but a great weekend anyway!
That's messed up if that is what truely happened. Have to comment on Hawking's sense of humor. I saw a "speech he gave" on PBS for Bill Clinton's millenium series from the White House. Besides neat stuff about science, Hawking cracked a few jokes about Clinton and his shenanigans. The corner of his mouth would curl a bit in a little impish smile while Bill sat there with this dumb look on his face. Priceless Another book of his "Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays" is also a good read.
first and third scary!!! Where were they? I'll be sure to stay the hell away from there.
It was kind of refreshing reading these posts after trying to explain to my wonderful students about some of this basic Mars stuff after getting questions like, "Are there trees on Mars?" This from 15 year olds. The spray is cool too.
Cool site. Top Ten Things The Founding Fathers Would Say If They Were Alive Today 10. "Remember that electoral college thing we made up when we were drunk? They're still using it!" 9. "Maybe that ruthless monarchy thing in England wasn't such a bad idea after all..." 8. "Good to see Florida is still using the same old voting machines" 7. "That's odd -- in my day, we also had a senator named Strom Thurmond" 6. "So that's the Washington Monument? Yeah, in his dreams" 5. "Giuliani has really wrecked Times Square" 4. "We risk our lives to form this great nation and you wanna let George W. Bush run it?!" 3. "Back in our time there certainly wasn't anyone as man-tastic as Ricky Martin" 2. "He did what in the Oval Office?" 1. "Screw this, we're going to Canada"
gay means happy, right? I knocked my friend up and we went out and had gay evening until my friend realized she left her fags back at the flat. Falwell would have fun with that statement eh?
There is no such thing as gravity, the earth and all the planets and stars suck!
Whoa, trying to connect physiology (aging) and physics (time). The planet's velocitys are constantly changing (changing direction) so they are accelerating. You all are talking planetary speed. Picky? yeah. I will try to find the article, but some physicists at Stanford reportedly had an electron arrive at a target before the EM Radiation did, therefore a mass traveled faster than the speed of light. A photon has no mass. Lunch just ended gotta go. I'll be back.
Banning, CA would definitely be worse than Bandon, OR.
Must . . . Have. . . cc.com. . . . I can't help myself. I log on and there it is. Agggggghhhhh!!!!!
In many Roman Catholic churches you no longer even kneel. You sit face to face with the priest.