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Everything posted by Dan_Harris
Never have seen a bear in WA. I've seen quite a few in the Oregon Cascades though. Did see a grizz once in Glacier Nat'l Park. That was one big animal.
Big Goal!! 2-1 Can they get another?
touche Trying support ya Dru. Ontario isn't really Canada is it?
The Cup going to Florida (if the score holds and it is looking bad for the Flames) is just wrong!
Don't be lumpin' those So Cal people in with us North and Central CA people. It is a whole different state and attitude down there. Just got back from there. And I hate it!! Go north young man.
Dumb bird? Grab the cat and be done with it. Dumb cat? Bird's bigger than you . Photoshop? Oh well, cool pic.
I had arthro for my medial meniscus about 6 years ago. Surgery on a Thursday and back at work on Monday without crutches. 4 weeks later went backpacking. Alot of bike riding helped everything get back to normal. Good luck
Mine is where my daughter and paychecks go. Go Cats!!!
So what sort of nature in action have some of you been lunky, or unlucky, enough to see? For me I've encountered bears a couple of times ripping the hell out of old logs. Seen an osprey and bald eagle fighting over a fair sized trout. As one was flying off with the fish the other would dive bomb it and cause the first to drop the fish and go retrieve it. With the roles reversed the cycle started again. This continued for about 15 minutes But the most incredible was an orca that munched a seal. I was working on a ship near the Pribiloff Islands when all of a sudden a seal seemed to explode out of the water, followed immediatly by the snout of an orca. The seal crashed back in to drink quite dazed and the the orca hit again and this time only half a seal flew through the air. An amazing sight. In nature it is kill or be killed!
Here is a link to the Orca vs. Great White Shark story with a video link.
Be warned, Pinnacles can get pretty warm, well HOT, this time of year.
First On Race Day? The Scion is even uglier than the Honda Element
Like, what are you saying that extreme is way over used. Like it is a way cool word. Oh,and it's, like, getting too warm here in the valley. We need, like, some more rain! Can you, like, guess which word is way over used?
Had a student come back to school on a Monday with a terrible rash all over his face. Seems he had grabbed an armfull of poison oak and threw it on the camp fire and the smoke blew in his face. He's lucky he didn't get a lung full of the smoke.
Sure is. It's been Memorial Day each of the last 2 years. There was still some decent snow cover up Hiway 4 yesterday. Was told there's still another month of backcountry skiing left. It's been quite warm lately though melting quick. Dana is a fun peak.
I've filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau and had contact with the corporate office in Prineville. It looks like my next trip to Oregon will be to go to small claims court.
Is there much poison oak up PNW way? Stuff is thick down here CA way? A little warning, just because you come in contact with poison oak and do not have a reaction, do not assume you are not allergic to it. My usual hiking / climbing partner had never had a reaction despite numerous times of contact. He brushed up to some on a backpack trip over Easter and is just now starting to clear up.
Thanks Scott. Sometimes I get lucky with a shot.
That's an RMI group on the switchbacks.
What is the glitch?
Nothing broke on the way home. One one of the complete studs that was replaced was left in the drum. The new ones are all fine and still there. What frosts me is that they said they tried to give me the five old studs, but can't tell me how the one wound up in the drum and it certaninly was there. Just that they didn't do it!!! I do compliment them on getting me in and fixing the original problem quickly. The store in Sisters,OR took good care of me once also. I did find it interesting that on complaintstation.com that Les Schwab has more complaints than any other tire company / shops.
I wound up in McMinnville last weekend after spending some time at Mount Hood. I pulled onto the Linfield campus and heard a strnge sound. I checked around my car and found I had one lug nut left and 2 broken studs on my right rear wheel. I made it to the Les Schwab store and they replaced the studs and lugnuts and sold me a used wheel because, "the old one had been ovaled out due to the wiggling." When I got back to CA I heard clicking (and got terrible mileage on the way home) as I drove and my car would hardly move in reverse and when it did there was a terrible metal on metal sound. I took the car to my mechanic and he found a stud in the brake drum, a badly scored drum, and cracked and broken brake pads. I have the old wheel because they (Les Schwab people) told me I should take it to show my mechanic (who had rotated my tires with a service). BTW, my mechanic has reimbursed me for the cost of the repair and wheel. Les Schwab claims they tried to give me the studs and that I refused. If they had tried and had said about the studs, what they did about the wheel, I would have taken them. My mechanic took pictures of what he found and tried to e-mail them to McMinnville as did I. We got delivery failure, no such user messages. Now they refuse to pay for the repair of my brakes!!!!
An oldie but a goody. Haven't seen it in awhile.