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Everything posted by Drederek

  1. From Keen acres you can head across the gully to Duty Dome for some excellent bolted pitches or up to Picaboo tower for a well bolted adventure. The WF of Picaboo is classic (some gear required) with a slab, some jugs, a short flaring OW (JT 5.6),some handcrack, a bit of bolted face and awkward runout arete to the finish.
  2. Groping for Oprah's navel? What rare species could be growing in there????
  3. UW has a seismology setup in there. Don't know if they drilled it out or there was a previous use. FYI Moorlocks are choppers not retrobolters!
  4. c'mon down to Off's backyard Dru. Its only 399 km and there's 4 easy moves!
  5. Thanks for posting the info Z. The film was good and very inspiring. I learned a few things; It is possible to free Perry's lieback. The split pillar is an expando flake! Most of the ppl in Squamish have always been nice. Who Jim Baldwin is. I first saw his plaque at least 10 years ago. Doing the Grand up to Bellygood ledge is not enough. The Roman chineys looked so wild! The sea to sky highway has been a parking lot since 1961. Many buildings in squamish are 44+ years old.
  6. Playground Point is an excellent place to take beginners. I think a bit of hike is good for them to warm up and really look around. The routes are mostly short and easy and I doubt any will achieve 'classic' status. It also gets full sun. If they can survive a day up there and still want to climb then they will probably stick with it. If they thought the hike too long, the routes dirty and it was just way too hot good riddance there are plenty of climbers allready. CBS I don't believe subtle sarcasm is very effective here but I enjoy it.
  7. Drederek


    Yuppie stigmata
  8. you are officially retarded. Is that why ppl call me special? sniff sniff
  9. Am I the only one wondering why he's jugging that route?
  10. We rapped down Sunblessed and did most of the other pitches up there on our way down. We did scramble up a couple hundred feet from the top to a summit? complete with family of four. So you could walk off pretty easily but I dunno how far you'd be from your pack.
  11. P3 of careno corners. Last twelve feet of split pillar. Perry's lieback. 2nd half P1 of loving arms. P1 of heavens gate (a discontinuous chimney). 6 feet of the west face of picaboo tower. Some ugly thing at the bottom right of domestic dome. Snag crack. Penguins in bondage. The "easy " way up to cruel shoes. The descent of the squaw. Bloodthirst and mushmaker.
  12. I have seen some guys "downfall" a route. They had found Fossil Rock on their own, got some carabiners and a rope somewhere and would lead a climb on single biners then when they got to the top they would hang on, unclip, and drop off. They thought this was fun! We showed them how to thread thru the chains and lower and explained how all those falls were hard on the rope , the bolts, their harnesses and their bodies. I think we eventually convinced them.
  13. Ramuta is open on saturday also! I used to go to Dave Page till he stopped working on saturday. So far Ramuta's work has been better than Dave's ever was.
  14. I'd try a physical therapist first. They will most likely understand the cause of the injury and what you got to do to relieve it. I wouldn't go to a doc till I knew a lot about it allready.
  15. Thanks for the report. I've been eyeing Mt Wa from my jobsite since feb, watching the snowlevel. Saw the fog nestled on the lower slopes on our way to cushman yesterday am. Glad you made it thru to views.
  16. Climb: Cushman Cliffs-?????? Date of Climb: 6/26/2004 Trip Report: Took my daughter to the rocks today. Found some new to me climbs up and right from X-crag. As I rapped from some chains I was intrigued by the line, an arete to the right of a lfc with a couple roofs lower down and one piton 20 feet off the deck. So I TR'd it and I think its the best line by far that I've done in this area. Seemed to be solid 5.10 with some great moves and sustained difficulties. I was wondering if someone was going to bolt this or if someone had headpointed it and it will be a TR forever. There were 3 crappy placements in the 60 feet above the piton so I'm hoping it'll get a few bolts and it'll be leadable someday. Its so much better than the other routes around there.
  17. There are times when this site is very positive and times when its very negative. since the spray was separated out I'd say its half good and half bad.
  18. Ever climbed DeWaltido? Or on the DeWaltton Marathon Block? Nuff said? DeWalt = Black and Decker = homeowner tools.
  19. when you're not sure which way to go on Epinephrine, "go right"
  20. Little si is an easy hike with a nice lunch spot on top. It can be a bit crowded tho.
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