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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. And some positive ones…… …..you go climb a mountain and the only other people you see are your buddies. …..you experience a cloudless weekend. They are treasured. …...knowing this is the largest glacial system in the lower 49. …..knowing the NCNP mountains have the most vertical gain in the shortest distance from valley to summit in the lower 48. …..knowing you have several thousand choices of peaks to climb. …..you know what deep snow means. …..you post on cascadeclimbers.com.
  2. IMHO: I don't care if heliskiers use the areas. More power to them. Just no Heliskiing in NCNP and no heliskiing in wilderness areas. I believe heliskiers are allowed to go anywhere that snowmobilers can go and vise versa. You can't exclude one motorized activity and accept the other. I will send this on to the proper authorities too.
  3. Those details are pretty good robertm. Nice pictures.
  4. How do you know that was dog pee and not human pee?
  5. Can anybody provide me with a DETAILED description of the Beckey-Schmidtke route on Nooksack Tower? I find the Selected Climbs description and Beckey #3 descriptions to be vague. I do not trust the "Selected Climbs" after it recommended the Bedayn Couloir as a decent on Goode.....
  6. Stefan


    As of this weekend, it is milepost 18. See the second report on this website. http://www.turns-all-year.com/tripreportfr.html
  7. Northwest Youth Corps. They work specifically in the outdoors. Based in Eugene, Oregon. I worked as high school teenager for this group during the summer.
  8. Freeclimb9: I said "if" the Forest Service was held accountable. I have seen that they are not accountable. I can dream for accountability from the Forest Service. All others: A lot of you complain about the land not being free for public use. THE LAND IS FREE FOR PUBLIC USE! It is just that the trails and and pit toilets at trailheads are not free.
  9. People pay for fishing licenses. This is recreation. (You still pay state taxes.) People pay for sno-parks. This is recreation. (You still pay state taxes.) You all would pay the fee for climbing Denali. (You still pay federal taxes.) I bet you all would pay if the Forest Service was held more accountable for the money for trail fees. I agree the $400K toilet at Washington Pass was a waste of money. The vast majority of people who use that facility do not or will not ever buy a trail park pass.
  10. The highway is NOT going to open this weekend. Check out the artillery!! http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/NorthCentral/Maint/Area3/nc2002/NCProjectedOpening.htm
  11. A long trail/run scramble I did in a day last year was American Ridge. Started at Goat Peak trailhead and finished at Peak 6162 above Cedar Lake doing a total of 8 peaks. Mostly class 2 and some class 3. About 35 miles. Came down the Mesatchee Creek to a bike where I rode it back to the Goat Peak trailhead. Lots of peaks for class 3 scramble at Road's End at the end of Twisp River Road where you could easily connect them.
  12. It looks like they aint going to open for awhile now...but who knows...... http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/NorthCentral/Maint/Area3/nc2002/NCProjectedOpening.htm
  13. I talked to a very nice lady at the Log House Inn at Marblemount. She gave me the low down on the USDOT operation at the North Cascades highway. Here it is..... They might be open for 1 lane operations on May 3rd. They tentatively plan for the opening on May 10.
  14. I have done the traverse. We did not stay on the ridge proper, but went down to the basin east of the North Brother and then up. I did this many years ago and I think the last section was class 4 to the summit--but I cannot recall. We did use a rope. On the way out was one of the most epic rappels I have ever done. We went straight down from the basin east of the North Brother. Do NOT do this. We were rappelling next to cascading waterfalls on both sides of us. My recommendation is to go more to the north of the basin (left) as you are heading down and then follow the stream back to the camp. Brush is thick next to the stream, but doable.
  15. Hmmmmmm..... This is what somebody else said on another website... Salish Group: Members Posts: 178 Joined: Dec. 2001 Posted: April 04 2002,15:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twocoots, I just got off the phone with the Henry M. Jackson Power Plant at Spada Lake Rec Area. They tell me that the Rec Area will open at the start of the general fishing season, which is usually the last weekend in April. Access to upper & lower Greider Lakes will be open, but this is all from the Sultan side - the Granite Falls entry will remain closed. They said to call later for updated info, and if you need the number here it is:Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Project, (425) 347-5549, 31411 - 116th Street SE Extended, Sultan, WA 98294. Cliff And another person I spoke with said that mountain bikes are allowable......they just don't want people with big trucks on the road for 9/11 reasons.
  16. I need some beta on how to do Mt. Temple from Nada creek. Is Beckey right in his description? Pictures? Any and all help is appreciated!
  17. The trees are doable with a chainsaw. I was up there three weeks ago. The avalanche debris (mostly snow) was about 25 feet deep then. After that the road was covered with about 3 feet of snow. I would definitely expect 2.5 feet of snow on the road all the way from the avalanche debris and onward right now......
  18. Look for a peak number on a map and go for it. There are hundreds of peaks out there not in Beckey's books. Check this website out...... http://howbert.netherweb.com/mountains/ As for climbing a rock wall without working your ass off to get to it, then you are out of luck. Everything's been written up.
  19. And yet another update on the opening.... http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/NorthCentral/Maint/Area3/nc2002/default.htm
  20. http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/mbs/news/nr_mf_atm_ea_04082002.htmlHere is what they are planning for the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie. This affects you if you want access to Garfield and the back side of Chimney Rock.
  21. Keep me posted! Like I said in my email, my plans may change!
  22. I have done the standard route on Big Kangaroo. As well as Mushroom Tower in an easy day. If you end up doing Big Kangy from the hairpin on whatever route you do, make sure you do it in June or earlier so you can do a kick ass glissade down. I did it without snow and it was a pain in the ass coming down the scree.
  23. I would be very interested in going in May if you have room...... But check out this thread. Maybe climberbro has some information for you. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=6&t=000023
  24. I also want to get Middle Peak in a weekend winter outing......maybe I will try it as a an early winter ascent where I can take my mountain bike up the road without having to worry about "the key" for the gate. The peak just interests me. Do you know if the road is mountainbikeable? Nevermind. I just read the other posts [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: Stefan ]
  25. I am still planning to do Lindeman as a winter outing. Hanging Lake sounds better and looks better as well as Centre creek--but the problem is that the road is usually blocked by snow (Chilliwack road) well before the trailhead to Hanging Lake. (Dru, please correct me if I am wrong). The problem is access! I want the shortest walk to Lindeman! I don't even think I could get a key for that gate on a Saturday from the Fisheries people.The shortest way to Lindeman in the winter (without a key) is Nesakwatch. However, Nesakwatch is looking mighty tempting with someone I know having a snowmobile..........Stefan [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: Stefan ]
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