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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Dru, What is the heighth of Carstenz Pyramid?
  2. You should never ever ever ever go higher than the posted speed limit. It is against the law.
  3. Why does Vancouver Island have the word "Island" in it?
  4. Scienceman: Is New Guinea an Island or a Continent? Yes, it may lay on a continental shelf, but is it an Island or a Continent? BTW: Anvil Island is called an Island becuase it is an ISLAND even though is it on the continental shelf. Besides, I have been there, done that!
  5. Dude. Humans have learned there are seven continents. One of them is Australia. We don't learn Australasia.
  6. This is similar to the Seven Summits. Some do not consider the high point of Australia to be the high point of the continent. Some consider Carstenz Pyramid to be the high point. The problem is, Carstenz Pyramid is not physically located on a continent.
  7. Naches Tavern on Highway 410 for drinks. Muckelshoot Casino. 6 Restaurants open to 1:00a.m. every day.
  8. Stefan

    Good Thai food

    If you are in the Federal Way area: There's a place north of 320th on Highway 99. Best I have found in my area. Order the Thai Crepe.
  9. Expect these types of reports to continue. NOAA has predicted California will get more precipitation than Washington this year.
  10. If you don't have plane tickets go this website: http://campaign.scandinavian.net/christmas2004/us/ Tickets are $280 round trip from Seattle plus taxes. They have a special every day through Christmas. Today is Amsterdam. Maybe tomorrow is Zurich...don't know.
  11. Well look at this piece in the bill AND WHAT IS SAYS ABOUT IN ALASKA IN THE LAST ONE! (b) LIMITATIONS ON FEES FOR CERTAIN PERSONS, ACTIVITIES, AND LOCATIONS- The Secretary concerned may not charge a basic recreation fee with respect to any of the following: (1) A person under 16 years of age. (2) Outings conducted for noncommercial educational purposes by schools or bonafide academic institutions. (3) The following National Park System units: (A) U.S.S. Arizona Memorial. (B) Independence National Historical Park. © Statue of Liberty National Monument. (D) National Park System units in the District of Columbia. (E) The Arlington House-Robert E. Lee National Memorial. (F) Any National Park System unit covered by section 203 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 410hh-2), other than Denali National Park and Preserve.
  12. So far the snowpack is very low this year. See here: http://www.nwac.us/products/CLISNO Which fits in line with the NOAA forecast. See here: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ AND HERE http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/advfig5.html And fits the long range forecast which is here: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/advfig6.html Bottom line. I think we will 60%-70% average snowpack compared to normal. Somewhat similar to the 2002-2003 year and I think the 2000-2001 year but not quite sure... I sure hope my guess is wrong--I would rather see more snow.
  13. Here is some info from a couple of weeks ago: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/417313/an/0/page/0#417313
  14. It is the Bedayn Couloir. And yes, one will say "fuck". And not just once, but several fucking times. Warning: Do not go down the Bedayn Couloir!
  15. I have done the Ellinor/Washington traverse and doing A peak in between the traverse. Did it in early August. I recall dropping down to around 5200 feet on the east side and traversing in a northeasterly direction until I hit the well travelled climbers path that leads up to the summit of Washington.
  16. Very good to hear. Very good!
  17. Stefan

    Dating at Work

    Griz, going out to lunch with the women at work is not a date. I bet they feel sorry for you becuase you usually have lunch by yourself looking at the computer (of course you are on cc.com).
  18. Saturday supposed to be okay. Sunday is better. Also keep in mind snow will occur at 2000 feet over these next couple of days. He will not see a thing from Wednesday to Friday no matter how hard you try.
  19. I wish more females would come out and do the stuff I do. Females have a slightly different pespective which is refreshing.
  20. Stefan


    On January 21, 2009.
  21. Wife called and said she wants to do me tonight. Whoa. I am usually the instigator.
  22. For generally the same type of living standards try Tyrol or the Dolomite regions. Great food. Italian women. Rock Climbing. Ice climbing. Alpine Climbing. Just in general hiking. And not as populated as Switzerland. Access to Switzerland and Austria. Wine is usually cheaper than water too.
  23. I don't think this change will fly. Not even close. Right now the front contendor I think for 2008 is John McCain--and I think everyone knows it and they do not want to upset those chances.
  24. And all the other fees for his companions. He can pay for an entire group and not put a dent in his wallet....or he could use the money to buy enough vaccines for a small country in Africa to save some lifes....ahhh. Life choices. sorry but this just pisses me off. how do you know what he does in terms of charitable giving? should he not have the oppportunity to enjoy some of his wealth by spending it on himself? would you begrudge some avg middle class guy a trip to everest if (s)he worked hard and saved the money for it? should that person give that hard earned savings to a vaccination program in africa? Read the post. It's called "Life Choices" He probably has given several hundred thousand to organizations--more than I will ever be able to give. It does not mean he has NEVER given. Once again--read the post. The choice I posted was that you either spend $30,000 to climb Mt. Everest or you spend $30,000 for vaccinations. If you were given $30,000 what would you do with the money? Reading the tone of your post, it probably means you would spend it on yourself. Just an assumption.
  25. Did you guys claim first ascent by putting up yellow chalk description as it shows in the first picture? V20 or something?
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