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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. sad news! not really any more info than above, but there's an article here if the link works: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002373816_webclimbersdeath11.html
  2. hey, i moved to wa in 1990, and aside from one winter in t-ride, i've pretty much lived here the whole time ... and this was my first time to the enchantments. :crosseyes:
  3. mashed potato flakes and a packet of gravy. add boiling water until reaches desired consistency. add pre-cooked chicken. YUM!
  4. nice work! glad you enjoyed it and learned some things. remember to drink LOTS of water - perhaps more important than eating. hope you're stoked for your impending summit attempt. getting to muir will feel easier next time.
  5. that's pretty funny. i can't wait to see when he learns how to slackline!
  6. ah, yes ... that raging wind has robbed many folks. glad you're okay and not too bummed. looking forward to some pics ...
  7. there's gotta be a reality show we can get you on so you can date some hot models or something.
  8. a bouldering gym in portland ...
  9. take a good bug repellant. and lots of film or space in your digicam. and extra camera juice. (i almost depleted my battery in 3 days.)
  10. my diet sucks too. what's wrong with flour?
  11. did you mean me? if so, i deleted some stuff. hey jon and timmy, could we get some kind of automatic notification when our boxes our full? yes, did you get my email re: tix? no.
  12. did you mean me? if so, i deleted some stuff. hey jon and timmy, could we get some kind of automatic notification when our boxes our full?
  13. i actually tried to get him to carry me, too. here's a few more pics for minx ...
  14. glad you're okay! i took a headfirst fall trying to lead a lieback flake down in slc one summer. it was f'ing scary. no helmet. ouch. thanks for the tr.
  15. minx, you will LOVE it. i didn't really post many scenery pics (even though i have a bunch) but it is amazing up there. so many pretty lakes, not to mention all of that wondrous granite ... mmm mmm good.
  16. well, the cool thing about jim is that he's a climber and he really puts a lot of thought into the utility of what he sells. imho (and i think i've hung around him enough to have some semblance of one), he's a pretty great guy.
  17. not to rain on your parade, but i wouldn't get hopes up too much with the current forecast. although i guess there are some sporty areas that stay dry ... you up for sporty, rumr?
  18. thanks, again, mike! that 2nd pic of the f.finger makes it not look so steep as the 1st. whew!
  19. that certainly makes more sense.
  20. and hands off the tickets, yo!
  21. that's what i was wondering, but i think they can be rather large. or maybe they didn't realize they were on one. hopefully we'll get more details ...
  22. thanks, alex. the thread was good while it lasted.
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