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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. i agree; they should be. it's one thing if the hookup just sort of happens while the climbing is going on and people get to know each other, but it's entirely different if one of the parties is going into the climbing expecting something (besides climbing) to happen. there are definitely some creeps out there. lots of great guys (and gals), too, but definitely some creeps.
  2. one time the guy didn't want to climb anymore. that was fine by me if he was gonna be like that! and the other time, i decided not to climb with the guy because it just sort of creeped me out.
  3. what if someone wants to go climbing with you and they think it's a "date"? a couple of times i've gotten that vibe before going climbing with someone and when i brought it up and told them that i wasn't interested in more than climbing, they actually got mad at me! but i figured better get it out into the open then than at some awkward point on an outing ...
  4. i asked someone i know and he basically said the same thing ... except also that things have melted out and may not be climbable anymore. he couldn't really give me much more information than that, though.
  5. thanks, mike! (for quick access, his gallery is here.)
  6. no doubt. and people who perhaps didn't look so hot look much hotter when they treat you well.
  7. i've belayed lots of seconds. and plenty of seconds and thirds at the same time. both of which i generally do directly off of the anchor. this also frees up your hands to do whatever flaking or other nonsense you might want to take care of ...
  8. yay - somebody had some real fun in the sun! i'll try to upload my weekend pics tonight. but i'm with you, marie; my liver needs a little time to recover from all those red bull and vodkas i downed so i could stay awake long enough to see the fireworks last night.
  9. that explains the leavenworth connection.
  10. You don't remember saying, "Engineering, eeewwwwweee"? it was probably, "computer science? ewwwwww!"
  11. you got it nolse. some guys are just too hot to be worth dating.
  12. enchantments! (thanks, wolfs!!!) planning to find our way to the west ridge of prusik while we're up there ...
  13. marie, i can't believe you paid for that guy's dinner. what an ass!!! (the guy, i meant. )
  14. somebody seems to be a bit bored ...
  15. that's terrible ... yet funny.
  16. ouch. somebody's insurance company isn't gonna be happy!
  17. saw a pack of llamas on the way to mount olympus a few years ago. guess they're allowed over there!
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