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Everything posted by rr666

  1. Will the real avatar please stand up.
  2. Instead of contacts try Lasik, I've heard if you go for Lasik, your eyeballs might fall out at high altitudes. That would be cool... How you been Chris?
  3. rr666

    sent the proj

  4. 10/12 ain't too bad
  5. So it looks like we may be able to buy some cheaper BD cams soon. I wonder who will jump on this first. If I made cams I would be ready to ship some camalot look alikes on the first day the patent expires. I doubt it would be too hard to beat the $60-$112 for a camalot (shit, who can afford those #5s anyway), and still have comparable quality.
  6. Rock on!!! you the man
  7. Vantage does NOT need any more bolts.... aaarghh grid bolting is bad... Ok, the best thing is a hammer and hand drill!!! It will make you appreciate each and every bolt you put in, so you will not put too many in. Plus it will keep you in shape I can just feel the wave of bolt vs. no-bolt arguments coming... be prepared, and always remember do NOT bolt cracks, or other features that can accept natural protection. Do that, and not too many people on here will get pissed off at you.
  8. Horsethief is in 509, but from there you can see 541, just across the small stream we call the Columbia It also looks a bit like Potholes, but that is also 509... doh!
  9. sat phones rock! But I was hopin' for a tent with built in power, no generator needed. Don't they have any of these yet? Man, what the hell are we spending all of our military technology development money on then...
  10. So is Kevin the one at the computer, or the dude in back cleaning out his M-16? And what exactly is the computer plugged into, looks like they are in a tent, and where can I get one of those tents!
  11. ummmmmmm , are they at Smith?
  12. I heard good things about that show , but I was out of town, and could not make it. aarrgh...
  13. Mine was WASP, and Metal Church at the Roseland in Portland in '89 on the Headless Children Tour. Great show!!! I was bummed though because Accept was also suppose to be playing, but that was right after Udo quit and cancelled the rest of their shows.
  14. rr666


    Thanks for the info Matt. Good things to keep in mind. Man, Dark Rhythm is a great climb too, hope it ain't too badly damaged. Does that also completely change part of the West Buttress Route? The joys of Darrington, its a new place every year
  15. rr666

    music these days...

    Best shows I've seen: Dimmu Borgir @ the Graceland 2002 Nirvana/Butthole Surfers in Spokane a few months before Kurt lost it Fight @ the Roseland in Portland Slayer @ the Paramount Sepultura in '94 Some of the crappiest shows I've been to: Metallica Black tour Soulfly
  16. anyone been out there this year? How are the roads? or is it just a big wet mess and we need the sun to come out for more than an hour and dry the roads and rock off.
  17. rr666


    Now is that hardcore, or is it just stupid. I don't mind the cold too much, but shiit, that must just suck, no matter how many layers of dry suit and poly pro you have on...
  18. Well now that the war is over for all practical purposes,those canoes might come in handy. I've heard about some good stretched on the Ephrates river that would be a fun float
  19. rr666

    music these days...

    I can't wait for the new Black Label Society album to come out on the 22nd, heard some clips and it is as good as all the other albums! There is a lot of good shit out there if you know where to find it, and the radio is not the place to look for good music!!!
  20. rr666


    Corn if it is freshly crisped in a vat of oil, and still dripping with oil when chomping on them. Otherwise, flour rocks. I can eat them straight.
  21. Classic Crack... Oh wait, that is not a 5.9, everyone just thinks it is. It is a great 5.8 though. A few of my favs. NE Corner of NEWS, you know the pitch Godzilla is always fun White Punks on Dope dihedral pitch (I think it was a 5.9) touch and go
  22. Saturday climb Orbit on Snow Creek Wall with GregW. All in all a great climb. saw a few snowflakes and a few mountain goats on top. Love them chickenheads!
  23. Some great pics, especially like the ones of your mom and dad at the winery...
  24. Boy am I jealous!!! Wish I could be in the valley for a couple of weeks. Hope you have a great time, which I am sure you will
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