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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. Is he still your sweetie then?
  2. Yeah, I thought thew Colchuck Lake TH was closed, no?
  3. You did two winter ascents of Rainier this summer? Damn that is pretty cool!!!
  4. You mean someone is actually going to bring a whole pig? Who will be at the campsite to keep the coals hot all day saturday while everyone else it out climbing? If you mean grilling out, disregard the above statement and take it as me trying to educate people's dictionaries. A BBQ is cooking a pig over a spit all day. Cooking out or grilling is what you do on a Webber. Burgers, dogs, etc. One will never make this mistake again if 1)they have ever gone through the task of cooking an entire pig or 2) Have tasted real bbq.
  5. 1) Summitting Denali 2) spending 5 weekends in N. Cascades and Leavenworth climbing alpine and multi-pitch (put 5,000 miles on the car just to drive to and from the climbs!) 3) paddling with the Orcas in Johnstone Straight
  6. PM Beck. He seems to know more about this topic.....
  7. Alpinfox, just went sea kayaking out of Telegraph Cove over the Labor Day weekend. Tons of Orcas around Robson Bight. We camped at a place called Little Kaikash and could watch the Orcas swim by from the 15 ft. cliff overlooking Johnstone Straight by our tent. Absolutely amazing spot to be. Enjoy!
  8. What type are the half ropes? Name?
  9. ryland_moore


    I am going too. Agree with Alpine K what is done is done. Just hope BEck learns a little from this experience. No doubt, Rope Up will be fun. Filled with a lot of climbers partying, cvlimbing, and comparing penis size. Looking forward to it. Thanks Beck for your work. Please take my comments as constructive critisism and not my wambulance coming down the Icicle.
  10. ryland_moore


    Did you go to Terminal Gravity and talk to him about going another route for beer, since he was part of the entire plan? I didn't think so. Admit when you might have messed up on this aspect of it, and people will respect you alot morethan if you stay in your own little world of denial. As for party planning, I organize with those who will be the host. Beck, you have made it appear as if you are the host, but are using cc.com as your cover. Therefore, I would have posted a poll on the website or asked what others felt and had an open discussion on this site. If you host a cocktail party with 4 other couples but only plan and confer with one of the couples, does that mean you still put the other three couples names as hosts on the invitations? I don't think so. CC.com folks did not have input and you are receiving flack for it. Like I said before, Life lesson, learn from your mistakes and move on. You will be a better individual for it. If you don't learn from this and cannot take constructive criticism for what it is worth, then I feel sorry for you. You will burn many more bridges and lose many potential friendships because of this.
  11. For a variation than just the pepper, butter, dill, lemon, try a soy-ginger marinade. Really simple, add soy sauce and fresh shredded ginger root into a ziplock and add a little pepper and garlic. Throw the fillet in the bag, seal it and stick it in a pot in the fridge for an hour or so. Then slap it on the grill (not a BBQ - that is when you throw a pig on a spit and slowly cook all day long).
  12. Yup, Danelle and I headed up there. We also did W. Ridge of Forbidden this year too. She will be at Rope Up. You coming? Hope to see you soon!
  13. ryland_moore


    If you look back at the posts, Beck did not come out and say that he was taking the lead, he was getting sponsors, would have a raffle for prizes and would go corporate prior to the cc.com world finding out about "Beckfest". If he did hint at anything, I would assume most people would take it as him doing the same thing he did last year. A pub club does not constitute a quarum. And after the pub club, there was no dialogue by Beck or anyone in attendance about the "glossies" (whatever that means) or his plans/ideas for this year's Rope Up. I think the first thing we ever heard about corporate sponsorship was from ehmic when she made a post stating that she received an e-mail from AAC that had "Beckfest" on their calendar. All I am saying is that there are ways to do business and ways to not do business. Beck's approach came off sneaky and I fully understand why others have their hackles up. There are ways to make friends and ways to make enemies. Beck has discovered the latter and I hope it is a life lesson. If he does this in his professional life and organizes/comes to consensus in a similar fashion, then I imagine he is burning some serious professional bridges out there (ones he may not even know he had) and making a reputation for himself as one not to work with cause he will take all the credit and throw his partners to the ground. Word of mouth will make you or break you in your career and in life. Just from Beck's own personal posts (reaks of arrogance and conceitedness), I'd say he is on the losing end. Also, if Beck is really like his personal posts, which may not even be the case, then having him as a spokesperson talking to govt. officials about climbing access may not be the best thing. Beck is not a PR person, he is a journalist if I am unmistaken and these are two different vocations entirely. To be in PR, one has to be sensitive to ther audience in question. A quality and skill Beck most definately does not possess. I am sure the Rope Up will be wonderful, will be a big hit, and a wonderful success. Beck seems to have done a good job at organizing the event. Just not a good job of PR with the folks that truely matter, the climbers on this site. Lessons in life is all one can chalk this situation up to be. Sorry for the diatribe.
  14. ryland_moore


    Well, at least he is used to it. Been happening to Beck all his life. Why break the trend now?
  15. ryland_moore


    Mattp, I think the issue is that the rest of cc.comers never had the opportunity, b/c it was being done behind closed doors with no consultation to anyone else until a lot of Beckfest was all lined up. Beck deserves any bashing he gets.
  16. Please post the exact locations of these areas if possible. It would be good to go check out. Also, Lost Rocks on the N. Cali coast is a pretty awesome boulder area to hang out at.
  17. Schnitzem, not girlfriend, just friend from Leavenworth whom I met on Denali. We only stayed that one night and hiked out on Sunday after our climb. I live in Eugene, so Sunday was a pretty long day for me.
  18. I will definately be there to celebrate my birthday in fine style (Getting too drunk to climb the next day!). My girlfriend may come as well. Hands off Erik!
  19. Scnitzem, good to see you two at Lake Vivienne on Sat. evening. I was the guy with the girl cooking by the Lake on your way out. Sounds like an excellent climb.
  20. Climbed W. Ridge on Sunday. Fun climb. Approach up Snow Creek to Lake Vivian LONG. 6 hrs. TH to Lake Vivian. The Enchantments ROCK and are beautiful. Climbing the W. Ridge was awesome. Not too hard but had some nice exposure on EXCELLENT ROCK. Hiking out the same day and driving back to Eugene is so SUCK! Left Lake Vivian at 3pm. Back to car at 7pm. Back to Eugene at 1:30am. Note to self: Wait until the Colchuck Lake TH reopens, and approach Enchantments from this side, dropping a car at the Snow Creek TH. Stay in the enchantments longer than 24 hrs. and climb multiple peaks. ie. Temple Ridge Traverse or the like. All in all an excellent way to end my alpine season.
  21. Similar to the guy who crossed the english channel afte3r jumping out of a plane at 30,000' wearing a Red Bull wing on his back.....
  22. Got to this site and click on Soul Flyers. You must download this! Watch as this guy passes some skiers/boarders climbing up the ridgeline!
  23. I've been climbing for eleven years now and still hate rappelling. This is mainly because I am not in control. Even on a runout with a bad decking potential, it doesn't bother me as much because I am in control. A rappel is about trusting gear and gear only. No way to save yourself if the gear fails. My 2 cents. Funny picts b the way!
  24. Ooh yah, you betcha! They have funny accents too!
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