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Everything posted by Dru

  1. purty looking route this thing is to right of the Hourglass, as seen in photo p. 66 Beckey, is directly under the g in Glass as shown on the photo?
  2. Climbing Rock in November when you could be climbing ICE, is so suck Ice in November!!!!!!!
  3. Dru


    There is rad granite just outside the city and ice climbing too!
  4. Dru

    tough choice?

    Devo is cool and all but I would only give up climbing for Selma Hayek or Audrey Tatou etc.
  5. two bivy sacks plus one tarp, vs. one single wall tent. do the math. add up the grams!
  6. and the burning issue of how to name taped routes: route setter name, copy from a crag route, or something famous? eg: i did "Chain Reaction" yesterday, that blue sloper route on the Metolius holds next to the kiddy slab
  7. cedar makes the best handholds. spruce are evil.
  8. Left of the Serl/Kay line and there is no Big Dagger
  9. exactly - oh, aside from biking, you can try running, etc. i wouldnt go kayaking though and even swimming involves lotsa shoulder movement
  10. A couple in a week or two, didnt take the digital.
  11. Taking the "Canmore waterfall" style of climbing fat alpine ice when the valleys are not in.... Shaun Neufeld and I drove to end of Jones Lake road and bushwacked by headlamp for 1.5 hrs to a flat gravel terrace in a huge debris flow fan where camp was made. Up at 6:30 Am because we both slept thru Shauns wrist watch alarm going off at 5AM. Spilled boiling water on my bivi sack testing out my new cartridge stove. Hot but tippy. Left camp 8 AM, Slogged and scrambled uphill for 3 hours on cliff bands and old growth and devils club to base of left side of Knight Pk north face. It appears I am out of shape Soloed 120m of WI2 and then climbed a couple of pitches of WI 3 and some more WI2 above. Turned around about 75m of WI2 from the top of the ice flow (seeps out of a blank wall) after a warming trend produced some spectacular rock/ice fall. Rapped and downsclimbed devils club and moss in the forest then slogged out. Back at the car 5:30 PM. There are easily 25 multipitch waterfalls in this same 3km area from Stewart to Cheam with potential grades from WI2 to WI6 - however - due to warming many of them are falling down as we speak There is not enough snow for good alpine climbing continuations from the top of the ice to the summits yet...but there is no cornice fall to worry about either. We called our new route "Once in A Red Moon" 250m+ WI3.
  12. Dru


    B52 requires 3 locking biners to belay two second with, not 2. So it actually weighs effectively ~80 grams more than the Reverso when you factor in the extra biner.
  13. Hello, The alpine in Chilliwack looks more like Canmore right now. There is fat blue ice everywhere!
  14. Dru

    tough choice?

    sex with who? that will affect my answer.
  15. Its off-hands. Take a stove and some 5mm.
  16. Dru


    Why don't you go back to sewing sequins on your costume, trask?
  17. i'll tell you on wednesday or tuesday night, or monday if it starts snowing
  18. i have bigger fish to fry than short 1 pitch waterfalls, and don is in the wedge area
  19. Dru


    I found this one looking for "pagetop"
  20. Dru


    real life homer simpson createsnicotine filled tomato
  21. Well are you going back there tomorrow to send or what?
  22. Dru

    putin's potty-mouth

    Putin should log himself on an avatar and start spraying, dude sounds like Polish Bob
  23. it's just outsided lunch break range for me or i d say lets hit it up for lunch pull down sesh
  24. Dru


    but then you have to carry 2 devices up a route
  25. On Lefebvre Road in Langley. 20 foot high erratic boulder, probs to V6, 5.8 to 5.10 top rope, aRmy rappellers once in a while its all of like 10 minutes from you. i think its like lefebvre and 12th? near aldergrove cdn forces area anyway.
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