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Everything posted by Dru

  1. No, silly, I bought it there cause it was the first place I saw it! I only stopped in cause they had the 75% off sale, and of course the guidebook wasn't on sale - but I wanted to see if Light on the Path was upgraded to 10a or not...
  2. Oh it was SAR huh. Those dumb-ass fuckers! Isnt the Lefebvre erratic just down the street from school for you?
  3. Dru


    txt msg frm summit
  4. Dru


    belay the other way around or just use it for the alpine. the only thing it does better is autolock bringing up a second. i use a trango pyramid for cragging.
  5. That style of climbing out of a mud pit only to discover someone stole all the hangers? Go to Hatzic instead... granite... bumper belay....
  6. Dru

    Matrix Revolutions

    Hey, Elrond's a good guy! I thought Hugo Weaving was the best part of the whole trilogy. Did I mention I went to a Halloween party as Agent Smith
  7. Dru

    Joke for Dru

    "No, it's just ice cream!"
  8. Good conditions always motivate because to skip them is to waste them.
  9. Dru

    Matrix Revolutions

  10. Dru

    Matrix Revolutions

    how can you lower a bar that is already on the ground? dig a sewage pit
  11. Isn't one of the signs of a psychpath that they believe whatever they say to be true?
  12. I didn't get my copy from Mr. E I got it at that climbing store in Renton on my way to the granite dome!
  13. Dru

    Semi Trucks

    They don't use semi trucks on logging roads. They use LOGGING TRUCKS on logging roads.
  14. Will Gadd's conditions and new routes pages are up and running for another year
  15. Dru

    Joke for Dru

    Are you stuck - no asshole I'm transporting this bridge
  16. Dru


  17. The office for MonkeyFace Press is 420 Rue Daumal Mont Analogue, Quebec CANADA F5A 1G7
  18. haven't you seen the cover of Freedom of the Herd?
  19. real alpinist not drink wimpy coffee get up at midnight - stick pot out of bivi - catch spindrift in pot - melt with body heat - flavour with GU - eat horsecock - drink wodka -get out of bivi, send WI420 M420 X - summit in whiteout - rappel using gear from corpses of all those who have previously failed on route!!!!
  20. Dru

    Blast from The Past

    "information superhighway"
  21. Dru

    i'm a...

    wirlwind is a suck ass sucker who can't wirlwind is not currently involved in any games wirlwind is about to hit the dance music scene wirlwind is in the thornbush; surendur the roots and blow where`ere the spirit wilst wirlwind is the better of the two the fact that it can hide behind anything and still fire is one of the best things around wirlwind is sw wirlwind is the best ones wirlwind is still alive wirlwind is a bad spell against a sorc wirlwind is about to take another of tha madly fleeing accepted wirlwind is one of the best skills for a barbarian since it can attack multiple enemies wirlwind is now entering wirlwind is the base that spins wirlwind is das model viel schöner als das wirlwind is in the thorn tree wirlwind is a must for all barbs wirlwind is nice wirlwind is also very nice
  22. Dru

    i'm a...

    try the google duel www.googleduel.com to see who wins the smackdown
  23. Dru

    Catturd, you suck

    For "raising the bar of complete suck" you might even win a belt Like this guy
  24. Dru


    This weekend! Saturday PM. should combine with an Aurora!
  25. Dru


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