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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    New Super Secret Forum!

    and now you can attempt to track down and purge the traitor who let me in on the secret. it's gonna be a night of the long knives in the secret forums!
  2. Dru

    New Super Secret Forum!

    Wet t-shirts?
  3. A little bird told me that the "Women's Only Forum" has been created and is a super secret forum just like the moderator forum. A female moderator has to activate your account once they know you are really a girl. Once activated you can access the super secret forum which is otherwise invisible to us male peons. It sounds sorta like Wonder Woman's jet. Discuss.
  4. if i post to the NEW NODDER FORUM will they un-ban some of my avatars too?
  5. this way im on time for 6 months of the year and only an hour late in the summer when no one cares
  6. slack lining is the new hacksack i am waiting for the "Vibrating G-string" women's only guided slack lining courses only $350 a pop sista and wear your yoga clothes.
  7. the best route at pechosstin is soloing up the tunnel and bootying all the rap slings and locking biners the mounties just left on the anchors when they rapped off booty!
  8. Dru

    HAHAHAHAHA its Lambone!

    yeah some one should tell these super serious aid geeks going "my a2 is your a4+, and my ultimate super piece is better than your so so widget" that - Stevie Haston
  9. Dru

    AK gone Jurassic?

    favorite article of the day anyways. i wonder if a similar force acts to help the p-nut butter stick to your mouth
  10. ya well can you tell your mom i left a nodder over there last night and she better not break it when she's "freshening up"
  11. Dru

    AK gone Jurassic?

    you can ask about a followup if the bird ever came back over atthe www.forteantimes.com message board
  12. Dru

    Trip Hop/Trance Music

    i never said tackhead wasn't good but calling tackhead triphop is like calling the pixies "acid jazz" or nirvana "bubblegum pop" i think my all time favorite laswell album is SEVEN SOULS with Burroughs reciting from The Place of Dead Roads. "You have to be in hell to see heaven. Glimpses from the land of the dead, flashes of serene, timeless joy - a joy as old as suffering and despair." but Tabla Beat Science "Live at Stern Grove vol 1 and 2" is currently the most in rotation.
  13. i like to take them off belay in the middle of the crux and yell out some motivational phrase like "See ya in hell dirtbag" or "Suck it up princess" or even "If you die here, I win!". then it doesn't matter what the gear is like
  14. i'm on daylight savings time all year long cause i lost the manual for how to change the clock in my car. soviet russia was also on daylight savings time all year round
  15. Dru

    Trip Hop/Trance Music

    FWIW Gary Clail only made one album of Tackhead remixes and it isn't really trip hop. The rest of Tackhead's ouevre can hardly be described as trip hop let alone any type of hop at all. Gary Clail did make some other albums as ON-U SOUND SYSTEM
  16. Geoff on Skin of a Lion GWW Kai on Wings of Desire Feathered booty on Mrs Palmer. Two shots of Gangbang at GWW Not a very good shot of Steve pretending to be Sylvester Stallone on "The Dream" Don't ever let them tell you there are no slabs at Skaha.
  17. Dru

    AK gone Jurassic?

    dude that news is so 2002. the pterodactyl was never found
  18. Dru

    Trip Hop/Trance Music

    in that case i only have 2 things to say to u bill laswell
  19. Dru

    Gore Points

    this is not true. your powers are turned back at the border by our hard working canada customs and revenue unionized government workers.
  20. it's about "what is meant by influential". Do you mean the climber that is most respected, most emulated, who you'd most like to be, or who has done the most to change the sport? One who hasn't been mentioned yet is John Sherman. By making a guidebook that graded and named boulder problems, and applying open ended grading system to those problems, and popularizing the crash pad, one could argue Sherman is more responsible than anyone else for the current popularity of bouldering.
  21. "in situ pigeons were not even capable of supporting body weight"
  22. Dru

    As For Poets

    BEER from: Love is A Mad Dog From Hell I don't know how many bottles of beer I have consumed while waiting for things to get better I dont know how much wine and whisky and beer mostly beer I have consumed after splits with women- waiting for the phone to ring waiting for the sound of footsteps, and the phone to ring waiting for the sounds of footsteps, and the phone never rings until much later and the footsteps never arrive until much later when my stomach is coming up out of my mouth they arrive as fresh as spring flowers: "what the hell have you done to yourself? it will be 3 days before you can fuck me!" the female is durable she lives seven and one half years longer than the male, and she drinks very little beer because she knows its bad for the figure. while we are going mad they are out dancing and laughing with horney cowboys. well, there's beer sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles and when you pick one up the bottle fall through the wet bottom of the paper sack rolling clanking spilling gray wet ash and stale beer, or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m. in the morning making the only sound in your life. beer rivers and seas of beer the radio singing love songs as the phone remains silent and the walls stand straight up and down and beer is all there is
  23. Dru

    As For Poets

    When awful darkness and silence reign Over the great Gromboolian plain, Through the long, long wintry nights;- When the angry breakers roar As they beat on the rocky shore;- When Storm-clouds brood on the towering heights Of the hills of the Chankly Bore:- Then, through the vast and gloomy dark, There moves what seems a fiery spark, A lonely spark with silvery rays Piercing the coal-black night,- Hither and thither the vision strays, A single lurid light. Slowly it wanders, - pauses, - creeps, - Anon it sparkles, - flashes and leaps; And ever as onward it gleaming goes A light on the Bong-tree stems it throws. And those who watch at that midnight hour From Hall or Terrace, or lofty Tower, Cry, as the wild light passes along, - "The Dong! - the Dong! "The wandering Dong through the forest goes! "The Dong! the Dong! "The Dong with a luminous Nose!" Long years ago The Dong was happy and gay, Till he fell in love with a Jumbly Girl Who came to those shores one day. For the Jumblies came in a Sieve, they did, - Landing at Eve near the Zemmery Fidd Where the Oblong Oysters grow, And the rocks are smooth and gray. And all the woods and the valleys rang With the chorus they daily and nightly sang, - "Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a sieve." Happily, happily passed those days! While the cheerful Jumblies staid; They danced in circlets all night long, To the plaintive pipe of the lively Dong, In moonlight, shine or shade. For day and night he was always there By the side of the Jumbly Girl so fair, With her sky-blue hands, and her sea-green hair. Till the morning came of that hateful day When the Jumblies sailed in their sieve away, And the Dong was left on the cruel shore Gazing - gazing for evermore,- Ever keeping his weary eyes on That pea-green sail on the far horizon, - Singing the Jumbly Chorus still As he sate all day on the grassy hill, - "Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a sieve." But when the sun was low in the West, The Dong arose and said, - "What little sense I once possessed Has quite gone out of my head!" And since that day he wanders still By lake and forest, marsh and hill, Singing - "O somewhere, in valley or plain "Might I find my Jumbly Girl again! "For ever I'll seek by lake and shore "Till I find my Jumbly Girl once more!" Playing a pipe with silvery squeaks, Since then his Jumbly Girl he seeks, And because by night he could not see, He gathered the bark of Twangum Tree On the flowery plain that grows. And he wove him a wondrous Nose, - A Nose as strange as a Nose could be! Of vast proportions and painted red, And tied with cords to the back of his head. - In a hollow rounded space it ended With a luminous lamp within suspended, All fenced about With a bandage stout To prevent the wind from blowing it out; - And with holes all round to send the light, In gleaming rays on the dismal night. And now each night, and all night long, Over those plains still roams the Dong; And above the wail of the Chimp and Snipe You may hear the squeak of his plaintive pipe While ever he seeks, but seeks in vain To meet with his Jumbly Girl again; Lonely and wild - all night he goes, - The Dong with a luminous Nose! And all who watch at the midnight hour, From Hall or Terrace, or lofty Tower, Cry, as they trace the Meteor bright, Moving along through the dreary night, - "This is the hour when forth he goes, "The Dong with a luminous Nose! "Yonder - over the plain he goes; "He goes! "He goes; "The Dong with a luminous Nose!"
  24. "I like stretching. Stretching helps my climbing." - Ron Kauk "Yeah, stretching the truth!" - Mark Chapman
  25. Dru

    Trip Hop/Trance Music

    stop listening to dat stale sound and feed your ears some DUB
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