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Everything posted by Dru

  1. i bought lottery tickets with mine
  2. well its raining out so im not gonna walk to the store just to buy a lime - i juiced an orange instead.
  3. Dru

    exxon valdez follow-up

    valdez? this dark roast tastes like motor oil!
  4. Dru


    speaking of finally.... i know you have all been waiting for the next amazing medical breakthrough HUMAN BREASTS GROWN ON MICE
  5. Dru

    I'm back!

    yeah i go to all this trouble to create false personas for my avatars, and then give them to adamson who takes 5 minutes to ruin all the work by signing off as himself and gets the avatar banninated by jon
  6. powdered hummus, powdered cardboard, whats the difference that said - hummus alternative boil chickpeas almost dry then drain. HOT - in bowl - chickpeas chopped parsley garlic salt diced tomatoes plain yoghurt 1 tsp mayonnaise balsamic vinegar curry powder eat immediately
  7. Dru

    6.5 HOURS TO GO

  8. it's certainly technically hard but just a couple moves out the roof with gear right there whereas the 12b on the east face of XXXXXX ( I will be killed if i say any more cause the complete free ascent has not yet been done) is on formerly A3 pitch with junk gear....or so I heard... and would probably get a higher E grade it's all academic. lib crack free is for sure hard but has a short approach as well, basically alpine cragging - you could compare to hard routes at Index as opposed to other alpine routes because the logistics of remoteness are not there.
  9. but then you have to wait a day to eat hummus what difference does it make if done with cold beans im gonna try that just to see if it works.
  10. Dru

    6.5 HOURS TO GO

    i saw all these frat boy types show up just for the amon set. personally i liked the other djs better
  11. bats eat wasps fuzzy little winged snafflehounds
  12. "The hardest route in the Cascades is the one having the most fun."
  13. Dru


    if only the thermos from my kc and the sunshine band lunchbox hadn't broken in 4th grade i could get $100 for it on ebay
  14. Dru

    6.5 HOURS TO GO

    you gotta give diplo credit for opening the show and warming up the crowd who had no interest in him too.
  15. ya, canary without wasps is 4th class by comparison
  16. mcdonald-mather on baker on a warm day in july ditto those routes that climb up under the icefall from lower to upper curtis on shuksan. "hey WTF doing new routes is cool! let's climb that face right under the huge scary serac!!!" what were those guys thinkin back in the 50's and 60's?
  17. nav wall is not even the hardest route on slesse so cannot be a hardest in the cascades route
  18. Dru


    3 hey rich, a thermos keeps cold things cold and hot things hot. how does it know which is which
  19. another thread ressurection! routes which can and have been skiied cannot be difficult.
  20. Dru

    Word of the day!

    damn that's some fine wood pussy in da blunt
  21. the pink tri cam saves lives. the red, brown and blues are quite nice. the green one can be used as an emergency smoking implement and the biggest yellow one can be used as an emergency belay/rappel device.
  22. Dru

    Pabst is Back

    can sales of OE 800 be far behind
  23. you don't need to put olive oil in the hummus. it just makes it greasy. put the whole cloves in. will aint no chef
  24. Dru

    6.5 HOURS TO GO

    and they all in seattle tonight and pdx tomorrow so no excuses to mis it! this is my pictorial TR
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