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Everything posted by Dru

  1. some do it in teams
  2. THE OTTER!!! OH MY GOD!!!
  3. my favourite experiential learning class was Sex Ed. the Ed stood for Edwina, she was hotttt
  4. sure is wolper
  5. even at the mid Atlantic ridge? Huh? Huh?
  6. Dru


    you wonder what happened to trask??? read on
  7. poor klenke, beautiful but no peak bagging
  8. hayduke: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showprofile.php?Cat=0&User=1273&page=2&what=showmembers
  9. who invented the phrase "chat is so suck" anyways
  10. actually even if it isnt completely solid it doesnt matter all that much.
  11. do flying squirrels get airsick?
  12. lanyard reduces force on the entire system because there is no belayer. your biner is at one end and you at the other. thats how you can generate a factor-5 fall, falling 5m between rungs on a 1m length of leash. now a screamer tied into the end of the rope isnt going to do jack squat to reduce forces on the rope system or the pro. just on you. you would fall, shock load the pro, then the screamer would rip and leave you hanging 2 feet lower.
  13. is the golden snaffle eating a nut, or a wedge of horsecock pizza ???
  14. thats cause sperm whales keep mistaking the cables for giant squid and attacking them hey cbs please explain how water pressure is expected to act through solid rock huh??? anyways...they didn't have to build the tunnel at all. it is the reactivated tunnel that runs from Lemuria to Shambhala by way of Atlantis. there is a great chapter describing this tunnel system in Umberto Eco's book Foucault's Pendulum. I got my bus ticket Vancouver to Chamonix already look out Dru here comes Dru!
  15. trundle!!!!
  16. speaking of which, I hear two chatroom regulars have hooked up accounting for their recent infrequent visitations to the chatroom
  17. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB23&Number=104132&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=104124&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=1431&daterange=0&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post104132 scroll down to "4 secrets for a happy marriage"
  18. Dru

    feelings, really?

    PETP (people for ethical treat of plants, not PETey Puget) say "Eat a beaver save a tree. It's eco-logical!"
  19. Dru

    Hey Peter!

    Hmmm, in Canada I can't say gay sex is evil (it isn't), in the US I can't say that climate change is happening (it is) and remain on the government payroll. Which is worse?
  20. named after the town or valley of Karst in Croatia. Karst is a landform associated with heavily dissected and eroded massive limestone and dolomite. In general karst takes a long time to develop thus in the recently glaciated limestone Canadian Rockies there is minimal karst. There is some cool stuff on Vancouver Island, and the Alaska panhandle though that developed rapidly because its so damn wet.
  21. Muir on saturday and the Learn Slab from experienced Instructors threads are the best ever. iains Joshua Tree album with mustache rider, and whoever put adventuregal climbing cerro torre (was italpinfox?) are some good photoshop The Nodder thread gets better every time someone complains they dont understand it or its boring
  22. hey ken did you guys do Shaman p2? Its real good - gear protected face climbing, Tri Cam special
  23. stfu n00b
  24. The last time someone tried to slaughter TheOtter, PETA got'er and brought her to trial.
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