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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Found on UKCLIMBING

    Discuss Apparently this guy is the UK's Dan -. Full discussion here: http://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/t.php?n=80992 The link to the guy's website no longer works though. I am hoping to get a cached zip file of it though so i can laugh too.
  2. camping out at snoboy's pad is definitely not the safest
  3. "CLIMBING PORN FOR OFFICE. VOTE CLIMBING PORN IN 2004. DUMP BUSH" honestly i thought thats what this thread was gonna be about when i saw the title anyways - just buy some used climbing mags online and cut out the "gallery" pictures and stick them on the wall.
  4. Dru

    chemistry question

    that iodine and ammonia stuff is the bomb we used to put it on doorknobs and on peoples tires and stuff don't try this at home
  5. it is worth noting that on Yuji Hirayama's "onsight" of Sphinx Crack 13b he climbed to the roof halfway up (5.11) "to warm up", downclimbed to the ground, then climbed back up to the roof and continued through the crux upper section so according to some of you his amazing "onsight" wasn't i like to go to smith with my laser-pointer and yell out "big hold right there" and mark the hold with the pointer just when someone is going for the onsight to ruin it for them
  6. do they make a nodder shaped one?
  7. nodder nodder nodder
  8. moose and
  9. i don't think anybody has mentioned kjell swedin yet as wide crack master. you have only to consider the SCIMITAR on the backside of the chief though, to bow in awe.
  10. if you think that you got a Nodder think coming
  11. i can't believe it's not Nodder
  12. Dru

    april's fools

    any of these fooled you?
  13. Except that Europe has a well-refined system of trains for distributing goods, while we rely on primarily on trucks. So, when gas is $3 a gallon, milk will be $5 a gallon and a loaf of bread will cost $9. How is this good for the economy? The value of the product is still the same, but the cost of bringing it to the consumer has increased, and your earnings remain the same. This means less money to spend on things other than food, which results in an economic collapse. horse drawn milk wagon Since horses eat grass, and grass grows by photosynthesis, horses are "solar powered". High tech for the new millennium!
  14. Dru

    april's fools

    the homestarrunner.com april fools day toon is pretty good
  15. almost, now that the Canadian dollar is essentially equal in value to the USD
  16. Yeah if you switched to metric right now, your gas price would go from $2.279/gal to probably 59.9 cents a liter
  17. horsecock vanilla halvah granola gummi bears for sugar rushes red lentils and curry powder bacon, bacon, bacon. pancakes. if you hit a bulk foods store that's any good, like Famous Foods in vancouver, you can get wicked stuff like whole milk powder, powdered eggs, dehydrated chili etc. one to two scoop per person per day in general it is useless to carry water. so bring in fuel instead and use that to melt water. this goes for your drinks too, bring in the strongest alcohol you can get (everclear?) and dilute it to taste.
  18. Dru


    one bottle of unibroue maudite will get you drunker than the 3 cans of lucky you could buy with the same money
  19. martian diagonal at peshastin roto wall saber midway mountie doom and gibson's crack connie's crack, domestic dome x-y cracks really though if the guy can lead harder than that you just follow the alex huber progression. first lead 5.8. second lead 5.11a. third lead on sighting Equinox (12d)
  20. my whole list of girls' phone numbers and addresses is back online i was worried there for a minute
  21. HOBBES
  22. i just sent you all PM's
  23. Dru

    Guns vs. Doctors

    Actually a lot of them are used for randomly firing while driving through Wiebo Ludwig's front yard or whatever
  24. I saw this ad up on Will Gadd's site and thought I'd cvross post the link here. Any pharmacists out there wanna move to Lillooet? ( And can I stay on your couch on weekends if you do move up there ) http://www.gravsports.com/Ice%20Pages%20Folder/03_04%20Ice%20Conditions/pharmacist.htm
  25. Mercenaries are everywhere. Just read the Soldier of Fortune classifieds or watch how these mostly ex-FFL guys keep getting caught in Africa trying to overthrow the Comoros or Equatorial Guinea. What is the diff between a mercenary and a soldier? Soldier sereves out of nationalism but mercenary serves for pay to anyone who's paying. If Mike would or could quit if he didn't get paid - mercenary. Compare to Glacierdog who can't (AFAIK) just go AWOl if his check is late. Being security, however, is not mercenary technically, unless you are working directly for the military. Who cuts the cheque? The pentagon or haliburton, or the UN? The UN is employing armed persons right now for security. So are NGOs and corporations. But since those aren't working as "combatants" for a military, are they mercenaries (paid soldiers) or just bodyguards? Tough job anyway.
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