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Everything posted by Dru

  1. its about 400m high above the ramp at the highest pt, overhanging at the bottom. pretty wet from snowmelt in the spring. the winslow creek logging road is on the other side of the river but you can bushwack along the bank from the nearest bridge (it took me about 2 hrs in cork boots) to the base of the ramp. the only problem is the road only goes to the logging camp, so youd have to walk from the camp and you have to canoe, heli or float plane into the camp.... (Chris Rowe works out of the camp a lot the lucky bastard) There's a slightly smaller "Sherrifs Badge" type wall west of this up the Stave facing across to the Judge which is, I believe, unclimbed.... After evaluating both of these I decided there are bigger unclimbed walls with easier access The biggest prizes in the area are actually north face of JH itself and west face of Stonerabbit though
  2. i got a lot of ticks in my guidebook
  3. if its this one John Black and Chris Rowe are steadily progressing on a 5.9 A3 that is getting hear to topping out. I will have more info when I go back into Winslow Cr in a few weeks.
  4. yeah i booted down the steepest part of the sentinel after watching fern and billygoat wipe out
  5. if you can get annabelle bond to join your club i will too
  6. Dru


    what re ewe bumpin' and baa' ing about?
  7. you mean like the Ahwahnee Buffet???
  8. this thread rocks
  9. My brother runs a used bookstore and he got a copy in of this (out of print I believe) Randall Green guide to the Selkirk Crest and Sandpoint. If anybody is desperate for a copy send me a PM and I will PM you the bookstore number so you can phone up and bargain for it.
  10. damn: dru - elfin to sentinel - 10 hrs and change stefan - sentinel to elfin - 3 hrs i've been howitted!!!
  11. So i got up at 4 AM today and went to climb the NW face of Tomyhoi but the snow was super isothermal and the air was very warm (it must have been +10C at 6 am). Got home by 8 and slept till noon then went back to the lake for more bouldering. Less wildlife today but I was able to do two of the problems I couldn't do yesterday. On one of them this was because i cleaned dirt out of a fingerlock to the point i could actually jam it but on the other one it was just a matter of sloper friction and getting the footwork down. I called this latter problem FAT MAN'S BALLS (V2?) due to the difficulty of seeing through the stone paunch to put feet on the proper holds
  12. "with a guidebook the masses may follow" hey tex correct me if i'm missing something here but 1) there have been indian creek guidebooks out for years 2) the area is already crowded by the "masses" and there is ongoing problems with spread out car camping, too many trails, erosion and human waste no?
  13. Dru


    The Chatter? Oh my god!
  14. Maple syrup is yummy. And i have a big jug of organic maple syrup here. It's gotta be good for more than pancakes and coffee
  15. Dru

    Hey Peter!

    Tobacco science? That's so 1990's. Nowadays it's "Bush science"
  16. This crazy German I used to work for would actually throw his arms wide, embrace the view and say "Ahhhh, nature!' like it was some rare thing. Anyways I went bouldering today or maybe I should say scrubbing because I cleaned 4 problems and could only climb one of them I saw a whole bunch of carpenter ants, two bald eagles, numerous ravens, an osprey (all flying by or circling overhead) and as I was hiking out this bat flew out from between two rocks, circled around me once and then flew away into another boulder cave...
  17. On the 9th page of Nodder My true love gave to me Nine nodders nodding
  18. jordop can tell you all about drinking lead based paint
  19. Otter da fe? Sure is Nodder!
  20. The high soy content gives the bars a big hit of phytoestrogens. But both in Asia and here the men that eat a lot of tofu don't suddenly grow tits so I can't imagine what the purpose of marketing them "for women" is. It it supposed to be herbal hormone replacement for your drying menses or what? Cause I read somewhere that recent studies have determined hormone replacement is worthless due to the increased cancer risk.
  21. I know there was the other thread about making your own GU out of brown rice syrup and DIY flavourings. But I started to wonder, why not just use maple syrup instead of rice syrup? I imagine it has more simple sugars and would provide more short energy and a sugar crash but do any nutritionists care to comment one way or another?
  22. Dru

    worn rungs

    i call cat-bs. you should sit up top sometime and watch the tension in the anchor when the top rope is on. sure lowering causes more wear but to say tr'ing causes no wear is wrong.
  23. Dru


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