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Everything posted by Dru

  1. is steve snyder related to erik snyder... does the conspiracy penetrate to the heart of cascadeclimbers.com?
  2. get ahold of john baldwin's book he has some advice in there about how to air drop. just don't put your food and fuel in the same package or canned foods in with soft foods cause the can will tunnel through the bag of rice. in the spring you are dropping into several feet of soft snow which is magically plabalicious for catching things
  3. Dru

    Got MILF?

    I think it is?
  4. actually it's a parliament of owls, and an unkindness of ravens and a chattter of muffys
  5. Dru

    Got MILF?

  6. Impacts Gruber, S., M. Hoelzle and W. Haeberli. 2004. Permafrost thaw and destabilization of Alpine rock walls in the hot summer of 2003. GRL 31, L13504, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020051, 2004. Gruber et al. consider whether the unusual summer of 2003 in Europe is an indicator of things to come under climate change. The summer of 2003 was ~3°C warmer in Switzerland than the 1961-90 average and this coincided with exceptional rock fall activity, especially at high elevations and on north-facing slopes. In the absence of unusual precipitation or other possible effects on slope stability, the authors hypothesize that rapid degradation of mountain permafrost is the likely cause. They investigated this hypothesis using observations of air and near surface temperature in steep rock faces in an energy balance model to simulate summer thaw for the period 1982-2002 and compared it to 2003 rates. The modelled thaw of 2003 exceeded the maximum of the previous 21 years. , Authors conclude that these findings are cause for concern with respect to future warming, suggesting that the locations, magnitudes and frequencies of rock wall instabilities are likely to expand beyond the ranges of historic variability. This instability has implications for infrastructure, tourism and public safety in alpine ranges. Better buy a new helmet...
  7. a big bro at the lip of the roof prevents the roof crack from eating your rope there are some alpine climbs they work great on... also useful at J-tree.... the #1 is way too small, the #2 Ok, the #3 the best one, and the #4 is too big except for real specific situations - IMHO and i don't own any either
  8. Ade did you find any burkshards or "hanging" cornices ( I didnt know there were any other kind? ) on your 6000m summits or do you think these hazards are only found in the DEATH ZONE
  9. "somebody" fixed lines on the 2 pitch bush approach at the start of St Vitus Dance around the time Calculus Crack was scrubbed and they were gone within the week
  10. oh and a bumble of Mountaineers
  11. i just spent the last two days heli-cragging and heli-bouldering cork boots are aid!
  12. a RACK of climbers and a PAD of spotters
  13. up to 3 days
  14. Dru


    Don't harsh my mellow You unpleasant fellow Or I shall bellow
  15. Dru


    No, I am curious, yellow
  16. where is the digital clinometer download and 3 witnesses?
  17. Dru

    Lightest rope?

    i was referring to the invisible, weighs-nothing freesolo rope, i got mine on a pro deal from satan
  18. i always use a daisy chain to attach myself to an anchor and i have been climbing for 15 years i have taken factor-2 falls onto a daisy chain dangerous habits! my oh my that said I'd get a PAS too.
  19. swan dress... swan dress... bjork is the most japanese icelandic woman out there
  20. i dont think tori ever wore a swan dress anyways they are both cool. britney spears sucks.
  21. unrepeated new wave a4?
  22. um, lets see you like volcanoes so you want to go to an 8k peak which i assume you mean 8000m in the himalayas... you want to know about cascade speed records for good training have you checked out http://www.mountainspeedclimbing.org ?
  23. on bivouac.com or in the bruce fairley guide or from me
  24. cliff hanger vs. vertical limit...
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