its cause you are all being lame and not posting
i am single handedly keeping this board going today!
maybe cause its sunny outside and i am stuck at work for 3 more hours
EDIT: 6 out of 20 is "almost every forum"???
actually farming changes habitat WAAAAAY more permanently than logging. a clearcut grows back but converting a forest to a farm perpetuates the clerarcut for hundreds of years.
and urbanization is worse than either!
D00d i just had a flashback to like Land of the Lost or Land That Time Forgot or something where they always manage to kill a dinosaur by building a giant slingshot out of two springy trees
dude you can open a beer with an oval - pfft why do you need a nut tool
and you need the z5 and z6 zero cam then you will not need the metolius 1 and 2