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Everything posted by Dru

  2. its cause you are all being lame and not posting i am single handedly keeping this board going today! maybe cause its sunny outside and i am stuck at work for 3 more hours EDIT: 6 out of 20 is "almost every forum"???
  3. Dru


    swaterfall sought freestylin crown
  4. Dru


    plane hop float around
  5. Dru


    chain shot battle ground
  6. Dru

    Maude NF

  7. if you got the right person to lead it you could have a chicken on the 5.8 on the chicken and it'd be self-referential!
  8. Dru


    the dust bunny - an urban snafflehound
  9. there's a route on truax that will go for sure you guys are just chickens aid climbing, pah
  10. STILL no repeats huh maybe you will have to pay up $$$$$$ or or
  11. bbq the
  12. jordop is just pissed because his 4cyl 4runner is a lemon
  13. i heard lance gets transfusions of extra-oxygenated blood every night and sleeps in a velvet lined coffin
  14. Dru


  15. the poor goats they will be short of climber urine for weeks now! cold turkey
  16. Dru


    actually farming changes habitat WAAAAAY more permanently than logging. a clearcut grows back but converting a forest to a farm perpetuates the clerarcut for hundreds of years. and urbanization is worse than either!
  17. Dru


    i am a left wing anarchist and i would rather drink beer with gotterdamerung than jerryaTrYX. why? cause jerry sounds like a whiner
  18. Dru

    cams and nuts

    actually i have a salewa brand nut tool that also has a buolt in beer opener.
  19. Dru

    cams and nuts

    still useful for aid climbing but i will trade you two yellow tcu for two z6's!
  20. Dru


    D00d i just had a flashback to like Land of the Lost or Land That Time Forgot or something where they always manage to kill a dinosaur by building a giant slingshot out of two springy trees
  21. Dru

    cams and nuts

    yeah I have two yellow TCUs and since i got the Z6 i hardly place either one anymore
  22. if u climb fast in the mts u dont have to waitalot
  23. Dru

    cams and nuts

    dude you can open a beer with an oval - pfft why do you need a nut tool and you need the z5 and z6 zero cam then you will not need the metolius 1 and 2
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