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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Body Mass Index

    you mean like Bruddah Iz ?
  2. Dru


    fawk d00d there are wolves in pemberton... and cougars in the bars of vancouver
  3. "easily accessible 2wd roads" good one darin! where is the sandbag graemlin?
  4. Dru

    wierdest booty

  5. In 2002, when pagetops ruled the earth.
  6. the main difference between women's and men's harnesses is in the ratio of leg loop size to waist size, and in the distance between waist and leg loops (length of rear riser and the leg-loop to belay loop riser). However not all companies use the same woman as their model for these ratios.
  7. how did you set up the rescue? cell phone or did someone run to a trailhead?
  8. nice hat!
  9. Dru

    Body Mass Index

    omg im fatter than muffy
  10. hey stavrogin drive up to coquihalla pass and climb the north ridge of needle peak. one of the best 4th class scrambles out there. it's only a 1-day though, forget camping, drive home and do the w ridge of north twin sis the next day
  11. [chestbeat]i know people that have done it[/chestbeat].
  12. Dru

    Lightest rope?

    the lightest rope out there is the one free soloists use
  13. lucy in the sky with diamonds, man oh well.. the real story is at spaceweather.com
  14. Dru

    Body Mass Index

    22.6 thing about BMI is if you are 6 feet tall and weigh 200 with a 5% body fat content, or if you are 6 feet tall, 200 lbs with a 35-40% body fat content, there are huge differences in your overall health but you have the same BMI. the only reason BMI is a useful statistic is because so few people are fit that you can assume most everyone with a high BMI is a fat sack o lard.
  15. there is sometimes/often a snow patch partway up near where you would traverse into the north couloir the rock is said to be better than the ne butt it is done much less frequently the approach is more difficult and exposed to more ice fall. it is in the shade for almost the whole day - brrrr
  16. http://science.nasa.gov/spaceweather/swpod2004/14jul04/Seidenfaden1.jpg
  17. if i was going to have done the beckey route i'd still be waiting. i "did" the Bell. tick, tick!
  18. the one time i did it there were 19 ppl on beckey route and we made it to the summit before any of them so the rap thing was not an issue. some of them were still waiting to start climbing when we rapped down ourselves
  19. Dru


    Fremd wasp Pint buzzard If you are a botanist You'll know that sporange Also rhymes with orange As does Stonehenge
  20. they don't need stairs, just cement in place all the climbers dogs', goats, packs etc. and they will have enviro control using only native materials.
  21. Dru


    Is the website work safe Is the phone number work safe for that matter?
  22. Hah they must not have like the bandwidth drain. The pocket glacier below Slesse's east face doesn't cataclysmically slide, producing an ice avalanche into the basin below, every year. When it does, it usually goes in July or August. This year it was a month early. When the pocket glacier is gone it is much easier and safer to get to the Bypass Variation start than otherwise.
  23. If there are a bunch of people ahead of you do Overexposure instead. You will pass them all. If the tricky move gives trouble, just tie your rope to a passing goat and tell it there's urine in the future if it can rope gun the crux for ya.
  24. remember if your soap opera is boring you, you can always post it online so people you don't know can make fun of you too
  25. The Unimog needs a repair
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