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Everything posted by Dru

  1. canqubein is hardre to spel
  2. If you wanna stay in a motel you are going to need designated driver to get from the kegs of TG to the motel room.
  3. Dude you should be calling her Mistress Muffy.
  4. One time... at the Grasslands....
  5. Shutting down Yam Meadows was more in line with the general Alberta policy of no free camping anywhere in the Bow Valley or Kananaskis.
  6. The alpine climbing is much better than the crag climbing. Here's the Old Man of the Mountains looking for a snafflehound to impress with his rack on the way out from Gimli.
  7. Dru

    Round 2

    dude you guys have it backwards, its a drinking game every time someone says iraq on tv, you take a drink
  8. You do realize that the sausages and hamburgers were at the Bellingham Pub Club right?
  9. "For The Ladies...Huggable Loveable Barry Bubba Blanchard Inflatable Doll - He's Adorable" - writing on box in Tami Knight cartoon.
  10. Not entirely true Will. There are places like Back of the Lake at Lake Louise where the hikers apparently love to see the shiny lines of bolts just as much as they like to see the dangling climbers dogging out the moves on DEWLine.
  11. taking the most vacations of any president in history is hard work?
  12. Is being hoe hardcore the same as being tuft?
  13. Kate I think you mean www.ice-mixed.com
  14. Beta is aid
  15. Is a Double Stan Dad something to do with gay marriage?
  16. I boil and then White Lightning.
  17. Dan Lepeska, the FFA, expressed a desire on the original DDD thread that there be one bolt at the start and the rest be gear.
  18. Dru

    note to self

    And whatever happened to Thrutch?
  19. I have seen much more significant erosion on ice climber trails where certain idiots seem to think its cool to wear their crampons to walk up and down the Rambles trail. But what the hell. Even animals cause erosion. Ever seen a well used cattle trail or a goat path in the alpine?
  20. I haven't written an email yet because I have this suspicion that, like the other times I have offered serious suggestions, I will not be taken seriously and my response will be consigned to the "not content" bin. I am curious to know the total number of emails recieved. How many were "not content" vs. the three with content? One? Two? One hundred? THREE...... MILLLLLLLLLLLION......?
  21. Granite---->Szyjakowski's head----->Scar---->Beer
  22. Author Nalo Hopkinson is a female.
  23. But scuba-sport climbers can bolt coral. Don't bolt the coral!
  24. Isn't Nalo a girls name???? Meow
  25. Shale is a slightly metamorphosed mudstone. Mudstone---> shale---> slate---> schist.
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