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Everything posted by TimL

  1. Done it about a hundred thousand times. But thats not the point. Those anchors have been there forever. Plus the 5.10 short pitch is a great moderate for an area with not too many moderates.
  2. Somebody decided to remove one of the chain anchors from P1 short. The bolt is still there, but the chain and hanger is missing. Hopefully the person who decided to remove it will put it back. Whoever did it is really friggin stupid.
  3. Somebody buy this before Thursday so I don't have to haul it back to Spain.
  4. I prefer dental floss girth hitched around my balls.
  5. TimL


    Would of recognized you guys as well. I was pretty fried so I think I just stumbled past on my way to the car.
  6. TimL


    Where were you guys climbing yesterday? We were in the country then by Godzilla and Natural Log Cabin.
  7. Just figured out I left my Yosemite Guides in Spain. Would be interested in buying the Reid guide off somebody and maybe the Supertopo free climbs guide. PM me if interested.
  8. Wild Things Andinista Pack for sale for $200. Colors Black and Purple. Pack has little use. Selling it because the frame doesn't fit my wife very well. Will try to post a photo later. PM me if interested. FS: WilWild Things gear for rock and ice climbing, mountaineering, and backcountry ... Backpacks; Andinista
  9. Heading back up north in a couple days to do some approach free aiding in Squampton. Now its been about 3 years since I've been to Squishy, so I was wondering if anyone could give me beta on clean aid routes up there. I know U Wall is C1, but whats the beta and clean rack for Cannabis Wall, Wrist Twister and Uncle Ben's? Thanks!
  10. Glacier Peak. Sitkum Glacier. Great 3 day solo. Did it myself in two days many years ago.
  11. Add 50%...yikes. Do you know if a low clearence vehicle can make it to the trailhead?...like a VW Golf?
  12. I'll be there Monday and might try to remove some stuff if we are in that area. The right side of the cliff exfoliates a fair bit. A year or two ago several large blocks below Shirly came off and the person who who solo aiding was lucky to get away.
  13. Where is a good place to check on the weather in the Bugs?
  14. Interesting thought. I would say fix the thing. That area could be really nice, and honestly, that traverse is nasty. Just fix it in a low impact, nonvisiable way. Explain your ideas on fixing it? How would you do it. I remember the traverse clearly, and it would be a little tough. I also remember there were a fair amount of bolts on the thing that are used for anchors for the climbs below. Wouldn't mind actually go back up there here soon. What have you been cleaning/doing up there? Topos?
  15. Leave the 28th of September.
  16. PM me if you want to sell one.
  17. Has anyone done the Sunshine route on Snowpatch? What type of rack do you need. The route looks awesome, although I had a couple people tell me you need a huge rack of big cams for the route.
  18. Be prepared for a long friggin flight. And if you are flying with someone that is not a citizen, make sure they have a new passport. The laws changed as of Oct 5, 2005 and everyone that flys to the states has to have a new passport that has a readable bar code. That was a nice surprise yesterday at the airport. See ya when your back!
  19. I have to say it depends on the person. Most people that I see solo are solid vs a lot of people I see roped climbing.
  20. Don't get me wrong, Spain rocks, but there is nothing like looking out at Rainier and the Cascades first thing in the morning.
  21. Montserrat is very nice. You'll find long routes of to 10 pitches on the north side formations and you'll find nice sport routes on the south side. Nice place to spend a couple days. Go to Libreria Desnivel. You can find it by going to the Desnivel website, there will be a link that takes you to the bookstore. There are two guides you can buy, one is for the north side routes (Montserrat, 390 vies d escalada) and the other is for the south side routes (Montserrat Cara Sur). Its possible that both books will be in Catalan, not Spanish. Be careful, it gets really hot there in the summer.
  22. Buy the Gunks Selected Guide. The place is really amazing. One of the best crags I have ever been to. Don't worry about the grades, there are so many classic climbs that the only thing you'll have to worry about is the lines. The grades are hard. Start out easy then go harder as you fell more comfortable. There is a nice gear shop, Snow and Rock or something. Ask them were the free camping is. BE careful with the grades. I tried the Sting and I was solid at the grade of the route. It smacked me down.
  23. Somebody climb the friggin route. This is the second time DC has cleaned it in I don't know how many years. Great route to do after Davis Holland, or a good warm-up for Clay. Reallyt good finger locks as DC said, although the top out is a little dirty from what I can remember. DC. I'll give it another go in a couple weeks.
  24. Wow, what kind of snales are around here? Are you heading to Cavelliars this summer?
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