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This guy didn't get what he wanted for xmas


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How about Dem Senator Robert Byrd? Used the "N" word in a recent TV interview....former KKK man...no media hysteria though...no calls for his resignation....that's reserved for Republicans!


How about Dem Senator Fritz Hollings? He's the one who PUT UP the Confederate Flag in So Carolina! No media outrage though...that's reserved for Republicans.


How about Bill Clinton's mentor, William J Fulbright? Former Democrat Senator and rabid segragationist. When 'Ole Bill spoke his praises recently you didn't hear any media outrage. That's reserved for Republicans.


Lets get real here. NOT backing/supporting modern "affirmative action", or the "reparations" movement, or even the MLK national holiday (which I support), doesn't make someone a racist. I would propose that many Democratic inspired govt programs are racist...including afirmative action itself. Trent Lott apologized profusely, and the Dem's piled on for political gain.


I watch FOX news. Dan Rather CBS, Peter Jennings ABC, and to a lesser degree Tom Brokaw NBC are all Democrat stooge networks. CNN is pure garbage. ...and NPR....don't even get me started! PBS actually has some pretty fair/balanced reports. I love "Frontline" and McLauglin Report. Bill Moyers however is far to the left of even most Democrats.




Edited by Fairweather
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Trent Lott apologized profusely, and the Dem's piled on for political gain.


Bull F**kin shit dumbass. His own party took him down and climbed over his body, because they were "worried" that those un-PC comments might hurt the grand old party. HAH! HAW! yellowlaugh.gif Buncha PC fags!! moon.gif

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Of course AK, that's exactly what the Dems. wanted. The Reps. showed calm and sound judgment in this matter. It truly is the party of reasonable men and women. Hillary is sure making an ass of herself. The Dems. need to get over this quick or they'll just alienate even more voters with their hysteria, lynch-mob mentality and unsubstantiated propaganda.

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Please correct me if I am wrong gentlemen, but wasn't it the very Democratic south that faught to keep slavery leagal durring our civil war?


I don't think racisum follows party lines. Of course I have to qualify all that with a, what the fuck do I know ? wink.gif

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The south used to be a solid democratic strong hold until the Johnson administration. Then the leaders of the democrats started promoting affirmative action and desegregation. After that racist democrats became republicans and the south became a lot more republican.


I'm sure you could site poeple like Sen. Byrd as examles that don't fit my description, but for the most part I'm right.

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The Dixiecrat party under whose banner Strom ran in '48 opposed the FEDERAL integration legislation on the basis of constitutionality.


That's really funny. Now I suppose you're going to tell me Adolph stoked his ovens in the name of patriotism.

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that's funny, I thought that the republicans let Lott sink so that Bushie Boy could put a close ally in and consolidate presidential power (See front page of Sundays Seattle Times).


Political opportunism is more likely than PC-dom, and is more consistent with the inequity in treatment. If you want to look for consistency in PC dom, then look at the way Homeland Security has been illegally detaining persons of Central Asian descent. Anyone remember the Japanese internment camps from WWII? Seems somewhat similar and no more justified now than then. US citizens are US citizens. Period. We didn't round up all suspected skinheads in Idaho and Montana after McVeigh bombed oklahoma.


I really don't think that the racist comments are the fundamental reason that Lott resigned, they were the opportunity for a fundamentally political agenda.

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yes that was the spin that they put on it... but realy they wanted to keep their slaves and keep making the big money they were raking in...


It is interesting to me that at the time of the Civil War the democrats wanted states rights and NOW it is the republicans that call for a a smaller central government wink.gif

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I really don't think that the racist comments are the fundamental reason that Lott resigned, they were the opportunity for a fundamentally political agenda.


I don't think the Repubs want their leadership to be openly racist, or even to be perceived as such. They can't afford it. Too many of us assume the party is chock-full of such good ol' white boys. If George W had himself said the same words (and I wouldn't put it past our clumsy leader), I think he'd have to relinquish his position.


Having said that, all of the amateurish political analyses on this site make it more boring than it already is. I log on to read entertaining TR's full of lies about bold adventures, about wild women creating intrigue around camp, about tits and farts and beer, about.......about just about anything except the same old crap from three cc.com rednecks who assume everybody cares about their stance on gun control and their contempt for liberals. Yawn.

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