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Calendar solstice


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For the record, I was entertained by your post, Ade.


Buffy, The Druids are usually thought of when talking about the solstices, equinox, etc because of the incorrect views that they were the ancient people that built stonehenge and many of the other ancient stone monuments in brittain. In reality stonehenge and many of the other stone calenders were built long before the "druids" were around. Now as for our friend Dru, well he might be immortal or something.

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True Tex, Druids were priests of the Celts and the megalith builders were pre-Celtic. But that does not mean that their religion might not have been similar.... And the Celts appear* to have incorporated the older religion's monuments into their belief system.


* Based on what little archeological evidence we have.

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I hate to tell you this, modern Druidism is totally made up. fruit.gif REAL druids put captives in large wicker figures and then burn them to death, sort of like Burning Man butwith your enemies instead of your material possessions. I dont think any of the modern pagan hippies ever sacrifice anyone. Too busy getting naked and dancing fruit.gif Sounds cool to me though. Id like them to try and convert me. But i bet the patchouli factor is too high.

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Given that modern druidism is made up... Beltaine is where everyone goes to a big bon fire party thing and can have sex with whom ever they want. I am sure there are more Ummm SPIRITUAL parts to it, but that is the idea tha stuck in my mind. I don't know anyone personaly who keeps true Beltaine.


Mists Of Avalon was a GREAT BOOK!!!!

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The Winter Solstice would be hard to find freshly plowed fields of soil, but I still think the sex part is GREAT. Summer Solstice, now that is a different story, but again the crops have been in for a few months in most areas by this time, but again sex is good, so I say goooooo at it like a rabbit in heat. grin.gif

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There are numerous folk customs that have until recently taken place at this time of year throughout Britain, and which clearly show surviving traits of this ancient pagan festival. As far as we know, the last public Beltaine festival to be held on Arran was as late as 1895. The men of a certain townland made a need-fire (tein-eigen) and kept it burning with sacred faggots on Beltaine eve. Local people drove their herds through the fire.

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The men of a certain townland made a need-fire (tein-eigen) and kept it burning with sacred faggots on Beltaine eve. Local people drove their herds through the fire.
I think they could have revived this process if they'd got some Anglican priests to run the FMD bonfires. smirk.gif
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Apparently, the festival is supposed to happen on May Day. Running the livestock through the fire is intended to ward off disease or perhaps as just a sacrifice.


There was a pretty good Seattle band known as the Beltanes that played for a few years in the late 80s.

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