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Deer Hunting


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It's doubtful that any of that meat is any good after the trauma caused by the impact. Plus, it needs to be gutted rather quickly unless it is super cold, which it hasn't been. Best you can do is saw out the antlers and hang them in your garage. Actually, there are individuals who buy them to make furniture and stuff.

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Rule of thumb: Add an "o" to words in Mexico, add an "a" to words when in Italy. cool.gif Funny anecdote: whilst floating through scenic Venice, my Gondolier did just this. "What's that building?" "That's a churcha."


Kidding aside, I try and learn key phrases and words when overseas. DFA, my mexi-gringo speech was just for you.

Edited by Greg_W
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The Doctor figured as much, Greg, you puto loco.


It's true about tacking on a vowel to get words in other languages. DFA's Spanish teacher during his Junior year in Highschool referred to this as "Spanglish," and encouraged us, if we couldn't remember a word on a test or whatever, to at least try the Spanglish, as it was often correct.



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Sometimes zoos look for deer road kill for food






or homeless shelters, seriously.

Or my refrigerator, seriously. I love road kill, especially when fresh (meaning I hit it or a friend did). As long as a deer was not hit at 60 mph, the meat is not traumatized and is fine. The main hurdle you have to get over is talking the state trooper into letting you have it. A buddy of mine actually got a moose that way. The moose was so tall that when he hit it, it took out the moose's legs and was suffering. He ended it misery with a knife and then was able to keep the 400 lbs. of meat and fed himself for a year and a half. 100 lbs of deer meat is much healthier than eating horomone-injected beef, pork, chicken, etc. Street value of about $300 easy. Pretty wise to harvest road kill if you ask me.... HCL.gif


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