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The history of Plab. Growing up in seattle, and going to St Annes we had a group of troublemaker friends that use to kick-it around the hill (QA). We often tried to find ways to entertain ourselves, you know the usual stuff, stealing cigs, playing vids. And then there was the plab. My friend lived in a duplex and the upstair neighbor go full cable, including the Playboy channel. So often when his mom wasn't around we would go over and watch it. To keep it on the down low while discussing the highlights at school we would refer to it as "plab" which was the abbreviation in the TV guide.

As time went by we became well versed in the ways of the plab, and the word plab became and adjective used to describe a persons hair on the playboy channel, visualize the tossled bouffant of a post sexual activity porn star. Now this easily tranlated into every day life, not only describing hair but lifestyle, cars, etc. So someone could be totally plab, which meant being sort of like a pimp.


This word quikly made it's way into the vernacular of Seattle Prep and Blanchet high schools, as well as o'day. I was actually quite suprised to see tim use it and was wondering where he got it. grin.gif

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The history of Plab. Growing up in seattle, and going to St Annes we had a group of troublemaker friends that use to kick-it around the hill (QA). We often tried to find ways to entertain ourselves, you know the usual stuff, stealing cigs, playing vids. And then there was the plab. My friend lived in a duplex and the upstair neighbor go full cable, including the Playboy channel. So often when his mom wasn't around we would go over and watch it. To keep it on the down low while discussing the highlights at school we would refer to it as "plab" which was the abbreviation in the TV guide.

As time went by we became well versed in the ways of the plab, and the word plab became and adjective used to describe a persons hair on the playboy channel, visualize the tossled bouffant of a post sexual activity porn star. Now this easily tranlated into every day life, not only describing hair but lifestyle, cars, etc. So someone could be totally plab, which meant being sort of like a pimp.


This word quikly made it's way into the vernacular of Seattle Prep and Blanchet high schools, as well as o'day. I was actually quite suprised to see tim use it and was wondering where he got it.





Edited by Muir_on_Saturday
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Drul, unfortunately the old one won't work with the new software otherwise we would have kept using it. The new one IMO is much nicer, hence us having to shell out the cash for it. We just need some time to figure it out and get the kinks out.



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Right now, viewing the photos is convoluted to I don't like the new gallery! Photos are way too big. I think either we send photos to Jon to post for us or we get some size limits. I admit mine is too big, but I can't get it off or fix it and my pm to the web host requesting it get fixed remains un-replyed to!

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Hey check it out everyone. The photo gallery isn't working properly at the moment, and that is why you don't like it. The old gallery isn't compatible with the new bulletin board and it was a resource hog so we phasing it out. The problem with the new gallery is that the thumbnails aren't being made at the moment, that is why you have to scroll sideways to see things. The gallery should look something like this http://gallery.boatdesign.net/ where you see all the thumbnails and then you click on the picture. We'll get it fixed soon and then you can stop your bitching.

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