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So the birthers and right wing loonies have their rumors spred all over interweb about Obama. The bullshit questions about the place of birth, spewing bullshit about him being muslim, and all sort of baseless crap. So I decided to start my own baseless bullshit, pre-emtive Romney rumors:

1 born in Mexico (as his father was)

2 multiple wives (some of them as young as 13)

3 hundreds of kids with multiple wives


Now, please prove I am wrong.

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So the birthers and right wing loonies have their rumors spred all over interweb about Obama. The bullshit questions about the place of birth, spewing bullshit about him being muslim, and all sort of baseless crap. So I decided to start my own baseless bullshit, pre-emtive Romney rumors:

1 born in Mexico (as his father was)

2 multiple wives (some of them as young as 13)

3 hundreds of kids with multiple wives


Now, please prove I am wrong.


Why does it bother you so much? They said the same shit about Obama in 2008 and he won anyways. Why would it work 4 years later when it failed previously? It will not.


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So the birthers and right wing loonies have their rumors spred all over interweb about Obama. The bullshit questions about the place of birth, spewing bullshit about him being muslim, and all sort of baseless crap. So I decided to start my own baseless bullshit, pre-emtive Romney rumors:

1 born in Mexico (as his father was)

2 multiple wives (some of them as young as 13)

3 hundreds of kids with multiple wives


Now, please prove I am wrong.


Why does it bother you so much? They said the same shit about Obama in 2008 and he won anyways. Why would it work 4 years later when it failed previously? It will not.

Because a dog whistle calling "*" is offensive regardless of the outcome.



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the birther narrative is a clumsy attempt to make obama out to be less american than the rest of us. his values are foriegn. Its a standard GOP schtick - soshulists, euro surrendet monkeys, freedom fries - and , sadly, it does work when done right. the birthers are simply on the far end of a spectrum - the Right's standard procedure of grading their opponents by Americaness. FOX - the Right's mainstream media outlet, really pushed this one - emphasizing Obama's 'foreign values', which are just 'not like the rest of us', then quickly following up with ' not that there's anything wrong with that' to maintain that veneer of decency righties love to trot out any time they're called on their bullshit. You know, the party of rape babies, denying poor women basic health care funding, and no sex education in schools calling others misogynist for using the c word and the like. I call it the 'Oh my!' affectation. It's quite familiar by now to anyone on this forum.


This isn't 'being partisan'. It's simply recognizing a steaming pile when you smell it.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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BIAS ALERT: Late Night TV Roughs Up Mitt, Not Dems


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It is, particularly for older folks. Such as the couple in their '70s who live next to my brother and got 2 ft of water in their house as well. Or Gus, the poor older guy around the corner who made a mistake, tried to ride out the storm, got trapped in his house when 6 ft of water came in over 20 minutes and drowned.


So I'd say, yea. It's a big deal. Good comprehensive look:


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While I appreciate your chest puffery, my comment was aimed at a badly spun headline that actually attempted to paint the storm victims as a bunch of whiners om a shitty attempt to politicize what has been, reportedly. a well coordinated and executed response. It's an insult to the responders, as well.


You didn't get that, and I get that, so you decided to make it personal. I get that, too.

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It's anecdotal, but I have some friends in NYC that are definitely frustrated (who wouldn't be?) but definitely not at the response -- they've all had nothing but positive things to say about the disaster response. Of course they want their power back and things back to normal (who wouldn't), but I think everybody there seems to understand that people are moving as fast as they can, and even my friends who are staunchly republican feel that the federal response has been "reassuring"


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So the birthers and right wing loonies have their rumors spred all over interweb about Obama. The bullshit questions about the place of birth, spewing bullshit about him being muslim, and all sort of baseless crap. So I decided to start my own baseless bullshit, pre-emtive Romney rumors:

1 born in Mexico (as his father was)

2 multiple wives (some of them as young as 13)

3 hundreds of kids with multiple wives


Now, please prove I am wrong.


Why does it bother you so much? They said the same shit about Obama in 2008 and he won anyways. Why would it work 4 years later when it failed previously? It will not.

do you think it's over? wtf- are you THIS stupid? the campaign is so desperate, they hack into FB accounts, so "like" Mitt Romney shows up everywhere. Like they did with a pretty high profile climber- Steve Swenson- name rings the bell?


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No, not out my ass. Swenson have been traveling in Europe and India- he didn't even log in to his FB account for almost 5 weeks. Somehow it shows last week he "likes" Mitt Romney- the only activity in the past 5 weeks! The same happened to Ian Yurdin a few weeks earlier.

And yes, I am not showing content of my personal email exchange with neither, but these are 2 confirmed and named sources of my info, so as usual KKK YOU are full of shit.

BTW, if you have read the whole motherjones link you'd find this: "Bill Pennington, an internet security expert, suggested the phantom likes could be the result of "clickjacking," in this case hiding a Romney ad behind an unrelated ad, which would result in a Romney like."

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