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Perhaps there is a God after all


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My name translates to 'nobleman who is like God'.


Not quite as grand as I would have liked, but I wasn't consulted.


Oh, wait, I omitted the question mark.


My last name roughly translates to "Foreign Helper" - a possible reference to a king who decided he'd best butter his bread on the side of the invading Norseman in 9th century Donegal. The Norseman eventually settled in, founded Dublin, and ensured that not every Irishman thereafter would go through life a sunburned midget.

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Back on topic, FOX has a piece today that explains sharp drop in church attendance: we're all disappointed in the 'church experience, but strongly driven to know God nonetheless'. Ie, we're all becoming Born Again.


I was once invited to debate censorship with an Everett evangelical pastor in front of his congregation. I went to his church's website and noted that it kept referring to those outside the church as 'pre-Christians'. The good pastor cancelled at the last minute, unfortunately.


Not an unsurprising narrative for a historically recent movement that, due to its fundamental inflexibility, must eventually meet a historical dead end. The Born Again movement is a reaction to the age old perception that we're all going to Hell in a hand basket (or is it hen basket?) and the world's going to end soon as a result. It is, in essence, just one more of a long line of reactions to modernity.


In the end, modernity, which requires more reasonable, flexible, and philosophical beliefs, will win (no one really wants to go backward once they get a sour taste of it) and the Born Again movement will become a strange and colorful historical footnote in the annals of spirituality.


Technology and a growing world wide middle class is killing xenophobia - the white bread and margarine of the evangelical movement.



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actually, raindawg and this "god" feller i hear so much about seem to have a lot in common... :)


I hear you're one year closer to finding out in person, however improbable that outcome may have seemed on occasion. You'll always look like a big kid to me. OK, a fucking enormous kid. Thank God you're hairless or the Samsquanch sightings would be edging out the BIAS ALERTS on Foxnews by now.

dipshits like me don't die, they just faaaaaaaaaaaaaade away :)

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not as much as digging up some corpses and bitching about a few scraps of metal on the internet!!!!!!111!!


What are you? A 12-year old internet bully in a cubicle?

Got a fascinating job I should be envious of?

Can't handle climbing ethics that don't match your own? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


When you read this, spit it out with disdain in your mind!


1. I'm a PIG, that stands for Pretty Intelligent Guy. I'm older than 12 years old, and I don't live or work in a cubicle!

2. Fascination is in the eye of the beholder!

3. It has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with your tactics. If you never get around to figuring that out, then you'll never escape the hamster wheel you're stuck on.


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There is one question I'd have, has anyone here beside Raindawg have a PhD and written a book on Archeology and the Bible?


Oh? You have? Crap. Well, lets rephrase. Anyone besides Dawg written a good book on Archeology as it relates to the Bible (maybe the reverse) and acts like a used douchnozzel? Didn't think so. ha ha!


Which is odd that he doesn't help this religious discourse along but displays his persecution complex instead. He's one of the few people who seems capable of starting out butt-hurt and working backwards off of that to a level of self-righteous butt-hurt sanctimoniousness and anger not seen this side of a pulpit often. (/gratuitous slap at religion to keep the thread on topic)


ps, Don, your book was rather well done, researched and engaging. It's definitely a side no one here sees of you on this site. Thanks!


Off White, all that was needed to complete that picture is that the kid had on a "KARMA IS A BITCH" T-shirt. LOL

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....Anyone besides Dawg written a good book on Archeology as it relates to the Bible (maybe the reverse) and acts like a used douchnozzel? Didn't think so. ha ha!

Which is odd that he doesn't help this religious discourse along but displays his persecution complex instead. He's one of the few people who seems capable of starting out butt-hurt and working backwards off of that to a level of self-righteous butt-hurt sanctimoniousness and anger not seen this side of a pulpit often. (/gratuitous slap at religion to keep the thread on topic).....Off White, all that was needed to complete that picture is that the kid had on a "KARMA IS A BITCH" T-shirt. LOL


Thanks for your support, "billcoe".:rolleyes: You finally tipped the delicate balance toward my non-participation in this dubious web-forum. I'll take my crusade to the THE MAN and idealistic, eco-minded youth. You might be a nice guy in real life, but I'll never know. And for the rest of you...I'll join the many that have abandoned cc.com due to its vulgarity and irrelevancy. If you guys represent climbing in 2012, I ain't a part of it. And just to preempt you: what was that I just felt??? Oh, it must be the door hitting me in the *ss as I walked away! Oh my! :rolleyes: "Boo-hoo, Raindawg/Dwayner!" yada, yada, yada....enjoy your own sideshow but don't forget to look into the mirror once in a while, it ain't pretty.

Sincere aloha to the nice ones. Adios!

Edited by Raindawg
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Till next week, Raindawg! Good luck with your new lobbying career. Or will it be a ballot initiative, given your appeal to the eco friendly youth (who don't generally serve in the legislature, BTW). If the latter: 1) you'll need a cool million to gather enough signatures 2) youth, eco minded or not, have a low voter turn out and 3) they're doing most of the bolting, anyway, so that's probably a good thing for your quest.


If you're going directly to the legislature, you won't be the first lone wolf to approach them about a pet non-issue. Lawmakers quickly develop an early warning radar for such individuals.

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Thanks for your support, "billcoe".:rolleyes: You finally tipped the delicate balance toward my non-participation in this dubious web-forum. I'll take my crusade to the legislature and idealistic, eco-minded youth. You might be a nice guy in real life, but I'll never know. And for the rest of you...I'll join the many that have abandoned cc.com due to its vulgarity and irrelevancy. If you guys represent climbing in 2012, I ain't a part of it. And just to preempt you: what was that I just felt??? Oh, it must be the door hitting me in the *ss as I walked away! Oh my! :rolleyes: "Boo-hoo, Raindawg/Dwayner!" yada, yada, yada....enjoy your own sideshow but don't forget to look into the mirror once in a while, it ain't pretty.

Sincere aloha to the nice ones. Adios!


You're welcome for the support.









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Thanks for your support, "billcoe".:rolleyes:


What are you, 14 years old? Your use of "quotes" implies that. You know, as well as I do, that Bill Coe posts using his own name, unlike other internet trolls who want to hide behind an assumed name to avoid owning their opinions and behavior, or for fear that someone might seek them out and assault them for it.


And before you go off on my "name", I suggest you test it by making out a check to that name for $100 and sending it to me. I guarantee you it will come back endorsed that way and deposited at my bank.


The problem isn't your message, its your delivery. You're welcome to take that with you, it won't be missed or mourned, though I'm sure some will miss the hilarity your caricature provides. I know there is so much more to you than this splinter personality "raindawg", it's beyond me why you choose to use this bitter and brittle shitheel of a personality on this site.


By the way, if you think mocking entire groups of people for doing things you don't agree with is superior to calling out individuals on their bullshit, then that's just another thing we'll never agree on.


The rain's back, looks like its spray season again.



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There is one question I'd have, has anyone here beside Raindawg have a PhD and written a book on Archeology and the Bible?


no, but i wrote a leaflet on famous jewish sports heroes - good enough? :)


what ARE the proper credentials for opining on invisible beings who hang out in clouds, clad all in bathrobes and sandals, w/ big bushy beards?

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