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RIP 9/11


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Oh and Kev, if I didn't feel so sorry for your idiocy, I would piss on you; much like you are doing to the dead who had no part in the politics that created this tragedy. Read a book.


So who created this tragedy?


Uh, OBL... :rolleyes:


First of all, thank you for your service. It is much appreciated.


I guess I am not a very good American. Because I don't believe what we were told to believe. I did not just roll over and say ah. Maybe because I have something called "critical thinking". We really need to distinguish the difference between catching those responsible and invading Iraq. One has nothing to do with the other. I understand Hussen was a bad guy.....but that is not why we went in there.


War = profit for the rich. And what better way to get our people pissed off at someone is to be attacked. And you have to have a bad guy, so why not OBL. Most main stream media reports what they are told to report. What makes them more credible than a smaller local media outlet?


The ball is not in my court. There is still not one shred of evidence that OBL had anything to do with 9/11. Some youtube video of "him" stating he did it. That even does not look like him. And he was wearing jewelry which is forbidden for him to wear. Other than that lame video....what evidence is there?


there are way too many "coincidences" for this to be how the government told us how it went down.


I don't believe it. And no matter how many times you try to make fun of me on here that will never change that.


I have always said. We all get our information from the same sources.....TV, Web, Paper, Friend, Radio and at that end of the day, you will believe what you want to believe.



I dont make fun of you for believing what you were told to believe. Even though it makes you look like cattle/ sheep.



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Perhaps I will take Kev's approach and find the most inane website I can find and blindly believe every scrap of their angst filled diatribe. ;)


Dude you have to reject all mainstream media, the hundreds and thousands of reports, but accept that one kook website you find that gives the craziest explanation. The kook site has credibility! Yeah, that's the ticket!


Here is your kook web site.

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Oh and Kev, if I didn't feel so sorry for your idiocy, I would piss on you; much like you are doing to the dead who had no part in the politics that created this tragedy. Read a book.


So who created this tragedy?


Uh, OBL... :rolleyes:


First of all, thank you for your service. It is much appreciated.


I guess I am not a very good American. Because I don't believe what we were told to believe. I did not just roll over and say ah. Maybe because I have something called "critical thinking". We really need to distinguish the difference between catching those responsible and invading Iraq. One has nothing to do with the other. I understand Hussen was a bad guy.....but that is not why we went in there.


War = profit for the rich. And what better way to get our people pissed off at someone is to be attacked. And you have to have a bad guy, so why not OBL. Most main stream media reports what they are told to report. What makes them more credible than a smaller local media outlet?


The ball is not in my court. There is still not one shred of evidence that OBL had anything to do with 9/11. Some youtube video of "him" stating he did it. That even does not look like him. And he was wearing jewelry which is forbidden for him to wear. Other than that lame video....what evidence is there?


there are way too many "coincidences" for this to be how the government told us how it went down.


I don't believe it. And no matter how many times you try to make fun of me on here that will never change that.


I have always said. We all get our information from the same sources.....TV, Web, Paper, Friend, Radio and at that end of the day, you will believe what you want to believe.



I dont make fun of you for believing what you were told to believe. Even though it makes you look like cattle/ sheep.




I knew you were a coward. You would rather cast aspersions than try and prove your point. You are just like the Black Panthers, the Evangelical Christians, the Radical Muslims and the dumbass college kids who blindly follow Obama.


Why don't you run down to DEVGRU HQ and tell those fuckers they are full of shit and that they didn't kill OBL. I would love to hear what happens to your weak pathetic ass. What? Can't stand up for what you believe? Not willing to put your ass on the line? I fuck did and I do everyday so don't patronize me mother fucker cause your head would fucking blow up doing the shit I do everyday. Don't want to believe what operators do? Fucking become one and find out.


You need to wake up. There is a war that we have been fighting for YOUR sake because of YOUR actions/inactions. While you ramble on about conspiracy theories, there are men who shoot people in the chests and heads because they are told to; by the men YOU allowed to be elected as president.


If you think ANYONE has changed their minds based upon your weakass conspiracy theory bullshit, you are dead wrong. Bush told us to kill, Obama told us to kill and goddamn Ron Paul sure as fuck would if he ever had the chance to lead this country.


Armchair quarterbacking is easy as fuck. Obama is now seeing how damn hard it is to throw the ball. He has thrown a lot of footballs lately.


Now fucking show me some fucking evidence or shut the fuck up you know nothing, asshat.

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I guess I am not a very good American. Because I don't believe what we were told to believe.

I'd disagree. You are trying to do right by your family and your country. Critical thinking and passion isn't a bad thing IMO. Debate and argument can help us all get to a better spot. And as much as it pisses some of us off, it's been happening since the founding of the country and it is a good thing.




wtf, in Yemen too? Why is the fuck is it so easy to storm our embassies and burn the flag, don't we have marines over there or something? Jesus, they're making us look like a bunch of fucking pussies. What's next, the girl scouts storm an embassy protesting nutritional labels on their cookies? Burn the flag too, girls, everyone's doing it. It's easy!


As I understand it, some of the embassy guards doing external security are local citizens/contract workers, and are not allowed to have real ammo in some cases. I have not confirmed this, so it could be wrong. Regardless, imagine a large group of douchbags all showing up and trying to stampede the herd. Shooting them may (or may not) be productive, and I'm sure that the guards have very limiting orders on what they can do in various situations. In Yemen, a Yemini citizen was the only casualty I think. Whereas in the Libya case, the ambassador was on the move due to a fire in the embassy safe room all of our embassy's have. Retreat to it was out of the question due to the fire - the Paki douchnozzles did this to the US Pakistani embassy and they almost killed everyone who had retreated to the safe room due to lack of O2 in the 1980s. Lessons learned.


In this instance, think of a quarterback flushed out of the pocket except that the defensive ends in this case had turbans, RPG's and automatic weapons. They were well briefed and were lying in ambush waiting for the ambassador at his fall back position. The ambassador, a Doctor from Seattle no less, appeared to have been intentionally flushed out and ambushed in a well planned and coordinated attack that had solid intel on the US contingency plans. Don't know where they got the info, but certainly something as simple as the William Buckley kidnapping or the Iran takeover could have been the original sources lo those many years ago.


Regards to all -

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Not to be an asshole Bill but you don't know shit. If you want to know who they are, look at who the dead are. Two of them were the ones who protected the Ambassador to the death.


I don't proclaim to know about being a leg humping office sycophant, so why don't the armchair quarterbacks kick back and leave the getting killed to us; the guys who are told not to shoot back...



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Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie.


Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets.


I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ]


If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.

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Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie.


Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets.


I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ]


If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.


Bratchik, ponyatno chto baltayesh' s idiotom, da?

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Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie.


Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets.


I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ]


If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.



Where did you get your evidence from? Fox news? Nuff said

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out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?



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so, the people of afganistan should have in no way been held responsible for the cock-suckers they, as a nation, provided aid and comfort to? i'll grant you the taliban were hardly elected, but nonetheless, they were the government at the time, and that government knew what them saudi-boys were all about.


iraq, on the other hand...

you are just a bag of shit! i am sure that people who were getting beheaded for listening to some music had much to say in the matters of that government. fucking get a clue fuckwad.

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Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie.


Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets.


I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ]


If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.



Where did you get your evidence from? Fox news? Nuff said


Afghanistan bitch.


Furthermore, it is not I that is making a counter-intuitive claim. The onus is on you pal. Pony up or shut up.

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out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?



@ Kev...and if they were, why would they accept the blame/ credit knowing that it would give the U.S. Government carte blanche to fuck up their corner of the sand pile? Or do you think that all the video, audio and assorted evidence was simply fabricated? Whoah man! What if all video in the entire World is fabricated! Like the moon landing! Holy existential phenomenon batman!



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Not to be an asshole Bill but you don't know shit.
I don't know shit :) so no worries, I'm relying on news reports and have never even been to Egypt or Libya. Would welcome your input if you've got an accurate first hand or 2nd hand account.






Uhhh Bob, I think you're supporting and agreeing to Ivans point dude.



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so, the people of afganistan should have in no way been held responsible for the cock-suckers they, as a nation, provided aid and comfort to? i'll grant you the taliban were hardly elected, but nonetheless, they were the government at the time, and that government knew what them saudi-boys were all about.


iraq, on the other hand...

you are just a bag of shit! i am sure that people who were getting beheaded for listening to some music had much to say in the matters of that government. fucking get a clue fuckwad.

it doesn't have to be "right" to be true - the people of a nation reap the folly of their fellow citizens - i'm pretty certain there's more than a few historical examples of this phenenomen? :)

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out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?



No. We are talking about 9/11 here. Keep on point please.

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Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie.


Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets.


I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ]


If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.



Where did you get your evidence from? Fox news? Nuff said


Afghanistan bitch.


Furthermore, it is not I that is making a counter-intuitive claim. The onus is on you pal. Pony up or shut up.


Afghanistan and 9/11 are not related. Please keep on point. If you think they are then you have been duped. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Remember? War on Terror....remember?



War = Money.


Just so we are clear. I respect your commitment to our country. I do not respect your leaders for sending any of our troops to fight in the name of freedom. And the war on terror. I do not follow Obama.



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out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?



No. We are talking about 9/11 here. Keep on point please.

IF al queda was in fact behind those other attacks (including, obviously the '96 WT bombing) THEN it's far more likely they'd have been in on 9/11, right? logic n' probability, yes?

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out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?



No. We are talking about 9/11 here. Keep on point please.

IF al queda was in fact behind those other attacks (including, obviously the '96 WT bombing) THEN it's far more likely they'd have been in on 9/11, right? logic n' probability, yes?


I thought you were a free thinker Ivan.

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