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I have been torn on the whole draft thing. You get the guys who either talk a big talk about being a badass but won't take the effort to join or the guys who criticize the war and how the troops act in combat. Either of the two, but especially the latter, it would be nice for them to walk the walk.


With that said, I have 13 years in now and really really don't want to deal with a bunch of d-bags that really don't want to be there. Especially with the PC, everyone gets a trophy, touchy feely Military we have now. I already have to deal with guys not wanting to be in and we have an all volunteer Army. Bring back wall to wall counseling and it might change my mind a bit. :battlecage:

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a draft is the only way to make the population care about whether we are in a war or not. otherwise it is just the people who can't afford anything else or the people who just want to be soldiers that are fighting...which is not enough of a representation of the populous. I guarantee that joe and jill mainstreet would think about us being in a never ending war differently if their kid was drafted and sent over. if there was a draft this war would have been over a long time ago.


otherwise we are just dealing with a for profit war fought by mercenaries and a few gullible patriots. I know a bunch of people that have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan or both...yes they are "patriots" that believe in America and all that stuff...and they are good people...but I'm relatively sure they would not have gone if the pay wasn't so good over there. I'm definitely not saying this is the case for everyone...maybe you're different and the money doesn't matter. But its unlikely.


Vietnam will likely be the last war with a draft. Not only had technology advance to where feet on the ground don't matter as much, but the political consequences wouldn't allow it to happen.



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Not only had technology advance to where feet on the ground don't matter as much


I beg to differ. Robots aren't worth a shit. Drones are only as good as the location you can give them (based on boots on teh ground). Technology really doesn't help out a whole helluva lot. You would be surprised. I find most of the shit they make me carry is a hindrance...

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well sure that's true. but if you really don't want to deal with an area and you can accept collateral damage, the ordinance they have at their disposal sure make things easier.


That is the problem, we are fighting a war we aren't really allowed to fight. We can't have any collateral damage, our ROE is so restrictive it is sickening. This war isn't being run by commanders, it is being run by politicians and lawyers. We are so wrapped up in no one gets hurt, it is hurting us. My back and my knees kill me now because of the gear I have had to wear. Thankfully where I work now I get to pick and choose what I wear and I am not forced to cover every square inch of my body in shit that just weighs me down and makes me less mobile. I feel sorry for most of the regular Army guys.

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I think returning to draft would be the remedy.


Fuckers would think twice about starting shit with some Muslims with nothing to lose; that I can assure you...


So you should think twice about Romney/Ryan ticket. The whole bullshit about going to war with Iran makes my skin crawl. I can guarantee, that going into Iran would make the whole war in Iraq look like r&r on a beach.

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a draft is the only way to make the population care about whether we are in a war or not.



Draft didn't stop the Korean war, or the Vietnam war, or the civil war, or ...


The draft used to be the status quo and yet we still went to war a lot. Not sure why it would suddenly fix things.

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I think returning to draft would be the remedy.


Fuckers would think twice about starting shit with some Muslims with nothing to lose; that I can assure you...


So you should think twice about Romney/Ryan ticket. The whole bullshit about going to war with Iran makes my skin crawl. I can guarantee, that going into Iran would make the whole war in Iraq look like r&r on a beach.


Never thought about it in the 1st place. :rolleyes:

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a draft is the only way to make the population care about whether we are in a war or not.



Draft didn't stop the Korean war, or the Vietnam war, or the civil war, or ...


The draft used to be the status quo and yet we still went to war a lot. Not sure why it would suddenly fix things.


I am sure that the politicians would call in favors and save their coke-headed asshole kids' asses, so really I am sure it wouldn't solve anything...

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a draft is the only way to make the population care about whether we are in a war or not.



Draft didn't stop the Korean war, or the Vietnam war, or the civil war, or ...


The draft used to be the status quo and yet we still went to war a lot. Not sure why it would suddenly fix things.


well the thing that changed dramatically is the media's involvement and the reporting of what war is actually like. it was never reported on like it was in the Vietnam war, and that is was has been proven to be the turning point. and in fact we are STILL talking about the Vietnam war and the draft for that war...i.e. George Bush and Mitt Romney...how did they get out of the draft for that war? Of course Obama gets a pass because he was probably in some crib in a mosque in Africa.

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