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Beginning to Unravel


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I feel like I just creaked open the church door during Sunday services and shouted, "Jesus is not divine!" With the notable exceptions of Jim, Jon, and Feck, the responses here have been about the same as one would expect from religious zealots. What's more, one of the church deacons, j_b, even took (and apparently, had) the time to review scripture and formulate a response sure to keep the flock in check. Never mind that past predictions of apocalypse have come and gone--or been semantically "modified." Never mind any of this. The real question is how open the true believers here may be (either now, or at some future date) to data that says their beliefs might be flawed. This input won't come as a news headline, rather, it will come in small bits--like the OSU study. Here, rather than face the wrath of politicians and non-credentialed dogmatists like j_b, they will do exactly what the OSU folks have done. They'll hedge.


Anyway, most of you can fuck off. You're a bunch of hysterical tools with too much time on your hands.





Dude, I only pointed out for at least the 2nd time that your claims were false and you insisted despite the evidence. It's nobody's fault that you aren't qualified to discuss science, but trying to pull again the same lie is lame. Your intellectual integrity is lacking. Don't you have any pride?

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I assign all my quotes, regardless of origin, to either Ben Franklin or Mark Twain. Who doesn't like Franklin and Twain.


In reality, Franklin was a complete fuck off on the job while in Europe. He spent much of his time partying on the public's dime. Not that that bothers me, much. Given their recent 'results', I'd rather most of Congress spend their paycheck's drinking and whoring rather than showing up for work.

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