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I stated nothing beyond the boundaries of the OSU report--other than supplementing it with Don Easterbrook's peer-reviewed work at WWU. But of course when the topic is your religion I do, admittedly, lack sensitivity.


Actually, you cited Easterbrook's non-peer reviewed web ramblings about modern climate change and linked to a list of his peer-reviewed publications that have little to do with modern climate change. Easterbrook is/was a decent glacial geologist but his unsubstantiated theories about climate change are far from being well received, which explains why they aren't accepted for publication. You have already been told the above the first time you used this common denialist sleight of hand, so it's not like you don't know about it. Either your memory is poor or you are trying to deceive people. Which is it?


Yes, we've been down this path before. But it's your memory that is fading. Feel free to respond like you did the last time: with a hobbyist website or something from HuffingtonPost.



Global Climate Change, Global Warming


Easterbrook, D.J., 2005, Causes and effects of abrupt, global, climate changes and global warming: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v.


Easterbrook, D.J., Evenson, E.B., Gosse, J., Ivy-Ochs,S., Kovanen, D.J., and Sherard, C.A., 2004, Synchronous, global, late Pleistocene ice sheet and alpine glacial fluctuations: Geological Society of America.


Easterbrook, D.J., 2003, Global, double, Younger Dryas, glacial fluctuations in ice sheets and alpine glaciers: International Quaternary Association.


Easterbrook, D.J., 2003, Synchronicity and sensitivity of alpine and continental glaciers to abrupt, global, climatic changes during the Younger Dryas: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v.


Easterbrook, D.J., 2002, Implications of Younger Dryas glacial fluctuations in the western U.S., New Zealand, and Europe: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v.


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Younger Dryas


Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 2002, Extent and timing of Allerød and Younger Dryas age (ca. 12.5–10.0 14C kyr BP) oscillations of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in the Fraser Lowland, Western North America: Quaternary Research, v. 57, p. 208–224.


Easterbrook, D. J., and Kovanen, D. J., 1998, Pre-Younger Dryas Resurgence of the southwestern Margin of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, British Columbia, Canada — Comments: Boreas, v. 27, p. 229-230.


Kovanen, D. J., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1996, Extensive readvance of Late Pleistocene (Y.D.?) Alpine Glaciers in the Nooksack River Valley, 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, following retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, North Cascades, Washington: Friends of the Pleistocene, Pacific Coast Cell Field Trip Guidebook, 74 p.


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Quaternary Glaciation of the Puget Lowland and Pacific NW


Easterbrook, D.J., 2003b, Cordilleran Ice Sheet glaciation of the Puget Lowland and Columbia Plateau and alpine glaciation of the North Cascade Range, Washington: in Easterbrook, D.J., ed., Quaternary Geology of the United States, INQUA 2003 Field Guide Volume, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, p. 265-286


Easterbrook, D.J., Pierce, K., Gosse, J., Gillespie, A., Evenson, E., and Hamblin, K., 2003, Quaternary geology of the western United States, INQUA 2003 Field Guide Volume, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, p. 19-79


Easterbrook, D.J., 2003c, Cordilleran Ice Sheet glaciation of the Puget Lowland and Columbia Plateau and alpine glaciation of the North Cascade Range, Washington: in Swanson, T.W., ed., Western Cordillera and Adjacent Areas, Geological Society of America Field Guide.


Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 2002, Extent and timing of Allerød and Younger Dryas age (ca. 12,500–10,000 14C yr BP) oscillations of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in the Fraser Lowland, Western North America: Quaternary Research, vol. 57, p. 208-224.


Easterbrook, D.J., and Kovanen, D.J., 1998. Pre-Younger Dryas resurgence of the southwestern margin of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, British Columbia, Canada — Comments: Boreas, vol. 27, p. 229–230.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1994, Chronology of pre-late Wisconsin Pleistocene the Puget Lowland, Washington: in Lasmanis, R., and Cheney, E. S., Regional Geology of Washington State, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Bulletin 80, p. 191-206.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1994, Stratigraphy and chronology of early to late Pleistocene glacial and interglacial sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: in Swanson, D. A., and Haugerud, R. A., eds., Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest, Geological Society of America, p. 1J23-38


Berger G. W., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1993, Thermoluminescence dating tests for lacustrine, glaciomarine, and floodplain sediments from western Washington and British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 30, p. p. 1815-1828.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1992, Advance and retreat of Cordilleran ice sheets in Washington, U.S.A.: Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, v. 46, no. 1, p. 51-68.


Clague, J. J., Easterbrook, D. J., Hughes, O. L., and Mathews, J. V., 1992, The Sangamonian and Early Wisconsinan Stages in western Canada and Northwestern United States: in Clark, P. U., and Lea, P. D., The last interglacial-glacial transition in North America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 270, p. 253-268.


Blunt, D., Easterbrook, D. J., and Rutter, N. A., 1987, Chronology of Pleistocene sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 77, p. 321-353.


Westgate, J. A., Easterbrook, D. J., Naeser, N. A., and Carson, R. J., 1987, The Lake Tapps tephra: an early Pleistocene stratigraphic marker in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Quaternary Research, v. 28, p. 340-355.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1986, Stratigraphy and chronology of Quaternary deposits of the Puget Lowland and Olympic Mountains of Washington and the Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon: in Quaternary Glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere, Pergamon Press, p. 145-159.


Easterbrook, D. J., Briggs, N. A., Westgate, J. A., and Gorton, M. P., 1981, Age of the Salmon Springs Glaciation in Washington: Geology, vol. 9, p. 87-93.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1979, The last glaciation of northwest Washington: Society of Economic, Petroleum Geologists, and Mineralogists Symposium Volume, p. 177-189.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1976, Middle and early Wisconsin chronology in the Pacific Northwest: Quaternary glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere, International Correlation Program Rept. 3, p. 90-98.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1976, Geologic map of western Whatcom County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Map I-854-B.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1976, Quaternary geology of the Pacific Northwest: in Quaternary Stratigraphy of North America, Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA., p. 441-462.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1975, The last glaciation: Guidebook for International Geological Correlation Project 73/I/24, Western Washington State College Press, Bellingham, Washington, 73 p.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1975, Stratigraphy and palynology of late Quaternary sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological Society of America, Discussion and reply: v. 87, p. 153-156.


Hansen, B., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1974, Stratigraphy and palynology of late Quaternary sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological Society of America, v. 85, p. 587-602.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1974, Comparisons of late Pleistocene glacial fluctuations: in Quaternary glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere, International Geological Correlation Project 73/I/24, Report no. 1, p. 96-109.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1971, Geology and geomorphology of western Whatcom County, Washington: Western Washington State College Press, 68 p.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1969, Pleistocene chronology of the Puget Lowland and San Juan Islands, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, p. 2273-2286.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1968, Pleistocene stratigraphy of Island County, Washington: Washington State Div. of Water Resources Bulletin, v. 25, p. 1-34.


Easterbrook, D. J., Crandell, D. R., and Leopold, E., 1967, Pre-Olympia stratigraphy and chronology in the central Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78, p. 13-20.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1966, Radiocarbon chronology of Late Pleistocene deposits in northwest Washington: Science, v. 152, p. 764-767.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1966, Glaciomarine environments and the Fraser Glaciation in NW Washington: Guidebook for First Annual Field Conference, Pacific Coast Section, Friends of the Pleistocene, 52 p.


Armstrong, J. E., Crandell, D. R., Easterbrook, D. J., and Noble, J.A., 1965, Late Pleistocene stratigraphy and chronology in SW British Columbia and NW Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, p. 321-330.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1965, Guidebook for field conference J., Pacific Northwest: VII Congress, International Association for Quaternary Research, p. 68-80.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1964, Guidebook to geology of Whidbey Island, Washington: Geological Society of America Field Conference, 10 p.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1963, Late Pleistocene glacial events and relative sea-level changes in the northern Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 74, 1465-1484.


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Radiocarbon Marine Reservoir Effect


Kovanen, D. J., and Easterbrook, D. J., 2002, Radiocarbon reservoir values for late Pleistocene marine shells in the Fraser Lowland of western north America,


Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 2002, Paleodeviations of radiocarbon marine reservoir values for the NE Pacific: Geological Society of America Geology , v. 30, p. 243-246.


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Quaternary History of Mt. Baker and the Cascade Range


Sherard, C.A., Easterbrook, D.J., Evenson, E.B., Gosse, J., Ivy-Ochs,S., and Kovanen, D.J., 2004, Late Pleistocene alpine glacial oscillations in the North Cascades, WA and Sawtooth Mts., ID and their relationship to global climatic changes: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program.


Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 2001, Late Pleistocene, post-Vashon alpine glaciation of the Nooksack drainage, North Cascades, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 113, p. 274-288.


Kovanen, D. J., Easterbrook, D. J., and Thomas, P.A., 2001, Holocene eruptive history of Mt. Baker, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 38, p. 1355-1366.


Thomas, P.A., Easterbrook, D.J., and Clark, P.U., 2000, Early Holocene glaciation on Mt. Baker, Washington State, USA: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 19, p.1043-1046.


Kovanen, D. J., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1996, Extensive readvance of Late Pleistocene (Y.D.?) Alpine Glaciers in the Nooksack River Valley, 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, following retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, North Cascades, Washington: Friends of the Pleistocene, Pacific Coast Cell Field Trip Guidebook, 74 p.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1976, Mt. Baker eruptions: Geology, v.3, p. 679-682.


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Cosmogenic Dating


Easterbrook, D.J., 2003, Determinaton of 36Cl production rates from the well-dated deglaciation surfaces of Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands, Washington Quaternary Research, v. 59, p.132-134

Paleomagnetism of Quaternary Deposits


Easterbrook, D. J., Naeser, N. A., and Roland, J., and Carson, R. J., 1988, Application of paleomagnetism, fission-track dating, and tephra chronology to Lower Pleistocene sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: in Dating Quaternary Sediments, Geological Society of America Special Paper 227, p 139-165 .


Easterbrook, D. J., 1988, Paleomagnetism of Quaternary sediments: in Dating Quaternary Sediments, Geological Society of America Special Paper 227, 111-122.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1988, Editor, Dating Quaternary Sediments: Geological Society of America Special Paper 227, 165 p.


Easterbrook, D. J., and Boellstorff, J., 1984, Paleomagnetism and chronology of early Pleistocene tills in the central U.S.: in Correlation of Quaternary Chronologies: Geobooks, Norwich, United Kingdom, p. 73-90.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1978, Paleomagnetism of glacial till: Symposium on genesis of glacial deposits, International Quaternary Assoc., Zurich, Switzerland.


Easterbrook, D. J., and Othberg, K., 1976, Paleomagnetism of Pleistocene sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Quaternary Glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere, International Correlation Program Rept. 3, p. 189-207.


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Early Pleistocene of North America


Easterbrook, D. J., and Boellstorff, J., 1984, Paleomagnetism and chronology of early Pleistocene tills in the central U.S.: in Correlation of Quaternary Chronologies: Geobooks, Norwich, United Kingdom, p. 73-90.


Easterbrook,·D.·J., 1983 Remanent magnetism in glacial tills and related diamictons: in Symposium volume, Genesis of glacial deposits, Balkema Publ. Co., Rotterdam, Netherlands, p. 303-313.


Isterbruk, D D (Easterbrook, D J.); Bullstorf, D. (Boellstorff, J.), 1982, Paleomagnetizm i khronologiya rannepleystotsenovykh moren Tsentra SShA (Paleomagnetism and chronology of early Pleistocene moraines in the central United States): Issledovaniya chetvertichnogo perioda (izbrannyye doklady XI kongressa INKVA), Studies of the Quaternary period, selected papers from the XI INQUA congress, Editors: Kartashov, I P; Nikiforova, K. V., Mezhdunarodnyy soyuz po izucheniyu chetvertichnogo perioda, XI, Moscow, USSR, Izd. Nauka, Moscow, USSR, p. 122-127.


Easterbrook, D. J., and Boellstorff, J., 1981, Age and correlation of early Pleistocene glaciations based on paleomagnetic and fission track dating in North America: International Geological Correlation Program, Report. no. 6, Prague, Czech., p. 72-82.


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Thermoluminescence Dating


Berger G. W., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1993, Thermoluminescence dating tests for lacustrine, glaciomarine, and floodplain sediments from western Washington and British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, vol. 30, p. p. 1815-1828.


Berger, G. W., Burke, R. M., Carver, G. A., and Easterbrook, D. J., 1991, Test of thermo-luminescence dating with coastal sediments from northern California: Chemical Geology, Isotope Geoscience Section, Elsesvier Science Publishers, v. 87, p. 21-37.


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Tephra and Volcanism


Westgate, J. A., Easterbrook, D. J., Naeser, N. A., and Carson, R. J., 1987, The Lake Tapps tephra: an early Pleistocene stratigraphic marker in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Quaternary Research, vol. 28, p. 340-355.


Kovanen, D. J., Easterbrook, D. J., and Thomas, P.A., 2001, Holocene eruptive history of Mt. Baker, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 38, p. 1355-1366.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1976, Mt. Baker eruptions: Geology, v.3, p. 679-682.

Glaciation of the Columbia Plateau


Easterbrook, D.J., Baker, V.R., and Waitt, R., 1977, Glaciation and catastrophic flooding of the Columbia Plateau, Washington: in Brown, E.H., and Ellis, R.C., eds., Geological Excursions in the Pacific NW, Geological Society of America, p. 390-414.


Easterbrook, D. J., 1979, The last glaciation of northwest Washington: Society of Economic, Petroleum geologists, and Mineralogists Symposium Volume, p. 177-189.

Edited by Fairweather
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I see that you modified your post about my being an idiot for pointing out your deceit but it doesn't change that none of the peer reviewed publications you listed make the claims contained in the citations you pasted on page 1 of this thread. Denialists use this very same tactics routinely, i.e. take comments made to the press by a "skeptical" scientist (or comments published on the web) and try to make people believe these comments were published under peer review.

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It's true; you're all willing dupes.






No tangible, physical evidence exists for a cause–and–effect relationship between changing atmospheric CO2 and global temperature changes over the last 150 years. The fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that CO2 has increased doesn’t prove that CO2 has caused the warming phases observed from 1915 to 1945 and 1977 to 1998. As shown by isotope measurements from ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica and by measurements of atmospheric CO2 during El Nino warming, oceans emit more CO2 into the atmosphere during climatic warming. The ice core records indicate that after the last Ice Age, temperatures rose for about 600–800 years before atmospheric CO2 rose, showing that climatic warming caused CO2 to rise, not vice versa. The present high level of atmospheric CO2 may be the result of human input, but the contribution that it makes to global warming is very small.

Global warming of ~0.4° C occurred from about 1910 to 1940 without any significant increase in atmospheric CO2. Global cooling occurred from the mid 1940s to 1977 despite soaring CO2 in the atmosphere (Fig. 12A,B). Global temperatures and CO2 both increased from 1977 to 1998 but that doesn’t prove that the warming was caused by increased CO2. Although CO2 has risen from 1998 to 2008 no global warming has occurred. In fact, the climate has cooled. Thus, global warming bears almost no correlation with rising atmospheric CO2.



Everyone with a little time can confirm that the part cited at link 2 isn't peer-reviewed, whereas link 1 is a list of Easterbrook's publications that contain none of the affirmations made at link 2.

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Yes, we've been down this path before. But it's your memory that is fading. Feel free to respond like you did the last time: with a hobbyist website or something from HuffingtonPost.


Nope, my memory isn't fading. Last time too you pasted a list of Easterbrook's publications as if they contained the claims he has otherwise made in non-peer reviewed pubs (then you ran away as you are about to do right now). Btw, there is nothing wrong with linking to a news article if it isn't making claims at odds with the science. What is abundantly clear is that you are either trying to be deceitful or you have no clue what you are discussing.

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It's true; you're all willing dupes.






No tangible, physical evidence exists for a cause–and–effect relationship between changing atmospheric CO2 and global temperature changes over the last 150 years. The fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that CO2 has increased doesn’t prove that CO2 has caused the warming phases observed from 1915 to 1945 and 1977 to 1998. As shown by isotope measurements from ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica and by measurements of atmospheric CO2 during El Nino warming, oceans emit more CO2 into the atmosphere during climatic warming. The ice core records indicate that after the last Ice Age, temperatures rose for about 600–800 years before atmospheric CO2 rose, showing that climatic warming caused CO2 to rise, not vice versa. The present high level of atmospheric CO2 may be the result of human input, but the contribution that it makes to global warming is very small.

Global warming of ~0.4° C occurred from about 1910 to 1940 without any significant increase in atmospheric CO2. Global cooling occurred from the mid 1940s to 1977 despite soaring CO2 in the atmosphere (Fig. 12A,B). Global temperatures and CO2 both increased from 1977 to 1998 but that doesn’t prove that the warming was caused by increased CO2. Although CO2 has risen from 1998 to 2008 no global warming has occurred. In fact, the climate has cooled. Thus, global warming bears almost no correlation with rising atmospheric CO2.



Everyone with a little time can confirm that the part cited at link 2 isn't peer-reviewed, whereas link 1 is a list of Easterbrook's publications that contain none of the affirmations made at link 2.


Gotta go with the j_b on this one. Throwing a laundry list of articles that do not appear related to the subject is chaff. Should have stuck to the Science article, which appears to have something to say on the subject of models. But that's how science works. Peer-reviewed tweaking of generally accepted work.

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I feel like I just creaked open the church door during Sunday services and shouted, "Jesus is not divine!" With the notable exceptions of Jim, Jon, and Feck, the responses here have been about the same as one would expect from religious zealots. What's more, one of the church deacons, j_b, even took (and apparently, had) the time to review scripture and formulate a response sure to keep the flock in check. Never mind that past predictions of apocalypse have come and gone--or been semantically "modified." Never mind any of this. The real question is how open the true believers here may be (either now, or at some future date) to data that says their beliefs might be flawed. This input won't come as a news headline, rather, it will come in small bits--like the OSU study. Here, rather than face the wrath of politicians and non-credentialed dogmatists like j_b, they will do exactly what the OSU folks have done. They'll hedge.


Anyway, most of you can fuck off. You're a bunch of hysterical tools with too much time on your hands.





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sounds like you started a constructive conversation that you guided in healthy exchange of ideas and fun. you're neat!


or maybe its just that you trolled and got your expected result, and now you're telling people to fuck off. who has too much time on their hands?


i really expected something better from you. way to represent your ideas.

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i'm sorry...its just that for someone who is apparently smarter than the room, you just sometimes don't seem to act like it. that is, unless you are actively seeking an exchange of insults. much like some of the liberal minded trolls here. but then i would question the intelligence of someone actively seeking out an exchange of insults.



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Spare me the paternal BS. You're right when you say I got the responses I expected. This was, after all, my intent. Accusations of repressed homosexuality, "pig fucker," etc., etc.--all what I expected. What did surprise me was the way that you tried to step in when I called Prole a "tool"--as if far worse isn't exchanged here on a daily basis between TTK, j_b, GGK, Choada, and others. I'd say that, overall, my return to Spray has been about as well received as JayB's civil and ongoing posts. In other words, why bother being civil at all?

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I'd say that, overall, my return to Spray has been about as well received as JayB's civil and ongoing posts. In other words, why bother being civil at all?

'cuz, in the end, it makes jayb a better person than you? :crazy:


it's hard to seperate the anti-evolution crazies from the anti-warming crazies, b/c i suppose they're usually the same general brand of crazy. which are you again?


accuse who you like of being zealots, i'm pretty sure i asked a # of reasonable, open-to-debate questions up there that you ignored?

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Spare me the paternal BS. You're right when you say I got the responses I expected. This was, after all, my intent. Accusations of repressed homosexuality, "pig fucker," etc., etc.--all what I expected. What did surprise me was the way that you tried to step in when I called Prole a "tool"--as if far worse isn't exchanged here on a daily basis between TTK, j_b, GGK, Choada, and others. I'd say that, overall, my return to Spray has been about as well received as JayB's civil and ongoing posts. In other words, why bother being civil at all?


hey you are an active participant in the trading of insults. just admit it, you trolled for them, you got them, you like it. you like being insulted. that's what you came to spray for. as did your libtard brethren. there's nothing WRONG with that!





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Spare me the paternal BS. You're right when you say I got the responses I expected. This was, after all, my intent. Accusations of repressed homosexuality, "pig fucker," etc., etc.--all what I expected. What did surprise me was the way that you tried to step in when I called Prole a "tool"--as if far worse isn't exchanged here on a daily basis between TTK, j_b, GGK, Choada, and others. I'd say that, overall, my return to Spray has been about as well received as JayB's civil and ongoing posts. In other words, why bother being civil at all?


but honestly, i don't even read Prole's posts. He is a libtard bore! so your statement to me is laughable.


Anyway, its been fun, and thanks for your contribution.





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"Accusation" of homosexuality? Telling. I only speculated that you seem to some well known traits of a closeted, and therefore repressed, homosexual. Remaining closeted is no doubt unhealthy for your relationships, witness your progress here after so many years - little in the way of personal connection, more a fetish for public self flagellation than anything approaching a worthwhile engagement for the very few who might consider it. Dicks are dicks for a reason, usually, and you're not substantially unusual in that department.

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I feel like I just creaked open the church door during Sunday services and shouted, "Jesus is not divine!" With the notable exceptions of Jim, Jon, and Feck, the responses here have been about the same as one would expect from religious zealots. What's more, one of the church deacons, j_b, even took (and apparently, had) the time to review scripture and formulate a response sure to keep the flock in check. Never mind that past predictions of apocalypse have come and gone--or been semantically "modified." Never mind any of this. The real question is how open the true believers here may be (either now, or at some future date) to data that says their beliefs might be flawed. This input won't come as a news headline, rather, it will come in small bits--like the OSU study. Here, rather than face the wrath of politicians and non-credentialed dogmatists like j_b, they will do exactly what the OSU folks have done. They'll hedge.


Anyway, most of you can fuck off. You're a bunch of hysterical tools with too much time on your hands.





So, now you're willing to admit that the climate is warming? And now you just want to dicker around about how much? I'd say its your denialism that's unraveling...

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