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oh nooooooo.....j_b made committed the most heinous of cc.com sins! he misspelled! he's going to have to do 10 hail marys, 10 "____ is aid" 10 pagetops and make at least 45 neutrino references and wrestle with TTK and Fairweather in jello until one of them agrees to have a beer with kevbone

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.....you also believe GWB's defeat of your buddy was a "stolen" election, so you're as much as a kook as Paul (chemtrails!).

The evidence seems to indicate that the voting machines in Ohio were rigged by the Bush people. Not saying Bush even knew of it, the man in charge of the rigging died under mysterious circumstances real real soon after he chose to go public with it. "Dead men tell no tales" LOL. True that. A quick google on that story, maybe not even the best links but these can get you started if you are interested.




Got to love computers and computerized voting machines eh?



I think we will see increased news stories and "leaked" disinformation about Paul increase as time goes on. If you can get independents like Rob and jb arguing your case you've got it made. You have to be a big money elite (like Obama) or they'll cut you down. Paul appears to not be supportive of the big money elite. Ergo....whack! He'll be presented as a grandma raping racist baby killer soon. "Do you still beat your wife?" kind of thing. "Prove it, ya liar". Get him on the defensive and then he'll bow out. It's politics baby, that's the way it rolls. You will get a big money elite for President. It just amazes me that some of you argue that republicans and dickheads or dems are asswipes, when they are in reality: identical ...with a few minor tweeks here or there.

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It just amazes me that some of you argue that republicans and dickheads or dems are asswipes, when they are in reality: identical ...with a few minor tweeks here or there.


I have been saying this for some time now. At the end of the day, they both have the same agenda. One world government and total control.

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If you don't like Bill's candidate, you must just be spreading disinformation. Ron Paul is pure and wholesome, only, and any other opinion is just elite propaganda. If you hear anything bad about Paul, just put your fingers in your ears and do this: "lalalalalalalala!"


Ron Paul is our savior! Don't listen to the agents of evil spreading false stories about him, for he is as clean and pure as the driven snow. He has been sent to save us from Sauron!!!

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Obama is pure and wholesome, only, and any other opinion is just elite propaganda. If you hear anything bad about Obama, just put your fingers in your ears and do this: "lalalalalalalala!"


Obama is our savior! Don't listen to the agents of evil spreading false stories about him, for he is as clean and pure as the driven snow. He has been sent to save us from Sauron!!!


Right back at ya!

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Ron Paul doesn't know the content of his newsletter after he defended it in an interview in 1996:


In 1996, Paul told TheDallas Morning News that his comment about black men in Washington came while writing about a 1992 study by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank in Virginia.


Paul cited the study and wrote: "Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."


"These aren't my figures," Paul told the Morning News. "That is the assumption you can gather from the report."



Anybody wants to bet he'll once again claim he was misquoted as he does routinely to avoid owning up to his record?

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oh nooooooo.....j_b made committed the most heinous of cc.com sins! he misspelled! he's going to have to do 10 hail marys, 10 "____ is aid" 10 pagetops and make at least 45 neutrino references and wrestle with TTK and Fairweather in jello until one of them agrees to have a beer with kevbone


Had a beer with Kevbone last Thur nite. He had a beer, anyway. Come to think of it, we were never formally introduced. Too bad...he has so much to share.

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In addition to the objectionable content of the newsletters, his odd explanation contrasts heavily with his hard-earned brand as an unconventional anti-politician who always tells the truth as he sees it and never waters down his views to pander to voters. It's hard to square this with a candidate who claims that he somehow never bothered to read a newsletter published under his own name that generated as much as $1 million in revenues in just one single year. Even accepting that premise, how many politicians looking to start a publication would just happen to pick a half-dozen writers with blatant white supremacist and milita leanings to run the effort?



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Had a beer with Kevbone last Thur nite. He had a beer, anyway. Come to think of it, we were never formally introduced. Too bad...he has so much to share.


I had not idea you were at the slide show. BTW....I did not drink at the show. Just enjoyed the slides and Ivan's drunken remarks :/

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Ron Paul, the scam artist (you too could get his financial newsletter for $99/yr):


A direct-mail solicitation for Ron Paul's political and investment newsletters two decades ago warned of a "coming race war in our big cities" and of a "federal-homosexual cover-up" to play down the impact of AIDS.


The eight-page letter, which appears to carry Paul's signature at the end, also warns that the U.S. government's redesign of currency to include different colors - a move aimed at thwarting counterfeiters - actually was part of a plot to allow the government to track Americans using the "new money."



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Had a beer with Kevbone last Thur nite. He had a beer, anyway. Come to think of it, we were never formally introduced. Too bad...he has so much to share.


I had not idea you were at the slide show. BTW....I did not drink at the show. Just enjoyed the slides and Ivan's drunken remarks :/

sheeeeeite, i hadn't yet begun to :brew: - and goddamn, the lords of spray were there in full force that night! between you, me, pat n' bill there must have been at least 100,000 posts in that one small room :)

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