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I was stunned to see that yesterday's column, Georgie Ann Geyer, whos usually a gung-ho right wing type, has joined the "what's the big hurry?" camp. Frankly, I think McDermott's comments are pretty responsible, and he's not saying that Saddam is a good guy. He's just advocating for inspections. The Bush administration is in too damn much of a rush to radically change American foreign policy with no debate or discussion about it. I haven't heard anyone in the government, and very few in the mainstream media, discussing the question of whether its really a good idea to try establishing an international precedent that premptive war on perceived threats is acceptable. Whos next? India should lob a few nukes at Pakistan? China should go ahead an invade Taiwan? I think regardless of your position on the question, the vigorous in-depth discussion has to happen if you want to instigate a change of this magnitude. And I don't mean discussion by us folk twittering away online, I want Congress to debate it with lots of coverage, not just line up in some ill-considered cockamamie "support the president" bullshit.

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Off - Spray is a topic area devoted to thread drift -- as it would be "thread drift" for our fearless leaders to want to discuss a change in foreign policy when the basic premise here seems to be that we are the sole superpower so we may as well do whatever we want -- the rest of the world be damned.

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Originally posted by mattp:

we may as well do whatever we want -- the rest of the world be damned.

Nobody seems to mind that we saved the Jews from all but extinction at the hands of your favorite democratic leader Adolf and his buddy Heinrich. Should we have let "the rest of the world be damned" then? Should we let a KNOWN SUPPORTER OF TERRORISTS continue to develop weapons of mass destruction? Should we be appeasers and preach "peace in our time"? Even Chamberlain saw that he was wrong in the end. [hell no]


I swore to myself that I wouldn't get back into this topic, but really, how long to you continue to trust someone after they repeated lie to you?


Greg W

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Is the best solution to let rogue governments produce all the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons they can.


Then we could just wait around for an aircraft full of one of these weapons to hit another skyscraper [Roll Eyes] Now that would be good policy.


Back to climbing.

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Greg -

Right on -- it may be a bore to rehash the same old topics but I find it more entertaining than some of what goes on around here. So thanks for taking the bait. You are right: we "saved" the world not once, but twice in the 20th century. And then we "beat" the Soviets. I'm not arguing that we should be isolationist, but my concern here is that we will not be top of the heap forever, and while we may think we don't need the assistance of our allies right now, there may come a time in the future when we regret not having acted with a little more tact. You may disagree, but I don't see Saddam posing such an immediate threat that we should go it alone. Nor do I see our we-don't-have-to-care-what-the-rest-of-the-world-thinks attitude in so many other areas as being to our long term benefit. And Daisy-I don't think anybody, the most rabid peacenicks included, advocates letting rogue nations produce nuclear weapons. But in many areas of foreign relations these days, WE are the rogue nation. When our economic and military power wanes in comparison to other nations, we'll be the ones grovelling.

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"Is the best solution to let rogue governments produce all the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons they can.


Then we could just wait around for an aircraft full of one of these weapons to hit another skyscraper Now that would be good policy."




[ 10-01-2002, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Ah, but perhaps the best solution to the problem lies in some sort of diplomacy rather than dropping bombs and annihilating innocent civilians, which is pretty much a certainty given Saddam's habit of placing his military installations near civilians?

Haven't you figured out that diplomacy doesn't work with this guy? How do you practice diplomacy with a pathological liar? Okay, I'm not in a position to certify Saddam as pathological. However, he has proven that we cannot take him at his word; diplomacy relies on a certain amount of trust that both parties will honor what is agreed to. Do we let him continue to stonewall us while he moves his weapons factories? How long do we wait when experts say that he is between 4-12 months from a workable bomb?

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Originally posted by E-rock:

"Is the best solution to let rogue governments produce all the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons they can.


Then we could just wait around for an aircraft full of one of these weapons to hit another skyscraper Now that would be good policy."



Realist. Get your head out of your ass, E-rock.

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