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i dropped one so big once that I had to chop it in half with the toilet scrubber before it would flush. It kind of looked like Palin's face.

Sounds like someone just missed early retirement via the ebay wealth jackpot of the century. You should have been smelling money on that one!

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let's drop the big one. Show people we mean business

I dropped the big one this am. I meant business as it broke the waterline and needed 2 flushes to clear. Didn't do a damn thing for Asscrackistan.


That's not a very PC thing to call Afghanistan when we have quite a bit of responsibility for the mess there today. You must think it is funny/clever since you have already used it in the past. I personally don't think it's funny or clever.

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let's drop the big one. Show people we mean business

I dropped the big one this am. I meant business as it broke the waterline and needed 2 flushes to clear. Didn't do a damn thing for Asscrackistan.


That's not a very PC thing to call Afghanistan when we have quite a bit of responsibility for the mess there today. You must think it is funny/clever since you have already used it in the past. I personally don't think it's funny or clever.


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All I can say is read these two books. First read a conservative book called "Charlie Wilson's War", much better than the movie by the way. This will give you the right wing "Hitlerian" view of some Afghan history, and how the US botched it up in the end.


Then read, "Where Men Win Glory", by non other than Joseph Stalin....cough cough...I mean Jon Krakuaer, for an assessment on today's Afghan situation, and how the U.S. will inevitibly, botch it up in the end.


Here is a link for y'all. Why again did Obama really fire General Stanley McChrystal??? Oh...that's right, for no real apparent legitimate reason at all. Read the link.




Just trying to get y'all to think a little on this one. Because I obviously didn't do to much thinking of my own on this post. But what's a guy with a 2nd grade education to do, other than copy, paste, copy, paste???

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let's drop the big one. Show people we mean business

I dropped the big one this am. I meant business as it broke the waterline and needed 2 flushes to clear. Didn't do a damn thing for Asscrackistan.


That's not a very PC thing to call Afghanistan when we have quite a bit of responsibility for the mess there today. You must think it is funny/clever since you have already used it in the past. I personally don't think it's funny or clever.


DAMN, bill....you got CALLED OUT! PC Police!!!


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how the US botched it up in the end.


In the end? The decision to arm and finance Islamic extremists and warlords was done 6 mos before the soviet intervention.




Just trying to get y'all to think a little on this one. Because I obviously didn't do to much thinking of my own on this post. But what's a guy with a 2nd grade education to do, other than copy, paste, copy, paste???


Letting go of that cowboy and his handpicked cowboy staff was clearly the right move, although it shouldn't hide the fact that Obama expanding Bush's "war on terror" is terrible policy that will create blowback for generations to come. btw, the Telegraph is also known as the Torygraph for its constant mouthing of conservative policies.

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