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Fucking brilliant- Supreme Court has to rule on constitutionality of the amendment to the constitution...


I have no dog in this fight but thought the quote amusing if it weren't so sadly ignorant. No historian here let alone a constitutional scholar.

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Fucking brilliant- Supreme Court has to rule on constitutionality of the amendment to the constitution...


I have no dog in this fight but thought the quote amusing if it weren't so sadly ignorant. No historians here let alone a constitutional scholar.

I'm definitely out of my league here but isn't it congress who proposes the amendment then the legislature who ratifies it? The courts then interpret the law.

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"Poland is a country, not a race or ethnicity."

ahhmm... I'm with Dane. Definitely don't have a dog in this fight. Just thought you'd like to know the definition.

eth·nic (thnk)



a. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.

Edited by summitchaserCJB
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The nuts and bolts:


"the 14th Amendment was meant to clarify the status of freed men"




"and does not apply to foreigners."


That is certainly one opinion, but not the current opinion of the Federal courts which is ALMOST the only one that counts.


"the federal courts have never specifically addressed the question of whether children born to those in the country illegally should be entitled to citizenship"


While it has been an accepted policy of the US government in the past it certainly has not been ruled on by the Supreme Court. Whether it should be or left status quo is up to the Supreme Court as they decide on the cases they want to hear based from cases decided in the Federal courts and then appealed.


But the question has been addressed in lower courts several times recently as have many issues of the 14th Admendment: In some cases, the Court has implicitly assumed, or suggested in dicta, that such children are entitled to birthright citizenship: these include Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), and INS v. Rios-Pineda, 471 U.S. 444 (1985).[14][15][16].


Good read here:



Reading it might up the level of intelligent conversation on CC.com :)


This should be interesting reading for our happy and most recent immigrant.


"For much of the country's history, voluntary acquisition or exercise of a foreign citizenship was considered sufficient cause for revocation of U.S. citizenship.[18] This concept was enshrined in a series of treaties between the United States and other countries (the Bancroft Treaties). However, the Supreme Court repudiated this concept in Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967), as well as Vance v. Terrazas, 444 U.S. 252 (1980), holding that the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment barred the Congress from revoking citizenship."


If it wasn't for our Supreme Court you'd hold just one passport and I'd venture not an US Passport at that. Welcome to Amerika, I know we didn't ask you to come, but try to make the most of it while you are here.


You can relax this "new" idea of citizenship isn't going anywhere so we won't be kicking you or your family out.


I just have to wonder why anyone comes here in the first place and if it is so bad in the USA why not move to another country? Easy to do with dual citizenship and Poland now being a part of the EU.

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If it wasn't for our Supreme Court you'd hold just one passport and I'd venture not an US Passport at that. Welcome to Amerika, I know we didn't ask you to come, but try to make the most of it while you are here. . . .




I just have to wonder why anyone comes here in the first place and if it is so bad in the USA why not move to another country? Easy to do with dual citizenship and Poland now being a part of the EU.


Slam Dunk. :tup:

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If it wasn't for our Supreme Court you'd hold just one passport and I'd venture not an US Passport at that. Welcome to Amerika, I know we didn't ask you to come, but try to make the most of it while you are here.


You can relax this "new" idea of citizenship isn't going anywhere so we won't be kicking you or your family out.


I just have to wonder why anyone comes here in the first place and if it is so bad in the USA why not move to another country? Easy to do with dual citizenship and Poland now being a part of the EU.

Welcome to America- yes we sold your country to Soviet Union - your historical ignorance is astonishing. I did not choose to be born in Soviet occupied country. FYI I left Poland way before EU existed.

It's funny how much people pretend to know about immigration and laws governing it, yet they never had to deal with CIS.

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If it wasn't for our Supreme Court you'd hold just one passport and I'd venture not an US Passport at that. Welcome to Amerika, I know we didn't ask you to come, but try to make the most of it while you are here. . . .




I just have to wonder why anyone comes here in the first place and if it is so bad in the USA why not move to another country? Easy to do with dual citizenship and Poland now being a part of the EU.


Slam Dunk. :tup:


Almost as obvious as reading the article in the OP.




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My first experience with that whole thing was getting my ass hauled down to the courthouse to see the swearing in of our Hungarian Jewish friends to be citizens. Like going to church, we were forced into it, but it was much more interesting. My mom saw them all working on getting their citizenship in advance and asked if she could get her kids in there to see how the process worked. They were tickled about it as well. I already had Pakistani and Argentinian buddies, but getting hauled down to the courthouse for the swearing in ceremony was as interesting as the bar scene in Star Wars to a 2nd grader.


Perhaps if more of us saw that whole process, and how grateful, smart and engaged as citizens the new folks were: we'd be more upset at all the folks just thumbing their noses at the process, jumping the fence and walking over the backs of the people trying to be legal and doing it the right way.

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Where are you from again?






Uh-huh. You were fishing for something else, libtard. :wave:


Well, you can hardly blame me given the amount of ethnic chauvinism you've shown on this site. At any rate, it's hard to imagine a population that's created more destruction in the inter-mountain West than Californian immigrants.

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I did not choose to be born in Soviet occupied country. FYI I left Poland way before EU existed.


And now that Poland is no longer a part of the CCCP, and Poland is a part of the EU, you can go back. :wave:

By this logic we should be sending your parents back to Ukraine, subsequently you following them as well.

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