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He isn't failing because he has tried to please everyone. He has failed because he broke promises (eg being bipartisan)


So, what you really mean is that hehas failed with conservatives for lack of bipartisanship. Never mind that he never had an iota of tentative support from conservatives in the first place, given that they voted against him on the premise that he might be a Muslim terrorist communist America hater...and that was during the honeymoon period!


And if he's not being bipartisan, e.g. he's pressing ahead with a "left wingnut" agenda, why are liberals and moderates so pissed off? Is it because he's not openly talking about opening the communist labor camps he promised his contributors? I heard a talk radio guy today declare that "inside every progressive is the next Pol Pot in waiting".


When are conservatives going to quit the charade that they ever had any intention of working with this administration toward common goals? The current and only strategy is to obstruct and sow discontent with the hope that people will vote for "real change" in 2010 and 2012- which, like this administration, will be no change at all but a transfer of power and a continuation of corporate governance and robbery.


is a left wingnut and hasn't exhibited the skills needed for being a successful President.


and what would those skills be? There's still three years left in his term, moreover, after 11 months in office only a fool would have expected all our problems to be solved by now.

I didn't hear UW fans calling for Sark to be fired for not taking an 0-12 team to the National title. The fact is he's the prez for three more years. I'm not real impressed so far but I think declaring failure this early in the game could be premature. Conservatives meanwhile could be using this time as an opportunity to help lead and present new ideas; instead they've decided to sit on the sidelines and throw tomatoes and incite populist anger lead by their only reliable "base": the uneducated and the brainwashed fox news idiocracies.



By the way I was voted down the other day trying to watch your show. Grrr.


bummer! I'm having a lot of fun with the show. Who knew I was such a cool cop?


But as to your predicament...hey, that's democracy!

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it's also odd to accuse the man of failing at bi-partisanship when he kept his opponent's secretary of defense and appointed another republican (ray lahood)to the cabinet, plus a number of other secretaries who were deeply disliked by his liberal base (well, the one's who were paying attention that is) for their opinion's on key libtard values like protecting the environment :)


what is anyone worried about anyhow - haven't we been alive and aware long enough to see how the game's played? the libtards get the ball for about 8 years while the republicunts scream bloody murder about the baby jeebus, then we all switch sides and scratch our asses and get fatter and dumber and wonder why nothing seems to ever change?

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and what would those skills be? There's still three years left in his term, moreover, after 11 months in office only a fool would have expected all our problems to be solved by now.



I wasn't saying all of our problems should be solved. In 11 months he has reached the same level of srongly disapprove that Bush had when he left office. His Pres Index has reached new lows. (linky) He will soon have very little power to get things done - well he might be a large factor in the Dems losing power. I guess that is bipartisanship of sorts.

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Obama being more "bipartisan" and moving further to the Right:


Being a bigger climate change denier.

Being an even bigger warmonger.

Being an even bigger simp for Wall Street.

Being a better pimp for the insurance and drug companies.

Being a stronger denier of women's right to decide whether they want to bear children.

Being a stronger proponent of tax cuts for the rich.

Being a bigger cutter of federally supported social services.

Being a faster gutter of the middle class.


What else have I missed from the Republican's 30 Years of Greatest Hits Album?

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The herd runs one way, the herd runs the other, and every once in a while, the herd runs off a cliff. Inevitably, those left twitching on the top of the pile blame the one at the very bottom, but the reality is, that's just what herds do.


Jesus Christ, cross and all, would probably win even lower approval ratings (long haired, turn-the-other-cheek bullshit et al), given the economic collapse.


Add to that Obama's lack of historical boldness, despite his desire to become president to help resolve a historical crisis. The country badly needs to move towards more collective security/socialism to amortize the pain of massive resource depletion and an economic system that no longer fits the times, but that's clearly not going to happen with Obama and his team. This administration is simply not philosophically or politically equipped to address health care, sustainability, and energy independence, the major issues of our time (note that overblown national security front for corporate welfare didn't make the list; from a relative threat standpoint. More smoke up your ass, sir?).


It's a small consolation, but the Rfucks have so little talent in their blown out line up at this point that it would be a stretch for them to beat Obama in 2012, although the corporate dick-in-mouth Dems may well take a much deserved drubbing in the midterms. Should Obama stay in office, we can all celebrate the tiny consolation that, at least, there won't be an out and out psychopath in office, which is all the Rfucks seem to offer the public these days.


Obama should play Mafia Wars with the Rfucks while he still has somewhat of an upper hand, at least on paper. America respects that kind of hardball regarding that very real threat to this well being of this country. But that's not his style, nor will it probably ever be. Instead, we have a country run by an HR department. It's all really so very 80s.


Except that its not the 80s. It's the 21st century, the shit is definitely going down, and we don't have the goods to stop the hemorrhaging.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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DC officer off streets over gun at snowball fight


WASHINGTON (AP) — Washington, D.C., police are investigating after Internet videos showed a detective waving his gun during a mass snowball fight on a city street.


Police said Monday they were looking into reports that the plainclothes officer pulled a gun after he and his personal car were hit by snowballs. Police say witness accounts and videos from the scene appeared to support the claims.


Hundreds of people were gathered for the snowball fight during Saturday's record snowstorm.


A video posted on YouTube showed the officer waving and pointing a gun as he walks toward the snowballers. Another video shows what appears to be the same man telling people he is a detective and that he pulled his gun because he was hit by snowballs.

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When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight


Trends forecaster Gerald Celente suggests 2010 might be the year of an event greater than or equivalent to 2001. Dirty bomb in a major city. Mass exodus. Impetus for massive potential bank closures (bank holidays) as financial crisis is revealed to have only been papered over rather than dealt with structurally. More doom and gloom, etc. Stock market to correct. Gold prices soaring. Suggests that government's overreaching is not the solution, to look to local communities to solve problems, self-sufficiency. Riots.




Another prophet of a different sort:

C.G. Jung

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I heard a talk radio guy today declare that "inside every progressive is the next Pol Pot in waiting".


Fear-mongering about change is strategic to right-wing politics. This is what PP has been saying about me for years, in the meantime he merely supported numerous wars of aggression that probably killed millions.

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It's not whether something specific comes to pass but whether you might be prepared to deal with its contingencies. Something similar to deciding what to carry on an alpine route given what you know and then adapting as the conditions change.


It's another thing altogether psychologically speaking. Jung spoke of the human need for order, something like an organizing function, that in times of disorder one would seek to establish at least a semblance of order if not in fact. He believed in the collective unconscious where forms arise and spoke of mandala figures appearing from the subconscious or unconscious.


You strict rationalists know all this Jungian stuff is pseudoscience, right?

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I heard a talk radio guy today declare that "inside every progressive is the next Pol Pot in waiting".


Fear-mongering about change is strategic to right-wing politics. This is what PP has been saying about me for years, in the meantime he merely supported numerous wars of aggression that probably killed millions.


Another personal attack by the always sweet and charming J_B.....but the train keeps on rolling......

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Peter, I think you're just a whining defeatist. real capitalists view this time as a great opportunity. like this guy!




The husky, bespectacled trader laughs easily, but employees say he can quickly turn on them when he's angry. Mr. Tepper keeps a brass replica of a pair of testicles in a prominent spot on his desk, a present from former employees. He rubs the gift for luck during the trading day to get a laugh out of colleagues.
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I heard a talk radio guy today declare that "inside every progressive is the next Pol Pot in waiting".


Fear-mongering about change is strategic to right-wing politics. This is what PP has been saying about me for years, in the meantime he merely supported numerous wars of aggression that probably killed millions.


Another personal attack by the always sweet and charming J_B.....but


Right, let's not tell the truth just to be sweet and charming until next time PP decides to red-bait a progressive to cover up his support for warmongering and corporatocracy.



the train keeps on rolling......[/url]


"pretty please, let it be a low turnout so that our 25% dead-enders can win"

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SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.


SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.


SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!


And how are we going to achieve these noble goals?




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