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Where's The Data?


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evolution is bullshit too b/c of those dumbass piltdown folks, right? :)


ya never answered the question in the other thread on this chestnut, fw - which is it?

a) the earth is not getting warmer

b) the earth is getting warmer, it just isn't the fault of man


you obviously don't go w/ c) the earth is warmer, and mankind has been a significant agent in that process


your answer is a pretty essential starting point for the conversation, no?


Actually, I did. You quit after that.

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evolution is bullshit too b/c of those dumbass piltdown folks, right? :)


ya never answered the question in the other thread on this chestnut, fw - which is it?

a) the earth is not getting warmer

b) the earth is getting warmer, it just isn't the fault of man


you obviously don't go w/ c) the earth is warmer, and mankind has been a significant agent in that process


your answer is a pretty essential starting point for the conversation, no?


Actually, I did. You quit after that.

i'm a poor sprayer then :( or maybe it was just drowned in an ocean of bullshit?


so what was it?

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CO2 may, in fact, be the cause--but to claim the science is settled to the same degree as, say, evolution or plate tectonics is ridiculous. Easterbrook thinks that solar output and natural decadal oscillations are largely to blame. I wouldn't be surprised if diminished albedo due to (anthropogenic)soot is a factor in glacial recession as well. There is a NASA study underway right now investigating this--which, of course, begs the question: Is this really settled?

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Yes, it's settled. Everything you mentioned is a secondary or tertiary factor, orders of magnitude less important than man made CO2...which, BTW, has a distinct isotopic signature as compared to volcanism and other natural sources (duh).


Your albedo argument is a joke, right?


In addition, solar output, while VERY SLOWLY increasing, doesn't (and hasn't) changed fast enough to play a significant role.


Yours is a dilletante's argument...wafer thin knowledge of the processes, cherry picked out of context, without regard to relative magnitude, to fit what you want to be true.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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CO2 may, in fact, be the cause--but to claim the science is settled to the same degree as, say, evolution or plate tectonics is ridiculous. Easterbrook thinks that solar output and natural decadal oscillations are largely to blame. I wouldn't be surprised if diminished albedo due to (anthropogenic)soot is a factor in glacial recession as well. There is a NASA study underway right now investigating this--which, of course, begs the question: Is this really settled?


Ivan. You gonna ask me this again in a couple months? Where's the quid pro quo from cc.com's only libnontard? :wazup:

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Fairweather, who is a really upstanding person, is nonetheless demonstrably ill-equipped to evaluate current events. He's easily duped and therefore engenders an odd ombination of pity and hostility. Perhaps this is actually what he seeks. But who knows?


Utterly unrelated to no-nothing views like those of Fairweather, is Freeman Dyson, who is regarded as mostly a genius with decades of amazing credentials in science, and also, slightly, a crank in his extreme old age:


"In the history of science it has often happened that the majority was wrong and refused to listen to a minority that later turned out to be right. It may—or may not—be that the present is such a time."


The essay by Dyson, despite its skepticism of conventional wisdom, actually answers Fairweather's question about data.


By definition, however, know-nothings like Fairweather are utterly impervious to knowledge and information.


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More awesomeness from the Guardian: :sick:


Your friends


This Copenhagen treaty is a very bad deal & I'm glad our government has good sense in this regard.


He mentions Kyoto & how Canada exceeded it's targets..uhh...so did every freaking country who signed on. But when you call bullshit on it and say it's not worth the tons of paper it's printed on people call you a climate destroyer...it's called realistic.


I would be very wary of anything the Europeans are pushing in this regard. They're the last people I would trust as doing this for the good of mankind.

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The US government will fight doing anything to curtail global warming as long as it's got a corporate cock both up its ass and in its mouth, which will probably be for the foreseeable future.


Unfortunately, at this point, it's going to take massive government intervention to stave off disaster.


So, expect disaster. The shit will go down, regardless of our shitty little squabbles.

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All I know is that Greenland and Antarctica are black with soot. The glaciers look like an Xray of Ivan's lungs. Check out the satellite photos: their libidos are through the roof. That may or may not also resemble Ivan, I wouldn't know, so STFU about it.


Stop barbequing, people. Or barbequing people, for that matter.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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